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The water droplets won't cause burns. It's a myth.
I would look into mosaic virus. Apparently like 80% of strains or so have mosaic virus. Normally it's damage is negligible.

I hate to argue but, I am sure its from feeding them! Its the nutirents causing burns! Full strength fertilizers WILL burn leaves. You may be right pure water might not burn them . Anyone else care to share their thoughts or experiences? I am sure its not Mosaic virus! Way to stress this brother(plant n prosper) out! I think people mislabel all sorts of unknowns and deformities as Mosaic virus. Anyway sorry if i started an argument.


Astronaut Status
I had some leaves look like this before. Don't know if it was over fert or pests in the dirt. At any rate use 29% h2o2 in water at 3ml per gallon and sm-90 between 3-5 ml per gallon. New growth should be uneffected and look good. The water with the h2o2 and sm-90 should be fert free btw. It worked for me. And if you think your lazy cause you plucked that leaf off, your crazy, and need to meet some of my friends. I have a buddy who has a grow at his place, and he doesn't even go in it for three/four days at a time, but always wants to know when it's gonna be ready. As for the leaf removal, i don't know what that one dude's problem was, but yeah i take leaves in veg all the time. I like to shape my plants before i flower them. Also picking off a leaf to inspect-yup i do that too:moon:, never seen any ill effects. I like to take leaves from the bottom, so it makes the top of plant grow. It says ohh shit somebody just cut one of my legs off, so now i gotta make a new one. Then the plant grows a little, seen and done it a million times.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That looks like a nute issue. What nutes you running? And not to beat a dead horse but why was that guy such a dick haha?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ppms around 450-6 seem fine for plants that old. Id cut back on the base nutes a tad. Maybe give them a nice flush with just water. Then, after they get a little thirsty after their one time flush, dose them with half strength nutes then work back up to your standard schedule. I think they are over fertilized. but yeah thats my suggestion. id rinse out the root system, then half strength nutrients and then id work back up to a slightly lower ec/ppm then you had originally been giving. keep us updated


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
after a good watering how long does it typically take for your medium to dry out? also i love trying to help others with any and all issues on here. ive been helped out quite a bit and ive learned so much since i started coming on here. i had a decent foundation but the experience and knowledge people have on here is vast. i love icmag its a growers heaven. also if youre using tap water at all let us know how many ppms are in it to start. theres def cal in it so maybe you can cut back on your cal mag slightly too. usually 5 mls per gallon is good for a ro water user(i recommend RO heavily).


I think crooked is probably right. After seeing more pictures the burns look to be from over feeding. Some plants are just really light feeders or use different ratios of nutrients than regular. Sometimes even different plants from the same strain feed very differently. I would do like crooked said and cut the nutrients back, but not totally cut them out, or you risk having them become deficient. Also remember, old growth will never repair itself so watch the new growth to verify if the problem is fixed.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hell yeah dude. Icmag has only made me a stronger grower, I've been so turned off by other forums because you need to be a member to even participate or see pics... so I started learning from icmag since it's open to anyone. Soon enough I was sucked in and made an account, couldn't help myself! Grower's-Heaven for sure lol


I'm in 1/2 gal pots right now so it takes me 2 days on light waterings with no run-off and about 3 days on run-off waterings. I try to get run-off every time but don't like stagnant water at the bottom of my trays so if I'm lazy I'll give em a light watering. Planning on transplanting into 3 gal pots for the final transplant where my mothers will rest before cloning and outdoor season starts. That's the point of this whole grow, I'm not even budding inside this year - just prepping for outside!

My tap comes out at a ppm of 130ish, and I'm not sure how much cal is in it so you may be right actually. I should also invest in an RO unit, lately I've been buying materials/supplies for guerrilla season though so I'll have to start settin aside money for one.

I found one for cheap, lemme nkow what you think:


^Great store btw, not sure if you shop here already but they have a bunch of name brand equipment for low prices

Thats a good ro unit most will do as long as they arent slow as hell. However, 130 ppms is great for tap water. If mine was that low id probably never run ro. Mine fluctuates throughout the year from like 250-400+! Its awful. So ro is a must. I feel like your plants will bounce back soon. Best of luck keep us posted

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