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Determining Sex BEFORE Flowering

Hey Everyone,

I'm sure this is a repeat thread. I searched and searched for older threads on this with no luck. If anyone else has seen this, please jsut copy/paste the thread link. But....

I have been vegging two unknown strains for about 2 months and I'm thinking of starting the flowering soon.

Is there a good way to determine the sex of the plants BEFORE flowering?



lost in a sea

some strains will show pre flowers when they are still in 18/6 light hours...........either groups of balls(for boys) or little white hairs (for girls)

but some strains will wait alot longer, or until you flip them onto 12/12..

most people at 1-1.5 months veg, flip the lighting schedule and force them to flower thus showing sex....i advise you do this soon, or they may mess you around for a while...

once flipped males shouldnt have time to do anything before you spot them and hack the buggers down...........:D


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Probably too late this time around but, next time, clone a lower shoot from each plant, label and put it under 12/12. When those sex, labels will indicate male donors.