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Dialing in Promix and PBP


So I'm getting a grow dialed in and have a few questions for the experts here :)

The medium is about 60% pro mix bx, 10% coco, 10%recycled soil and 20% chunky perlite.

I've read that with promix the desired PH is 6.0 and to treat it as a soil-less hydro medium. I have a bottle of AN ph down that says sphagnum based mediums need 6.2-6.5. What do you think?

I'm using PBP soil bloom. Just got a PPM meter and discovered my tap water is just at 100 ppm and I feed with every watering at about 600ppm.

Is it recommended to feed a little with every watering or feed stronger and plain water every other watering? What are the desired ppm levels when using pure blend pro soil?

thanks all :thank you:


Power Armor rules
Right now I'm using Pro-Mix Ultimate Container Mix soil and some PBP grow and bloom with tap water. So far I haven't had any issues because of the dolomite lime in the Pro-Mix. From previous grows I've never had pH issues with Pro-Mix. Compared to a compost based medium, peat moss based mediums need far less nutrients. I would assume that is from the peat moss' ability to hold water compared to compost.

Just remember less is more and you'll be set. Don't sweat the numbers so much. Just spend more time looking at the plants and they'll let you know what they want.



im with funkbomb.ive just switched to botanicares line and also using promix.im so impressed with botanicare.ive used very little nutes with killer results.ive never exceeded 800 ppms.but with a little sign of overfeeding i decided to go this route-water,feed,feed,water,ect.runnoff was a safe 300 or less.i also gently water in my nutes with plain r.o.just to dampen the promix.i ph my water at 6.2 and my nutes at 6.4.i finished with no deficiencies and not even a single problem.i just overfed once because i started using the hydroplex and i should have given them a light flushing first.2 days later and growth exploded!good luck with pbp.i never had results like this.and i hoped i helped.and sorry for rambling i just hope the best of luck.


New member
been running pro-mix, earthworm castings, perlite for years with natures nectar and never had ph problem. I love pro-mix hp and as stated above usually ph isnt a problem because of the lime in the mix


Thanks for the comments. I've used PBP for a few years with various mediums and with pro-mix always used about a cap full (7-10ml/gallon).

I just got a ppm meter yesterday and found that tap water was 100ppm and i was feeding 500ppm with every watering. Runoff was 1200ppm so i need to plain water next watering and keep an eye on the runoff. Sound right?

Plants are doing fine, I just want to get a better idea on how much nutrients are in the mix.

For the Botanicare PBP users--what other products do you use? Liquid Karma, etc...


Hey, I've been using pure blend pro with promix for quite some time now!

-I generally go feed-feed-water, but this changes given what you're growing and what the plants want.
-Liquid karma is great stuff, as well as silica blast. I wouldn't like growing without either (I use a bunch of other products too, but those are the only other two from botanicare)
-PBP bloom is a little low on N for most strains, don't switch over to it as soon as you flip to flower. Keep feeding with pbp grow for the first week or so.


Active member
just add dolomite lime and keep recycling, i swear the promix gets better every time i reuse it !!


Active member
I think a lot of people overthink this shit. There is no need to measure PPM or correct PH of your water, unless it's just way out of whack...and you will KNOW this because the plant will tell you! When I mix up soil to pot a plant, I mix in a 1/4 to 1/2 strength starting dose of 5-5-5 fertilizer. I use Happy Frog but any kind of all purpose type fertilizer like that should work. Happy Frog also contains micro nutes (calcium, magnesium, etc) so if yours doesn't, those would be good to add. Then just water the plant regularly. If the plant stays looking healthy and growth is not stunted or anything, your water is fine. After the plant gets into the vegetative stage with 6+ nodes, then you can starting feeding with additional fertilizer. Mix up a 1/4 to 1/2 strength solution and water the plants. Within a day you will see the leaves turn dark green and shiny. After a few days to a week, when the leaves start dulling out and turning lighter green, then feed it again. Just watch the plant and it will tell you what it needs and wants. You can try upping the fertilizer some, and that's good to dial it in, but remember that more is not necessarily better. You don't need fancy PH and PPM measuring equipment and in fact you can easily screw things up if you rely on that. Every plant has different genetics and each has its own preferences and needs. For the most accurate feedback, look at the plant and let IT tell you what IT wants. Good luck.

EDIT: And yes I use Pro-Mix. Good soil.


Active member
I use promix HP and 10% EWC. Then I amend it.
less than 1 tbs/gal of dolomite lime
1tbs/gal Marine Cuisine (good for acid loving plants)
I usually dont feed in veg (using 2 gal pots that rooted clones go straight into). I only need to as cal/mag once they get bigger. I can keep them in there for a month with no food, and get some big plants. Once they get root bound, then they need grow fert every other watering.
Ideally, you repot on time, but my schedule has been off on that. If you did repot on time, you might only need to feed once.
I repot to 5 gal, and use a varied amending mix. usually a dr earth 2-4-2, adding some marine cuisine and steamed bone meal. I let them sit in that for atleast a week before they flip to 12/12 sometimes 2 weeks. Then i hit them with veg fert in the first week of that, then its onto bloom.
At this point, after many grows, i just wing it.

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