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Desert Southwest Growers Union


I love my life
BB you asked about those letters. Well go get one and look at the bold parts below. Make sure your atty knows you have a Drs. letter stating that more than one OZ is necessary!


NRS 453A.310 Affirmative defenses.
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and NRS 453A.300, it is an affirmative defense to a criminal charge of possession, delivery or production of marijuana, or any other criminal offense in which possession, delivery or production of marijuana is an element, that the person charged with the offense:
(a) Is a person who:
(1) Has been diagnosed with a chronic or debilitating medical condition within the 12-month period preceding his or her arrest and has been advised by his or her attending physician that the medical use of marijuana may mitigate the symptoms or effects of that chronic or debilitating medical condition;
(2) Is engaged in the medical use of marijuana; and
(3) Possesses, delivers or produces marijuana only in the amount described in paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NRS 453A.200 or in excess of that amount if the person proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the greater amount is medically necessary as determined by the person’s attending physician to mitigate the symptoms or effects of the person’s chronic or debilitating medical condition; or
(b) Is a person who:
(1) Is assisting a person described in paragraph (a) in the medical use of marijuana; and
(2) Possesses, delivers or produces marijuana only in the amount described in paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NRS 453A.200 or in excess of that amount if the person proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the greater amount is medically necessary as determined by the assisted person’s attending physician to mitigate the symptoms or effects of the assisted person’s chronic or debilitating medical condition.
2. A person need not hold a registry identification card issued to the person by the Division or its designee pursuant to NRS 453A.220 or 453A.250 to assert an affirmative defense described in this section.
3. Except as otherwise provided in this section and in addition to the affirmative defense described in subsection 1, a person engaged or assisting in the medical use of marijuana who is charged with a crime pertaining to the medical use of marijuana is not precluded from:
(a) Asserting a defense of medical necessity; or
(b) Presenting evidence supporting the necessity of marijuana for treatment of a specific disease or medical condition,
Ê if the amount of marijuana at issue is not greater than the amount described in paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NRS 453A.200 and the person has taken steps to comply substantially with the provisions of this chapter.
4. A defendant who intends to offer an affirmative defense described in this section shall, not less than 5 days before trial or at such other time as the court directs, file and serve upon the prosecuting attorney a written notice of the defendant’s intent to claim the affirmative defense. The written notice must:
(a) State specifically why the defendant believes he or she is entitled to assert the affirmative defense; and
(b) Set forth the factual basis for the affirmative defense.
Ê A defendant who fails to provide notice of his or her intent to claim an affirmative defense as required pursuant to this subsection may not assert the affirmative defense at trial unless the court, for good cause shown, orders otherwise.

