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Did I just get a "knock and talk" ?

Did I just get a "knock and talk" ?

Glad ur being safe lazyman however I wouldn't imagine you making a bad decision with regards to safety. I have been reading your guys threads for a while now and i appreciate the insight that you give us here at icmag. Sounds fishy with the 911 call. I have heard of many situations with a 911 call followed by a raid later. You made the right decision now let's get that updated rec and atleast be below your limit. Getting rid of the gun is smart. I would be careful with the dogs because u never know when Leo will shoot them. Money, move out of the location. Cameras, memory cards, spare cells, receipts, excessive nutrient bottles (size wise), and extra curing jars/containers. Now supercharge that grow to a new locale asap.
Edit: not trying to be rude, you know the game but still remain vigilant.


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks for the continued discussion guys, once a few weeks have passed (uneventfully) I will start to feel more comfortable again.

So the cop discussion (this is secondhand, I wasn't there)

Cop knocks on door, alone
Gal opens door and says "um hi what are you doing here?"
He says "We got a call that (unpronounceable Hispanic name), an ex-con, is here beating the heck out of his girlfriend."
Gal: Uh no, nobody by that name here, no mexicans live on the property, and nobody called the police here."
Cop: What about that house? (Nodding at the second building)
Gal "No that's my folks house."
Cop: "ok hang on, let me double check with dispatch." Radioes in, they repeat the mans name and call type but gives no address.
Cop "Oh ok, what about the dogs? You have signs saying there are pitbulls? Are they locked up?"
Gal "No, the dogs must not have heard you because they would be here if they had."
Cop (looking worried) "OH, ok, I guess I should go then."
Gal "Yeah that would probably be best, they aren't very friendly."
Cop (worried looking): "Ok thanks, have a nice day." and leaves down the driveway, slips through the gate and gets back into his cruiser and leaves.

That's it, whole thing sounds like it lasted about 2 minutes. He didn't come inside, or ask to come inside.

If 3-4 weeks pass without incident I will be pretty confident in saying this was a false alarm. If not, I'm prepared, meeting with the attorney is next week and I'm retaining him on the spot.

Laughing Jim

Active member
Knock and talks

Knock and talks

If you get a REAL knock and talk (I have and a friend has) it means they do not have enough evidence to obtain a search warrant and they will say something like "We understand you're growing marijuana". They will try to get you to let them inside for a look-see.

A real knock and talk will be an VERY intimidating experience and SEVERAL LEO (usually plain-clothes narcs) will show up at your door.

Sounds to me like a case of mistaken identity.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Ive seen knock and talks different ways... how ever what gets me is why they would send one fat cop out to a domestic violence call with a supposed ex con thats beating the shit out of his girlfriend.

That just dont sound right. but ive never seen a knock and talk with one person either but then again i could be wrong. two people asking questions its easier for someone to slip up and say something and get access into the house... kind of trick you in a way to snitch on your self... either way kinda wierd stay safe bro.


New member
So the cop discussion (this is thirdhand, I wasn't there :) ) should have gone like this:

Person knocks on door, alone
Gal talks through door and says "Identify yourself"
Person refuses.
Gal: Since you refuse to identify yourself, you are trespassing and I am going to call the police"
Person(worried looking): "Ok thanks, have a nice day." and leaves down the driveway, slips through the gate and gets back into his cruiser and leaves.

That's it, whole thing sounds like it lasted about 30 seconds. He didn't come inside, or ask to come inside. :)


Person "I am so and so with (LEO or PI)"
Gal: "I don't talk to police. If you have a warrant, break down the door. If not, then please leave or call me on my phone." ("you are trespassing" if a PI, then Gal says she is calling the police).

Person(worried looking): "Ok thanks, have a nice day." and leaves down the driveway, slips through the gate and gets back into his cruiser and leaves.

That's it, whole thing sounds like it lasted about 30 seconds. He didn't come inside, or ask to come inside. :)


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
if a mexican was REALLY beating the crap out of his girlfriend, wouldn't they send two patrolman as someone pointed out? what if the mexican happened to be beating her to the point of death?with weapons? is ONE officer supposed to stop that? Country town or not, it just does not seem right...


New member
If you get a REAL knock and talk (I have and a friend has) it means they do not have enough evidence to obtain a search warrant and they will say something like "We understand you're growing marijuana". They will try to get you to let them inside for a look-see.

They could have a warrant but are trying to keep you from flushing your bud, tidying up, etc. But I would agree, most of the time, they are warrantless and are looking for you to hand them the evidence for a search or for your prosecution.

A real knock and talk will be an VERY intimidating experience and SEVERAL LEO (usually plain-clothes narcs) will show up at your door.

Careful, there are no rules here. :)

Sounds to me like a case of mistaken identity.

Sounds to me like we both are guessing. :tiphat:


in a more urban environment it may be SOP to have two officers respond.

But in a rural area where the next officer is 10-15 minutes away, is the cop just supposed to let the girl get her ass beat?

Remember the officer IS armed with a gun and probably a taser.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah, one of my considerations is the call came in 37 minutes before the officer knocked on the door. That's a long response time in anyone's book. The last call before mine was about 5 hours earlier, and the next call about 2 hours after mine.


Active member
if a mexican was REALLY beating the crap out of his girlfriend, wouldn't they send two patrolman as someone pointed out?

Yeah cause those mexicans sure are fuckin nuts!

Then again...there could of been more cops 'canvasing' the area or this guy could of been the 1st one on the scene...who knows. Still very sketch. Lazy...you might want to give it a full month...at least.


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
37 minute response on an ex con DV call? And the interest in your dogs? You just got a knock and talk. I'm sorry man.


I would already be in rio.. see ya bye,, why you still worying just cut and run,, dont get crunch'd listen to greeninthethumb.


IMO now,,false alarm. No interest in coming in to check things out...Or just a shitty cop..they tend to poke around.
Do you got those intimidating beware of dog signs with the rabid dog barking on it?
Could be his interest.
Its good your keepin it safe, but I got a feeling youll be cool.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah there are a few "scary dog" signs at the gate so that could explain it.

It looks like the following morning there was a call for a welfare check on the same street, said gone on arrival and no cop came by that time. Might not be related, might be they got the address right finally and then still missed the guy. Whatcha think?


sorry to hear this mate. i hate being para about being raided. if i where you . i'd take cuts of everything, move them to another location. and cut everyting down. close up shop for 4-6 weeks and wait it out. i had to do the same thing when a ex-friend got busted. nothing came of it, but at least i could sleep at night. better to be safe than in the nick mate.


Active member
Yeah there are a few "scary dog" signs at the gate so that could explain it.

It looks like the following morning there was a call for a welfare check on the same street, said gone on arrival and no cop came by that time. Might not be related, might be they got the address right finally and then still missed the guy. Whatcha think?

Sounds like a close call. I know I would rest a little better knowing that there was a 'real' call on your street. I would still keep my #s in check for at least a month. if after a month they don't come back...your probably golden. Remember that some raids do come a few weeks after the knock and talk.

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