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Denver trying to pass ordinance to ban caregivers


On Monday August 9th, the Denver City Council will hear a first reading of an ordinance to BAN caregivers from growing medical marijuana for any patient in any residential zone district. The ordinance will make it a zoning violation for anyone to grow more than 12 plants in any residential zone district. In addition, the 12 plants can only be grown for patients who live at that address. This ordinance will effectively ban the caregiver model of safe access in Denver!

It gets worse.....
Ordinance C10-0607 is being introduced by Councilmember Jeanne Robb, who admits that she did notconsult a single patient during the drafting process!
The ordinance will be heard for a first reading on Monday night at 5:30p. If it passes first reading, a public hearing will be scheduled for sometime in September, along with a final vote.

Please call you city council representative TODAY and tell them to vote NO on Ordinance C10-0607. The city council should send the ordinance back to the drawing board and draft an ordinance that regulates - not bans - small time caregivers in Denver.



Trying to have a good day
All over America............Its just all about the money to these fucks in office.And they are after that money like a hungry dog arent they?


The cat that loves cannabis
I looked her up, she was just a neighborhood busybody who ran for office in 2003.
Now she wants to tell everyone what to do, like she has an f'ing clue about anything.
From the pic I saw of her she has a terrible gum to tooth ratio(like 3inch of gums and one inch teeth) and could benefit from some rogaine therapy.

Look Jeanne, I'm sorry you're going bald and have a nasty all gums smile, but don't take your anger about it out on the caregivers.


That's the kind of shit that should get you recalled from office. Drafting a proposal without doing required research (consulting cgs and patients) means she is pursuing her own personal agenda or is completely incompetent. Either way she should be removed.

Luckily, I think it's in conflict with amd. 20.


I dont think they will be able to do this, as HB1284 and A20 says you cannot ban CG's. OPCL's and dispensaries can be banned, but not CGs.

I agree with Dorje, this crazy bitch should be hoisted out of office!
Please register with my site and we can ban together and stop this insanity. They are not allowed to do this if we contest it otherwise as the weak and scared society we are we will fall prey to the bullshit and voting will have amounted to to nothing, we are quickly approaching nothing people.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Gee where's all these lawyers who promised lawsuits after 1284?? Are they are too busy collecting retainers from MMC's??


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
They are killing MMJ the last way they know how... politics and laws... redicoulous laws that will make it damn near impossible to do anything without getting in trouble one way or another. This is what they are now doing all over the US...

They are taking it back out of our hands into theirs just like it was before...


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Gee where's all these lawyers who promised lawsuits after 1284?? Are they are too busy collecting retainers from MMC's??

I talked to Jessica Corry yesterday to go over the potential of suing the state over the 2 year residency clause. She's REALLY backed up with real work. Best of luck to her.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
I seem to remember the Corry's in a Westword article talking about suing the state, filing injunctions etc the day after 1284 was passed.


we need some new champion mmj attorneys to step up to the plate in CO.

it's obviously dues that pays off with a busy practice.