(Added to NRS by 2001, 3061; A 2009, 624)
i dont have a letter and to be honest to get it back dated i was told it would cost me 800 bucks instead of 75 i don't got the money to get it bottom line i dont care i'll take a possesion charge whatever the point is over the limit of not does not give the cops a license to burglarize thats all i really care about it's pretty damn clear in the law there that they cant take shit other than what your over it appears to me so looks like we had a burglary here not a narcotics investigation as they're charging me with i've spent what i can here every one wants all the money thats not here never has been fucking cops couldnt find it thats becasue there is none uhhh i'm on unemployment just like everyone else
then to boot i got this guy who's being a real asshole as far as i'm concerned he can go back to the dispensaries douche bag or get knocked the fuck out mother fucker should be greatful i'm willing to make sure he still has access to his meds i need to talk to my lawyer and get this info to him time for 2 motions one to supress and one to dismiss plain and simple this isnt my first rodeo just my first one here and the laws here are ridiculous 100% absurd yes i knew that getting involved but i also am smart enough to READ the paperwork that came with my card and swore i'd read exactally what you'd posted there plain and simple they cant tear my shit up they cant take my equipmetn becasue i'm allowed to have it they cant charge me for owning a scale and having some pot bottom line for sales hell i coulda had a full on spread sheet like thing here with every penny going in and coming out due to this grow and it doesnt matter i'm allowed to when the fuck are these pigs around here going to get it fuck i think i really could even fight this one all on my own to be quite honest
but beings i've been in this same position before taking a bum beef on a burglary charge because i'm not a rat fuck that i'll go do my 18 months or no that one was 13 months whatever eat a dick i hear you can find them down at flex there detective M. Kinney of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and your cracked out partner get off the pipe pookie i hope your enjoying that 30 days premature at least lmao these cops called me a liar about how far along i was in my flower because of the size of the buds i'm serious these guys are total idiots this was a real big concern of mine but to be honest after all the help from a few of you good people here and so far hydrosun ty my brother
sorry for the pissy attitude but fuck people are the most ungrateful demanding when they got nothing to start with i'm taking money outta my own pocket to buy this pricks meds and he's going to read me the riot act on this n that pfft ur lucky i'm not giving you the leaf i got after i'm done making hash outta it dumb fuck one of them i'm older than you so i know more or whatever alwasy bitching about to dry blah blah blah oh so becasue i actually take the time to dry and cure my medicine becasue this is medicine to me i take the extra time i have that pride and patience i know theres plenty of you that know exactally what i'm talking about some fucking stoner trying to tell you how to serve them there pot sorry bro you aint dealing with grandma here i will take you for the bitch you are know what i mean if thats the way someone wants to treat this privledge to smoke this medicine you'll take it how i say or you just willnt be getting it from me
not only that but since i got popped he's had 2 ounces of my pot hostage at his house i called him up told him i need my meds and guy avoided me till he had like 400 bucks lmao hadnt even cracked into the meds he got off me the other day and avoided me didnt even call till he had like 400 and says everythings spoken for oh it's like that so ya ya this patient and I are going to have one of them your the bitch riding my coat tails talks again what he does with it from my house isnt my business dont ask dont care but when i call you and say hey bring me back them meds now you bring them back right fuckn then and there plain and simple am i right or am i right without me where are you oh i know back at the dispensary really getting the screws put to ya go buy there hash lol swear it all comes outta the top bag only lol
i'm cracking up here high as a mofo luckfully i know some real friends that gladly bring me this shit for oh about fucking nothing same way i try to send it out the door like i told the cops i give the shit away more less fuck you got to here plain and simple that or let it sit around for years and get nailed for some lame ass possesion charge 600 dollar ticket by the guidlines i looked at :)
oh man am i rattled wanna fight lol and these cops are such nice and good people upholding the peace and dignity of this shit ball of a city that we unfortunately live in and for anyone reading this please believe me when i say this if someone says theres work in vegas theres always work in vegas shit there lying theres 6 dollar an hour whatever minimum wage jobs here nad there sorry skilled craftsman here gonna cost you to get this up in the morning :)
once again ty all for the help if i havent hit ya up with rep yet it's coming just been a real busy week or so and going to be for the next 3 weeks until i get my union apprenticeship stuff straightened out and my emergrncy unemployment rolling all stresses :)
finally got the green light on my emergency unemployment another 6 months at max 425 a week here so time to invest into an attorney i like this guy i talked to already adn he's reasonable plus hes a smoker himself so might be able to help one another out just wanted to make sure that money was coming before betting the farm :) my twin brothers on his way down to see my daughter and i bringing his wife and kids as well should be a fun weekend for a change


O yea almost forgot! I woke up to no elect. this morning. I talked to my neighbor and the power had been out from 6:30ish till 9:30ish. I got problems.

Don't know if there gonna make it.
shitty deal i'm more less waitint to hear back from my lawyer see if he thinks it be a good idea to set up all this nice new equipment with my name all over it i didnt realize how many friends i really had here in this area becasue as alot of you know i can be real brash and bullheaded about things sorry just who i am and i'm loving the fact that alot of people here just took me for what i could offer which was alot of good advice and for who i am the cops really thought they had a multi million dollar operation here i'd gladly set back up and grow with in my limits but this trying to be compassionate and help other patients that cant help themselves is going to have to stop or i end up in the same pickle what a shame what a crying shame if this were oregon the cops wouldnt have done shit maybe told me to trim some of my veg plaNTS BACK HAVE A NICE DAY I'D JUST HAD A BUNCH OF CLONES PUSH ROOTS BUT YOU AND EVERYBODY ELSE HERE KNOWS JUST BECASUE OF THE ROOTS oops through rapid rooters don't mean shit it still has a good chance of dying anyways once again ty everyone


