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Denver Medical Outdoor Advertising ban


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
All i'm gonna say is crack dealers don't stand on a corner with a sign that says Crack For Sale come get me !


all im gonna say is its pretty obvious
even children recognize intoxication in public, at very early ages....

i kno its easy in this conversation to get caught up on the sign spinners.... admittedly, signs spinners put it more in your face, but billboards and sign trucks are not as much, less gaudy.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
im not all alone on this.... just almost all alone.

im not all alone on this.... just almost all alone.

I agree with Avinash...it's advertising.

While I don't agree with tacky advertising, etc, MMJ should not be targeted exclusively. What about all the beer banners spewed across every gas station, drive thru, bar, etc across the nation?

Around here we have strip clubs "adopt" highways. What about the children?

If a particular area wants to limit advertising and put regulations in place to protect against "eyesores" so be it, but banning MMJ advertising alone and outright is complete bullshit. If "$20 8th sign" is not allowed then neither should the "$4 margaritas on Tuesdays" that the local mexican restaurant displays. They should fall into the same category.

If one doesn't like an advertisement then they should simply not visit there.. but a support for this ban is a support for more regulation/government. Never the right approach in my opinion.

:thank you::thank you:


Andinismo Hierbatero
the point of all advertising is to stick the product in your face to get u to buy it, can u fault dispensaries for doing the same?

with a medicine, you do not see this kind of advertisement... you don't see a huge blue spinning neon pill-like sign that reads: Viagra, Sale! 20 Pills 20$!!!!


or "Aspirin!!!! Come and get that blood thinned homie! only 19.99$!!!!"

you get the idea...


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Ohmless you hit the nail on the head with me on that post !!

dont rubb there nose in it !!

Why even give the DEA, anti's and the naysayers a reason to even look at you?

my point is a billion dollar industry was built on this product in the dark . How big do you think it would get in the shade ?

this conversation is really, in its underlying points, about removing the stigma of marijuana use and cultivation, one generation at a time. by sensitizing people to imagery of the plant and patients... maybe just maybe we can actually stop treating this plant like HERION.

by passing amendment 20, by having dispensaries, by creating this industry here, we have already given "dea anti's and the naysayers" every reason they need. they arent looking at colorado because of billboards or even sign twirlers, its because of dispensaries and lots of them.

but the attention isnt all bad. we are changing national outlook on marijuana, one step at a time, and imo this ban is a step in the wrong direction....
its a step back in the direction of INtolerance, when we as cannabis users and cultivators .... all we want is to be tolerated within society, am i wrong????

also, the "billion dollar industry" was built in the dark meaning no regulation.... in colorado its regulated, so its a lil more complicated here in the "shade".
sunlight is the best disinfectant


Andinismo Hierbatero
Avinash, you're not wrong, but most people who have posted their disagreement here, including myself, agree with you on the whole issue of changing the bad perception of cannabis ingrained in the general public; however, the right way to do that is not with big neon signs and corny, lack of taste advertisement. that's what the disagreement is all about.


Grass Lands

This type of advertising does nothing more then make a mockery of an already tainted mmj system.

There may be a few honest to goodness dispensaries or clubs out there somewhere...but for the most part the majority are nothing more then a dealer slinging herb...


advertising = money ...... and money could turn a diamond into a turd if you gave it time.

your product should stand for itself without the full page add, billboard or sign spinner ......... period

bill hicks said it best. "if you are in marketing or advertising, kill yourself ........ you have no justification for what you do, you are satins little helper, so borrow a pistol from your NRA buddy, suck a tail pipe, whatever, just do it"

think of how good our products would have to be without all the fluff and bullshit used to sell them. if you wanted to stay in the game all you would have to do is be better than the competition.

but that almost sounds like the fairy tale they taught us in school ......... and it could be the only way to "happily ever after"


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
full page ads still ok,
all print TV radio and merchandising is still ok
inside adult venues, or inside the lobby they are ok
only outdoor advertising


Well-known member
I think many are missing the point here.

