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Desert Southwest Growers Union



I'm going to attend a 'class' next week at a dispensary that is already setup. The owner(s) had the foresight to set one up, just in case Prop 203 passed.
The class is supposed to cover all aspects of the new ruling. I have a LOT of questions
and am hoping to get the majority answered.



Sobol is a bone head and cant tell you anything cuz the rules arent set up
setting up the shop almost made us lose the vote,
he may have good intentions but he cant tell you what isnt known yet.


Active member
Sobol is a bone head and cant tell you anything cuz the rules arent set up
setting up the shop almost made us lose the vote,
he may have good intentions but he cant tell you what isnt known yet.
seems right easy, hope you guys get it right. so glad it has got this far. seems who ever gets to own the desensery is going to make bank and that to me leeds to coruption. ie.. the friends or relitives of politions will get to own and run them. hope im wrong.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
:tiphat: wuzz up all just blown through with these nice cooler winds

hey brothas Old Soul and EasyRasta for ya'll

the MemoryLoss Strawberry Desiel pheno @50 days 12/12 she yielded 90 grams dry from 2 gal soil same as the little bonsai in training i gave yall. hope ya'll enjoy her as much as i do cya next time your in town

puff puff passn
The application for a NON PROFIT MMJ dispensary is to include the physical address of the store front, as well as the address of the grow location.

It appears from the language of the initiative that the D's will have to grow their own and 120 grows will have to support the whole state.

The AZ DHS is supposed to act on an application with in 90 days I believe.

This looks like it is going to be a huge supply problem if only 120 gardens are used to support the whole state.

It will be fun to see.


Not only is all this a problem but Arizona has passed a medical law 2 times now just like nevada did who is to say that the arizona law makers are going to do anything just like they done last time
This law is a joke if you can't grow your own. Whoever gets the 120 D licenses are going to be making out like pigs in shit and people that can't afford there high prices are just going to be screwed
So they made a medical marijuana law that doesn't serve the needs of the really sick people of Arizona what a joke nothing but bullshit to come from this law if this is how it is going to be
Arizonans expect harsh policing and expect to go to jail even if you are legally growing


Active member
:tiphat: wuzz up all just blown through with these nice cooler winds

hey brothas Old Soul and EasyRasta for ya'll

the MemoryLoss Strawberry Desiel pheno @50 days 12/12 she yielded 90 grams dry from 2 gal soil same as the little bonsai in training i gave yall. hope ya'll enjoy her as much as i do cya next time your in town

puff puff passn
your killing us Maj. props bro.


When I grow I like outdoors in the desert. I prep the soil with Kellogg's Amend then Osmocote and Super Phosphate it's real important that they are put right in the root zone. Then it's all about the LST and Super-cropping the crap out of them, I give them a weak feeding of soluble fertilizer every 3-4 waterings. I water DEEP. I end up with plants that I nick name the VW's they kinda of look like a VW Bug, I average about three and a half pounds of manicured buds a plant. I only grow Klunker Buds... What's a Klunker Bud you ask.. The sound a Big Fat Bud makes when it lands on a Triple Beam Scale...


Active member
del you need to get your ass back in the southwest, oh and thanks for taking our cold weather with you to florida.


I just saw Santa that fucker ate all my brownies and tipped over my bong. Guy left a bunch of plastic shit made in china and a chunk of hash from Nepal. Next year when that guy comes I'm gonna have to talk to him about producing and purchasing locally! Merry Christmas! :deadxmas:


So belateded happy new years all! Billy how ya doing Bro? Ya still with us man! Anybody heard of Bluebomb? They are looking nice. DJ shorts blueberry X ??big bud of unknown origin.
When I grow I like outdoors in the desert. I prep the soil with Kellogg's Amend then Osmocote and Super Phosphate it's real important that they are put right in the root zone. Then it's all about the LST and Super-cropping the crap out of them, I give them a weak feeding of soluble fertilizer every 3-4 waterings. I water DEEP. I end up with plants that I nick name the VW's they kinda of look like a VW Bug, I average about three and a half pounds of manicured buds a plant. I only grow Klunker Buds... What's a Klunker Bud you ask.. The sound a Big Fat Bud makes when it lands on a Triple Beam Scale...

WOW huge mistake one osmocote willn't even be really effecgive in the time frame you grow your plants in so really kind of a wate that and it constantly releases nitrogen which you want no where near how much it puts out for your flower cycle that stuffs just as bad as using miracle grow I bet this is some grade A schwag