Awww shiiit, sorry to hear about the bad intentions directed this way. Keep yer head up, man!
ya ya actually turned the news on today and seen that they raided 2 more illegal grows over 500 plants and they even wasted there money and time with me no wonder this city, county, and state is broke
if they'd treat medical grows like medical grows over the limit or not by the law i'd still have all my equipment by there law only thing they can take is what i'm over
but they seem to trump everything up here and try to paint everyone as a bad apple lucky i was able to obtain legal counsel on my own i'd hate to see the shit bag public defender they'd toss this off to that and with a publi pretender i'm sure i'd end up walking out with a felony conviction
and they're fucking crazy if they think i'm going to plead guilty and if they win by "a jury of my peers" if theyd seat one of my peers i'd walk for sure but even so the satisfaction that i cost the state that much more money is sweet satisfaction enough if a lil fry like myself brings so much money being spent with all the cops they had here and what not hell i bet the one night cost the state a good 5 grand and thats i'm sure under estimated
they told the misses that bat guano and worm castings are almost as toxic as a meth lab and how do you feel about your baby being around these toxic chemicals

lmmfao if they're so dangerous why'd they leave them in my garage and we've lived here for 3 years and i always considered the cops here to be somewhat fair till they're tearing apart your house zapping your security system all my other neighbors got security systems but funny thing was mine was the only "suspicious one"
to comical now to comical but its notta fun enviroment to be in especially when you see your house and your work tools come flying outta your house and landing in a heap in the driveway hopefully i get my stuff back by july my next court date my lawyer is going to file for a release of the property at least all the shit that they took that had nothing to do with my medical grow like topsy turvy tomato kits latest in marijuana manufacturing lol
Exactly! Don't take a fucking deal! There is no law against cultivation in NV! They were in your house and your shit was a medical necessity.

Please review the NRS relating to these items the plant limits are SAFE HARBOR, but they will not charge you with shit because you have a card, they can't prove intent under these facts, and a good NV lawyer should get it all dropped. $1,500 for the atty sounds like he is a clown though.


hey thanx to you and josey and anyone else for the info been very helpful if this were oregon i'd know how the legal system worked being a product of it since i was 13 years old :) but here i dont know shit like my lawyer told me i was already arrained and back home if i was arrainged and not at that hearing thered be a warrant for my arrest but here some judge just reviews it and decides if theres probable cause to proceed guess he was an idiot too :) thanx for the info though guys hearing that a half assed lawyer got an illegal grow knocked down to a possesion ticket and some community service and a lil probation pfft on my head double me up judge to get me righted beings i am a patient i don't think i'm going to have even that to look at i really dont from what they took outta here they really didnt take much but a scale my grow and some various papers and i cant really tell that anything is really missing but my grow and my tools and one paper it was a paper that the babies mama wrote her dads address on and just so happened becasue it was close and handy to stick it in a box of jars that had weed in it if they're hoping there case is going to stand on that they better get a new lawyer and some new cops i'd say


Well, I have grown a plant in this awful heat outdoors. I placed it in a spot where it gets no sun after 11 am. The problem is that she started flowering cuz she only gets morning sun. I am waiting to see how she turns out.


Active member
seems strange she flowered Kal, was she in 24 hr light before you set her out in the furnace?
ya really it's only getting about 4 hours or so of direct light and then the rest of the day it's in indirect light and it's flowering on ya weird i'd say that ones going to herm on ya :) just where i'm letting my money ride :) that sux and all but is what it is i suppose well i ordered the 2 ingredients i need to mix up my soil and will get that mixed and composting by mid week i'd guess that'll give me a good 2 months if not 2 n 1/2 to let it "cook" before i use it it works using it straight from mix too just get better results if i let it compost make good and sure the guano and everything else is active during the plants growth not activate once the plants getting ready to be harvested :)


Any plant that gets a mix of at least 12 hours darkness and shade will flower.
I know this cuz I used to throw plants out onto my patio in the summer and they only were getting about 6 hours of direct sunlight and they were flowering. I googled it and found out that was why.


thats some memory you got joesy, lol
dont tell those beer snobs in vegas
well got all my parts to make my soil mix and got containers to store it in while it composts and what not plus got some new water jugs for drinking water becasxue the cops took even that my water jug and dispenser whatever lol be back up and growing in no time got a friend veggin out my girls for me so they'll be ready for flower when i pick them up :) awesome all before my first court date :)

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