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Desert Southwest Growers Union

well i've begun the pain staking process of startig over got clones blowing roots and what not so i'll be back to growing my meds in no time money hasnt quite shown up but school starts so i'm not expecting it till earliest mid month and latest i'd say third week in august for my grant money then loan money comes 2-3 weeks after term starts i'm glad things are working out the way they are financially fotr some reason or another i pull off another miracle unemploymetn extension and also going to be able to collect max unemployment and go to college at the same time this is going to be sweet :) almost be making what i was when i was working but not doing anything for it then i got my lil garden lol


Hey my good people . Representing from the desert going to start my DWC bubbleponics grow in 5 gal buckets any recommendation for keeping water cool in my buckets?? I live in the desert where outside temperatures are 115 degrees during July and august and stay over 100 through Sept and Oct.
Hey my good people . Representing from the desert going to start my DWC bubbleponics grow in 5 gal buckets any recommendation for keeping water cool in my buckets?? I live in the desert where outside temperatures are 115 degrees during July and august and stay over 100 through Sept and Oct.

take 1 liter or 2 liter pop bottles and fill them with weater and add them to your buckets to keep the water cool size of container to use to make your ice cubes more less is going to be up to you to decide

one more thing whats the attraction to DWC really its a pain in the ass so why not spend a lil extra money and make it at least RDWC even though ebb n flo in smart pots and coc is going to be the best hydro set up out there hands down
but ya using frozen pop bottles work heck you might only need 20 ounce bottles like i said this si something your going to have to figure out maybe a few smaller bottles rather than one or two large 2 liter ones would be more effective and not taking up precious area for your roots to grow in poor mans chiller :)

myself im an amended soilless guy just pour water molasses and carbs and walk away its really that easy i dunno how much hydro expierence you got but it's not a fool proof way to grow i'd say quite the opposite so many variables that could be wrong and it's very easy to misdiagnose deff and with hydro you dont got days or a week or more to fix it like you do in soil you have a limited time frame to get thigns under wraps or you loose it all
i dont know what kinda nutes you use but heres a calculator for house and garden nutes that tel you everything to add to your rez and exactly how much each week and of what from what my brother says that if you follow this guide and use these nutes and buy everything it calls for dont skimp out on shit and you'll never have anythig less than good top quality medicine heres the web address for that calculator


