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Detenidos los dueños de Overgrow, Eurohemp.com, Cannabisworld y Heaven's Stairway


Active member
Parece que en Canadá los conservadores han entrado en el Gobierno con ganas de enterrar gente y hacer honor a su fama de carceleros y censores. La noticia la tenéis comentada en este enlace:


arc Emery (03 Feb, 2006)

Overgrow.com, Cannabisworld.com, Heaven's Stairway Seed Company and Eurohemp.com Owners Apprehended

Overgrow.com unavailable
Overgrow.com unavailable
Cannabis Culture has developed a timeline of events we believe accurately account for the disappearance of Overgrow.com, Cannabisworld.com, Heaven's Stairway Seeds (hempqc.com), and Eurohemp.

On Monday evening, resident of Montreal Richard Calrisian, the owner of the four websites, was contacted by his web service providers in Vancouver where his servers were situated. They told him that there may be a problem, regarding a police investigation. RC told his provider to shut down the websites immediately.

Within hours, the police (it's unknown what kind of police) apparently entered the server site in Vancouver with a warrant and apprehended the hardware that housed the four web sites.

In the early morning of Tuesday, police in Montreal moved in and arrested RC, his wife, family members and an unknown number of employees.

It is alleged that RC, a pseudonym, is being held at Riviere-des-Prairie (RDP) jail in Montreal, and his wife in is Tanguay jail, across the river from RDP. Cannabis Culture called the prison and found no one there under the name Richard Calrisian.

The bail hearing should be on Monday, but it is unusual that a bail hearing has not yet been held. Typically they take place within 24 hours of arrest, unless an investigation is ongoing and the accused are being held temporarily without bail. This may be because there is a risk that the arrest news might inform other persons who are also under investigation.

Earlier reports of a drug bust in Hearst, Ontario are not related the seizure of Overgrow.com websites.


la mano negra

Active member

vaya putada, con los putos conservadores.
esperemos que lo suelten pronto.

P.D.: eres verdecultura?


Hola theiban, Alex
espero que pronto mejoren las cosas en Canadá

Alex: espero que te haya ido bien ayer martes, mis mejores vibras para ti



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Hola Mano Negra. Sí, en Cannabis Café firmaba como la Verde Cultura, en relación a la web a Semana Verde Cultural, de viajes al Valle del Rif.
Tú también posteabas en Cannabis Café?

Los conservadores son como el McDonalds, iguales en todo el Globo (terráqueo).

la mano negra

Active member
hola iban, si escribia tambien en cc y hablamos muchas veces en el chat, yo era alex y cachicamo, el de lanzarote.
me alegra verte de nuevo.



Active member
Otiá, Cachicamo, q weno saber de ti. Yo es q ya me paso poco por el CanabisCafe, el ambiente alli es muy hostil, aunque sigo leyeno a DDAA, a DrCito y sigo de cerca las fietukis q monta Plantopino con AMEC, la asociación de fumetas de Madrid City. De todas maneras a ti se te ve poco por ahi, tb. Posteabas en OG? Yo pasaba tb de vez en cuando por allí, es acojonante q les hayan cerrado el foro y da la sensación de estar cada día con la soga más apretada. Aquí en Madrid estám haciendo una verdadera limpia cultural barriendonos, a los fumetas, de las calles y de los bares de copas en los q se toleraba algún canuto.
Estamos preparando una exposición artística colectiva para Junio en Madrid, apúntate, la bases están es URL:


Un abrazo, compañero.