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dialing it in.


Just Say Grow
nice haul bro...chillin somewhere between broke st and resin blvd over here hook a brotha up lol, next run should be off the chain bro, good call on taking out the infesto's I'd do the same but I'm the only one holdin a couple of these


Active member
:petting: Oh man, so sorry about the borg thing. Big :respect: for holding them off enough to get such nice buds out of it anyway. So you down to just some clean clones now?


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Deezy- yeah I had to if I want any chance at a clean room. I lost the dpd for now but maybe I get it back later down road. Also the pk and bbb in trash. The clones that brought the mites never even got a run. Even worse right. All this for nothin but learning to kill mites. So shitty. Lucky me I have fam sporting same shit.

Core- awesome bro. I also make sure to invite my ic fam next time I start one up. I didn't want to bother everyone with it this time. Diary was so short.

Hazy- thanks man. I barely held them at bay to finish these out. I didn't want to bomb and get poisons on my babes /meds so I kept fingers crossed n tried killin consentrations by hand. Every plant had mites to some degree. Some few some many. Looking at the manicured buds u can not tell mites were present. The veg was absolutely sad to look at. Just kept coming back 10 fold it seemed. Those bastards eat takedown for breakfast.

On a positive note my aero cloner (diy) is bad ass. Some cuts rooted in four days. 100% success in a week. Roots are several inches long and multiple leader roots all branching out. These things are the way to go. Seriously set n forget. I add some nutes to it yesterday to feed the lil hungry buggers. I will have a decent run soon. I think 2 trips are in order for old sir. I just got settled in at home- first harvest and now about a month of veg b4 any fireworks so I finally have some down time.
Today will make 8 days total invested in manicuring alone. Dpd is all that's left. Whew what a long week. Luckily for me i make my own hours
last night yeilded only 7 zips of strawberry dzl memoryloss. A good yeild for their size n training. I am gonna be over 6 maybe to 7 elbows. Not bad for a rookie lol. This was my maybe 12th harvest. Not the best but way far the most. I hope to be on track from here out. There are a few improvements I need to make- more air flow in room and seal hoods better to avoid funky attic. I can smell
my room on windy days outside. Hoods need to be taped n ducting recocked. Removal or 4x4 table from veg also. It makes to crowded


well, looks like ive got to pop my last two dpd seeds,
lost the mama last week.
best of luck


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
its that time huh easy... hopefully there is a more potent girl that looks just as wonderful

well the total is in

6.5 elbows on the dot... prob a qp of popcorn and 6 ziplocks of sugar leaf so i figure about a easy qp of bubble outta that soon n a few butter sticks hehe
i was aiming for 5 + so i am not disappointed... thanks for tuning in.
a new show soon. i will link in the sig when its up... got plenty of work to do b4 then.
will throw up a few pics after i clear some upload space!
yo yo

yo yo

A mini forest






My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
looks good dude. i still need to make upload space before i smoke all this pot lol


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Oh it will come back to daddy soon.
I have 1 cut in cloner that hopefully roots. Otherwise I need to take a trip for another. I have all my other favs back in bonsai form already thanks to my fam maj n inb. Just need the ML. It's ok for now. I have some nice buds from this harvest so I can do a couple runs without. I prob have15 strains in jars right now n tons of bubble to make to keep me busy.
I would like to run 2 strains per run to maximize yeild anyway.
Get at me when u visit. We can at least smoke the ML n others that I didn't bring to party. Those were my last buds that day n i had ran out of my green crack that is mutha fuckin awesome and my chem- although oldsoul had some very nice chem. He does an amazing job flushing like I do. Really makes the differance. His bud made me want the chem for a min til I finally had some. So funny but 3 of my top 5 keepers to date are from my southern bros easy n OS. Truely awesome guys. Easy is to funny.
Hope to see ya soon though dude


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
ok i knowi have been slackin on putting these up

this is only a couple strains that i happened to have a nug of each in a jar for the week.
the others are sealed... when these run dry i will pull out a few other strains and snap some of them too.





well they are dense as can be. the dpd doesnot get rockhard tight like the others but its as good as she can get IMO
i am pleased with the quality of the nugs this time even though the run was far from dialed feeding/treatment wise.
i can only do better with these.... less stains also so that should help with the caretaking
here is the veg- excuse the lack of fans on some of them... the avid fried a few leaves due to my drenching them in it... first time using anything like this for pests. never had them before so i am learning as i go thanks to friends like nuggetshiner, dominicanGreen, blazeoneup, and majpothead for the tips on how to battle these bitches...

new veg.


the aero- has mites still somehow they transferred. i will kill them though before they make a real presance.
notice i pointed my sprayers down to avoid leaks. works like a charm. i had roots on some in four days.... on the far left side, notice nubs on the new cut in there. 4 days
my new fav method lol.time to plant them so i can avid them and hope they survive it....

i just sprayed takedown on them. population control but not extinction...


Ahhhahahahah -rubs hands- another brood of enticing ladies to admire. Kill that borg and let's get the shit rollin'


Active member
i still am owed a cigar either way..
nice to see the grow is lookin good ,,very nice weight,,the white looks kill ..
gottta get them borg one way or another ,,just look at it this way at least you have the arsenal next time they try to invade town,,

yer makin that mover look like da shit!


nugs looking gorgeous, sir smoke. thought i'd stop in and say hi and was blown away by the green crack :canabis:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
deezy- thanks man- more are comin soon.:tiphat:

thanks a lot Dubb- waitn on ur new spot myself! like the idea of ur massive containers. waiting on u now hehe:bump:

devon- yes sir right away! :thank you:

vegan- thanks man, my cigars are filled with weed no doubt! glad to see ya stop in again. :ying:

soulfly- anytime SF. always here to answer any question. seems i am needed less n less these days lol. to much good info all over the web. thats why i post short n sweet lately! i just like to keep the long time ic fam up to date with my activities.:dance013:

hey there LEEL- not everyday i get the pleasure. glad u enjoyed the pics of the GC. i hope the others to come are just as pleasing. thanks for the visit bro!

ok some strwdzl memoryloss- everyone at the 420 prty loved this gal

see the nanner on it? they fell over a week before harvest. to heavy again... but they nannered 2 days later after they fell over domino style bending the main stalks on each

bubble from lastnight


new bubble rig- setting the 5 gal rig with bottom cut off bucket into a 20gal trash can. HT article helped with this. expidites the process a bit. i had a shit ton of trim to wash.
i washed 1 time lightly for 15 min- 20 min oer batch. only the big easily removable heads fell off. the trim was left covered in crystals after the washing so perfect for butter tonight


thats all for today. just gonna go chop that bubble up to dry better now

peace to all of you


Active member
Nice bubble pull!!!! :D I like how you rigged that up, saves having to dump water after each lift I guess?