well good luck if interested in the soil just give me a holler :)
ok finally after months of being outta the game i got equipment and am working on getting it all installed and get this party rocking again i dunno i cant quite figure out if this is against my better judgement or not the cops were here last weekend twice searching my house once for marijuana the other time specifically for dead human bodies well in fact the search for human remains is always the first excuse they give for barging in and in that category they've been skunked 0-3 as it goes for marijuana they're still loosing there 1-3 sorry fuck heads your going to have to get up pretty fucking early to get this one over on me again i'm sure theres them guys that get out and next day have 40 bitches going not this guy i have 2 cards so no more than 6 will ever be in my flower room and not only that but i'm not even going to start clones until these plants have visible flowers on them i'm sure if i just moved them inot the "flower room" on a 12 12 light scedule is not enough to decide if its flowering or not the law specifies visible flowers seen without the aid of a magnifying device so they must be visible with bare eyes but this creates a problem beings you cant take your clones this late into flowr beings it just stresses the plant out you can and all but your just asking for herms any ideas on how to get around this legally because when they come to count "plants" they include cuttings any branches they find laying around stems if they're big enough all of the above the cops count as a marijuana plant this is how they turned 22 plants in total 12 flower 10 veg into 73 at my house i'm doing everything i have control over to remain within my limits i have n officer with my local sub station more less gunning for me he kept me on my porch for4-5 hours just trying to find anything to arrest me over and he couldnt find a damn thing so he goes to the misses and tries to get her to make false allegations trying to get her to say i whoop her ass on a regular basis the guy says to her so why are you here thought you left what you just didnt get enough of getting your ass kicked and she fired back hey he's never raised anything but his voice at me and last time i checked that wasnt against the law
either way boy i hope i dont loose this equipment lol total overkill for 6 plants but theres no limit on how many lights i can run fuck i could hang 50 in theer if i had the room for them and the plug ins 3k of lights for 6 plants lol well 50 watts per sq foot thats the rule i follow for lighting and its never done me wrong 10' x 6'=60 sq ft multiply that by 50 watts and you come up with 3000 so i need any combination of 3000 watts of light to properly light up that flower room hell for that amount of plants i dont even need that big of a room i'm thinking about running 2 plants per light in 15 or 20 gallon pots some trees so when mr dick head comes again or if he can admire my "legal" work lol i dunno what to do about these god damn cops other than move and as soon as this lease is up were out of here thats for sure but i can't go any longer buying meds just cant do it so i must grow my own plain and simple
after 10 years of it being law here though you'd think they'd have such a blatant violation of your rights fixed by now but seems to me the problem here is to many of these "help" groups that the only thign they're helping themselves to is your money
any one fo these so called reform groups here in las vegas take me up on this call the states MMP and ask them if they've ever heard of these people or there organizations not only do they deny not having anything to do with them but they arent oppossed to having something to do with them so seems to me that these "groups" arent in this to help anyone but there failing budgets i'm from oregon and make no bones about it they have a med law there they have 3rd party groups that represent patients and at the same time work habd in hand with the state MMP not only that but the state recognizes them i say something smells around here and it smells real bad it reeks on almost all levels of corruption and more on how can we scam this to squeeze more money outta these patients for example they're endorsing these affirmative action letters but renaming them and calling them "limit waivers" im sorry to bust up your lil party here but theres no such thing as a "limit waiver" and i think your going to get people confused here and i explained exactly what this letter is called and hoqw it works even copied and pasted the law in it and they banned me from there group and then it was like dominos the onle fell and next thing i know i'm banned from them all
so if you want to go out and get involved here good luck the only thing to get involved in are pizza socials and scams really the only thing i'd like to see changed now is the amounts of dried medicine you can have on you lets make it reasonable is all i ask becasue one ounce from 3 plants or even one is totally unreasonable and cutting one branch off at a time doesnt work here either they just count that branch as a different plant and now your over your plant count and going to jail all this bullshit and the cops using this law to throw people in jail and in the system must stop now if this law is to ever be effective it has to but seems to me no ones willing to do the work if i had the know how i'd be all over it like flies on shit and yes the state MMP would know exactly who i am i'd make sure to cal them at least once or twice a week until they knew who i was not only that but any money i raised through my organization i woUld invest back into getting this law changed not my personal bills these groups that are supposedlly helping people they only help you fill out a form that anyone can do themselves if they can read and give you a ride to a doctor all for the low low price of about 300-800 bucks wow ar3 you kidding me and how much of that money are you donating to work on getting the laws reasonable here in las vegas ya thast right not a damn cent these people boot me from theer boards for simply trying to spread some knowledge that just might create change to them they only see there incomes going away because thats all they care about
with that said fuck it feels good to be back paranoid as fuck but i'm back and i'm 100% legal bitches
o and still havent made it to a preliminary hearing thats on october 21st my lawyer thinks that most of the supposed evidence here is going to tossed out and more than likely only thing i'm going to have to answer to is the actual dried product i had and not the stuff that was growing and because i save all my receipts even hydro stoer ones i have a good chance of recovering the amount it would cost me to replace the equipment and so far i've spent about 3 grand and am still short having to run 2 fans in my room because i couldnt find one high output one like i wanted one that moves from 800-1200 cfm like i had before but is what it is my lawyer has advised em to stop answering the door to them theres no law saying i have to so if they got a search warrant come and serve it


I think I finally figured out what was causing yellowing and "rust" spots on the fan leaves of my plants since I started using coco coir: I found a water report for my municipality, the TDS is around 400 mg/L and the CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) is around 200 mg/L! IOW hard as hell. I think that the CaCO3 has been precipitating out of the solution and probably fugging with the Mg and P as well, additionally I think the media pH has been rising as a result, causing further precipitation and locking up the cation exchange capacity of the coco.

I've been using GH Hardwater Micro and Bloom in a proportion of 2/3 with ~1g MgSO4 (epsom) per gallon. The Hardwater Micro bottle states that it is intended for use with water that has greater than 70 ppm CaCO3, so my water had way more than that at ~200 ppm. I recently got a reverse osmosis unit and have started using the RO instead of tap; I'm thinking that I should probably run the nute solution at ~5.5 pH for a while to dissolve the scale buildup from the coco.. I'm thinkin' that after things get back into equilibrium that I'll pH my nutes by adding a small amount of tap to the RO. only problem is my damn pH meter is giving me trouble, even after replacing the probe :bashhead: gonna have to wing it for a while... whee. I'm excited though cause this has bedeviled me for a while and I think I've finally got the solution.

