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Did High Times steer me in the wrong direction?



As a newbie grower i used to read High Times mag faithfully.. But it seems as I become a more seasoned grower, i find that alot of what they rep to be untrue..

One of the first things high times will tell you is to kill your male plants..And to be afraid of pollen. Where you gonna get your next seeeds then? oh buy em from there ads..lol why not teach peeps how to make their your own seed without ruining your whole crop. i used to be soo afraid of a male plant..lol only to keep buying seed.

the second thing i disagree with is curing... i like almost all my herb pretty fresh.. kushes for sure!! tastes the best then imo. every herb is different but i think the general sensus should be smoking it when its still fresh not after 6 months of sitting in a jar imo....

anyone else got alternative thoughs on this aswell?


Hi GreenLion!

Did you perhaps misread what they said? I usually segregate my males from females because you don't want your production crop to get pollinated. Collection of pollen and selective pollination in conjunction with the cloning of female plants/ mother keeping allows one to do anything they need.

As for curing, if that's what you like, then do it that way, but I like mine cured. No right or wrong way, per se, and trade-offs with both methods. Try a shorter cure, heck, that's part of the beauty of growing your own. Once you know how, you can consistently produce your needs exactly how you like it.
I found the same with High Times and unfortunately most of the other MJ Magazines available. Too much advertising, repeat articles that are missing key components and just flat wrong.

I found the magazines available at the hydro stores have been the best and they're not even MJ specific, but have a wealth of GREAT information.

i.e. Urban Gardner is currently one of my favorite magazines to read

el dub

As a rule of thumb, a 75 day cure is usually as good as it gets for me.



Wow, learning to grow from magazines. Must be a steep learning curve.

Now I truly feel old. I learned from my grandfather. Before prohibition we grew 400 acres a year for Eli Lilly on our farm. I was still weeding it out from the cornfields when I grew up.

Your best bet is probably to ask questions here, though as there is plenty of expert help.


Active member
High times is meant for kiddies in school to feel cool, and an interesting toilet read sometimes that's it lol


High Times is garbage.

I can't believe that with sites like ICMAG that anyone even bothers buying or reading that junk.


High Times is a Loser

High Times is a Loser

High Times republishes photos over and over, and it's just a crappy mag.

When they where in Montana covering our medical cannabis situation , they described how fun it was too harass our local wildlife, by chasing antelope in a pickup truck across an open field. Thats not only breaking the law, but just being assholes.

Hightimes has jumped the shark long ago.


I find better information here for me to piece together than HT. As far as a cure goes a short week or two cure will really make a difference but is not necessary imo. Each strain I have grown and cured improves how well it burns and the flavor and smell come out much more. It's all up to you how you smoke your shit though... the 2+ weeks are worth the wait IMO but also opens a window for you to grow mold if you are not mindful. See a thread by Simon think it's called a perfect cure every time.

Tom Hill

Active member
I tend to agree about curing, the majority of product is at its best about 3 weeks post harvest ime. But the key is that every herb is different as you say, as is every user. I believe what we are experiencing is that different terpenoids are oxidizing/dissipating at different rates - ie different terpenes have different levels of persistence. Most of us have experienced the sneezing that some fresh herb brings on, or the headaches, or unpleasantness in general that gives way after some aging. Take Thai or many other SE Asian varieties for example, fresh, many may have quite the citrus like experience. After this yields a bit through aging, other terpenes are no longer masked and take over, revealing a much more complex experience for the end user. So there are certainly exceptions, but for the most part I do agree with your take in that I also prefer most varieties fairly fresh. -Tom


To Have More ... Desire Less
I tend to agree about curing, the majority of product is at its best about 3 weeks post harvest ime. But the key is that every herb is different as you say, as is every user. I believe what we are experiencing is that different terpenoids are oxidizing/dissipating at different rates - ie different terpenes have different levels of persistence. Most of us have experienced the sneezing that some fresh herb brings on, or the headaches, or unpleasantness in general that gives way after some aging. Take Thai or many other SE Asian varieties for example, fresh, many may have quite the citrus like experience. After this yields a bit through aging, other terpenes are no longer masked and take over, revealing a much more complex experience for the end user. So there are certainly exceptions, but for the most part I do agree with your take in that I also prefer most varieties fairly fresh. -Tom

WE............ALL...........just gott.........schoooled..........

U can take them wordz to the bank.............
HT is garbage, and yes they will reprint photos and well as articles. i have even see the same pic in the same mag but one is shown as a mirror image. if you can find Skunk mag that is a much better read
Before the internet HT was the shit. I learned so much from them and they were actually great reads. Nowadays yeah they are pretty lame but Skunk magazine is pretty decent.

Shady Smoka

Active member
Wait....next thing I know you guys are gonna say the "legal high" bud they sell is not real.
That's the main reason I don't read HT. I can't take them seriously when they're willing to sell that garbage to their readers
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Active member
i found a old 70z one when i was like 12 in a old abandon house in hawaii,,im now 30<fuksucks>,,,,,,,It was a way diifrent mag in the old days compared to the mag now filled with fake weed ads!!!

with articles on cia smuggling smack and how they were using asprin in african countrys on crops for drought resistence............Way diffrent mag back then


Green is Gold
Wait....next thing I know you guys are gonna say the "legal high" bud they sell is not real.
That's the main reason I don't read HT. I can't take them seriously when they're willing to sell that garbage to their users.

Back in college during a particularly severe drought me and my buds ordered a pack of that stuff to see if it worked. It DID do something, the first time, gave a hazy kinda headache "high" that lasted about 15 min. That was it though, after the first try we could never get high off that stuff again and we ended up throwing the whole bag away.


Active member
No High Times is not a good grow bible/magazine. Much more information here to grow better. I must say, I love my herb jar cured for a few months, rather than fresh. It could be individual tastes on this count. Thanks Mr Tom Hill for your advice earlier. You the dude. Peace and Irie Mon. May Bob come back and play for us again. He loved ganja too!!!!


Active member
Well I can surely appreciate having a magazine that is sold on all major newstands and magazine vendors that is up front and blatant about the plant and culture that we belong to. Even if they aren't the scientific trade 'zine that y'all would like, it perpetuates the fact that 'WE'RE HERE' and helps keeps the culture going strong.

Sure, they have a bunch of silly-ness and ads that you should just skip over, and maybe you should just do that, and take it for what it is....A glimpse inside the marijuana culture and industry.
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