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Devastated Over The Death Of My Best Friend...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Appreciate it very much guys....

We had a little get together last night with his wife. Told great stories, smoked lots of pot and hit 21 year old Glenfiddich , pretty hard....

Talking it out helps immensely, laughing and at the good times, breakthrough the sadness and despair...

We were ALL in bad shape yesterday, this untimely death shattered many lives....

I could ONLY hope, that I could have a friend a 10th of what Walter was, id be the luckiest person alive....

R.I.P Brother...

turtle farmer

I'm very sorry for the loss of Walt..my heart goes out to you Krunch.
Just think back to ALL those great days together when life gets you down.


Active member
Looks like it is your turn to be the friend to someone like he was to you. I've lost both my best friends and it sucks but we move on and never forget. Aloha my friend.


ruger 500
i can only say ,i know your pain and ,i wish i had a cure for it ,i would gladly give it to as a gift,but the gift of friendship is eternal......,try to rember these words...perhaps my time seemed all too brief,dont lengthen it now with undue grief.lift up your heart and peace be with thee ,as GOD wanted me now,he set me free . , chin up krunch,


natural medicator
Sorry for the loss of your friend Walter, krunch.
It seems like the best usually go the earliest.
Glad you got to spend some time with him before he left this world.
sometimes that's the only comforting thing to hold onto.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My best friend of 20 years, died today. His name was Walter Jewell. Not sure HOW to deal with this, as I cant handle death very good of someone very close to me....

He fought long and hard, but his body could not handle what was being done to him. Kidney and Liver problems, those caused his heart to fail, he was on dialysis 3 times a week....

I was up all night, not able to sleep, got up 3 times to smoke, to get back to sleep. Now that i look back at last night, WALT was talking to me all night, that's why i couldn't sleep. I remember thinking, don't tell me your fucking leaving BRO!! Its NOT time!!!

Got to sleep, woke up and forgot about him talking to me. Working all morning, it was furthest from my mind....

Then I got the devastating text from his wife that he JUST passed, And my life was absolutely crushed....

Then i look on my computer, and my best friend wished me a Happy Birthday this morning on Facebook. Bday is on Sunday, he wanted to tell me before it was his time...

Ive got to go...
so very sorry to hear of your mates death, totally devasting for you,i wish you much peace at this time kb, remember all the good times, my deepest sympathy, s2


sorry brother i am the same way i am an emotional wreck and cant deal with death well ,,,u got an ear my friend so holler if u need to,,,u have my digits brother,,,peace

bench warmer

I am very sorry for your immense loss bro. We living folks will just have to keep suffering these shell shocking occurrences until we finally learn how our own stories end. Hopefully, we will find ourselves in a fun and relaxing place with all of our loved ones close by.

If I may suggest, try to get as much rest as you can Krunch, at least for a few days. Sleep helps us deal with major stresses a little better initially. Not that I'm suggesting you rush through grieving your friend's passing over... but rest/sleep is and has been the major form of relief in dealing with this world without my dearest confidantes.

Be good to yourself. Your friend was also very lucky to have you in his life. :ying:

Sat X RB

if you're not eating/sleeping find a grief counsellor to develop coping strategies. this pain normally lasts two years!


Soul Feeder
Really sorry for your loss krunch, only (lots of) time can help...

Peace & light