Anyone else using coco with tap water 'round these parts had similar issues?

I just started having that same problem on one of my strains, but not the other two, after I switched to a coco-blend waterwise type soil. My tap water is 300ppm and 76ppm calcium, but I've had no problems with this strain through several harvests using both regular and hardwater micro. It obviously has something to do with my soil since that's the only change I've made and the only real difference between the soils, other than the coco blend, is that I don't think it has lime in it.
I added some pelleted dolomite lime a week ago but it probably won't do much good since I'm 3 weeks into flower. Other than that I've given it a couple shots of molasses and it seems to be getting darker over the last couple days, but alot of the fan leaves are already too far gone. Maybe I'll buy some distilled water tonight and flush it out real good...other than that I don't know what to do. At least I found my old soil again.

OG savatage



Prop 203 has passed here in AZ! WOO HOO! :jump: :thank you: :tiphat:

Biggest thanks to Pima, Coconino and Santa Cruz counties for carrying us to victory!

I feel like using almost every smilie we have here but I'll spare you all. Been sweating this all week. Sorry to keep youse all in suspense, but my wife and I took our mail in ballots and dropped them off in person election day. So we slowed the process down. But as long as it worked out in the end! Third time's the charm, right? We passed it in 1996. Idiot legislators put a stop to it. We passed it again... idiot legislators once again killed it. We had enough of their meddling and then passed the Voter Protection Act, which "prevents the legislature or governor from tampering with laws created by the voters through the citizen initiative." Don't gotta worry bout those fockers pulling a fast one ANYMORE! I'm so proud of our state today!

:party: :grouphug: :groupwave: :greenstars:

Sorry lost control a bit there :dance013:


:woohoo::groupwave::rtfo::party::smoke out:

WOW!!! I'm SO impressed it was pulled out of the jaws of defeat.
It looked pretty bad there a couple of days ago.
I'm anxious to see how long it will take to get some guidelines in place and to find out more details.




Hi OG... Just wanted to drop in and say 'high' to a fellow Arizonan.
Your news posted in the Desert Southwest thread made my month!!!
I'm wondering if you'd mind if I picked your brain once in awhile on growing. I've not found anyone local to bounce ideas off of.
I tried to send you a PM, but am unable to do so. :(

Anyway, just wanted to say 'hey' and introduce myself.




So far in my searching, I've been unable to find criteria for getting to be a legal caregiver/dispensary. Anyone had any luck locating info on the web??
Maybe I'm just jumping the gun and it's too early for anything official??
Just excited as hell! ;)



I love my life
the health dept, has 4 months to deal with all the particulars

I read the entire initive yesterday. It appears that 120 dispensaries will be licensed to NON Profits and you may NOT grow your own UNLESS there is NO dispensary with in 25 miles of your home.

I can't wait to see the rules promulgated, because 120 d's for a state of 6.5mm people is really lame. 20 d's per million means LA metro would have 180 for the 10mm people.

So if you think 180 for Los Angeles and 120 for AZ is sufficient all is good, else there is going to be some huge cluster coming.



Active member
I read the entire initive yesterday. It appears that 120 dispensaries will be licensed to NON Profits and you may NOT grow your own UNLESS there is NO dispensary with in 25 miles of your home.

I can't wait to see the rules promulgated, because 120 d's for a state of 6.5mm people is really lame. 20 d's per million means LA metro would have 180 for the 10mm people.

So if you think 180 for Los Angeles and 120 for AZ is sufficient all is good, else there is going to be some huge cluster coming.

who gets to grow for the d's hydro?


I love my life
who gets to grow for the d's hydro?

The application for a NON PROFIT MMJ dispensary is to include the physical address of the store front, as well as the address of the grow location.

It appears from the language of the initiative that the D's will have to grow their own and 120 grows will have to support the whole state.

The AZ DHS is supposed to act on an application with in 90 days I believe.

This looks like it is going to be a huge supply problem if only 120 gardens are used to support the whole state.

It will be fun to see.



Active member
yeah I see major problems, so stupid not to just let you grow your own. even our fucked up nevada medical is a little better except the D issues. it will be interesting to see who ariz gives the d,s to, sure it will be in the best interest of the people, lol.


dispensarys can buy from other dispensarys but no one else is allowed to grow, unless the are 25 miles from a dispensary and get a med card.