It's not about tacky advertising or a product speaking for itself without such advertising.. its about an industry being exclusively targeted through unfair regulation.

Keeping MMJ in the dark and obeying ridiculous regulations is doing nothing to change the public's outlook on MMJ....if anything it is only hindering the chance to make MMJ mainstream acceptable such as alcohol, prescription drugs, tobacco and taco tuesdays...all of which have been advertised outdoors in a similar way as these MMJ ads being targeted.

Again.. anyone who has a problem with tacky MMJ outdoor advertising should have a problem with bud light banners, we buy gold signs, furniture for less protestors, tobacco at state minimum, etc.. If there is a problem with the way outdoor advertising is done it should be regulated and enforced across ALL businesses.

Its not about obnoxious signage or people's sensitive outlook on things.. its about unfair targeting of one specific industry. If the industry allows itself to be regulated in such a way then what is next...

with a medicine, you do not see this kind of advertisement... you don't see a huge blue spinning neon pill-like sign that reads: Viagra, Sale! 20 Pills 20$!!!!

How can you be upset and compare MMJ to bud light, crown royal , and prescrition drugs ? They are legal ! marijuana is still a schedule I illegal substance. your upset and want to complain about advertising rights and ethics ?

Come on get real !

imho you don't have a leg to stand on !!! But I would love to hear the other side . :tiphat:


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
its legal in colorado, people are issued business liscenses and pay taxes to the state... its as legal as it gets in this hemisphere right now, i know these conditions may be totally unheard of and even unimaginable to the average good old boy southern smoker.... no offense.

jezzzzzus im glad flower farmers at least got my back on this...

thanks all tho for chiming in, im glad to hear the other side as well.


Well-known member
How can you be upset and compare MMJ to bud light, crown royal , and prescrition drugs ? They are legal ! marijuana is still a schedule I illegal substance. your upset and want to complain about advertising rights and ethics ?

Come on get real !

imho you don't have a leg to stand on !!! But I would love to hear the other side . :tiphat:

I see your point... which is why cannabis should have been De-scheduled the moment states voted to allow medical marijuana. It is a complete contradiction that 17 states have spoken that cannabis to be legal for medical use, yet it still remains a schedule I narcotic. But that's a whole 'nother injustice and doesn't pertain to this ban on outdoor advertising specifically targeted at the MMJ industry.

This ban has nothing to do with the legality of cannabis, but just the views of some people who don't like seeing it...and if thats the case it should have nothing to do with MMJ, but simply obnoxious advertising and similar signage across the board.

"The intent was to protect kids"

..and if that is the case. $4 Draft Beer signage should be banned just as $20 1/8s advertisements.. even more so since CO has voted cannabis is medicinal and nobody has voted that alcohol is medicinal.


I don't agree with the advertising but I also don't agree on it only banning cannabis. The fact that they single out cannabis is wrong. I don't want advertising like that outdoors but it should also be banned for big pharmacy drugs too including alcohol and tobacco. If its OK with tobacco and pharmacy, then it has to be OK for medical cannabis.


Andinismo Hierbatero
..and if that is the case. $4 Draft Beer signage should be banned just as $20 1/8s advertisements.. even more so since CO has voted cannabis is medicinal and nobody has voted that alcohol is medicinal.

you're right, it's discriminatory, specifically targeted against cannabis...

but then again, we should know by now what to expect, if we think we can advertise like cheap beer or the like, we're not being realistic and our strategies are lacking.

if they had done things right from the start, like abstaining from flashy neon lights, from trying to 'lure in' customers; there would not be any of this happening, as they would not have given them options.

also, by the same token that cannabis was voted as a medicine and alcohol was not, why try to advertise like alcohol when cannabis is not like it?

just food for thought.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
im curious what neon signage did to get such a bad rap, probably all those beer signs in bars.


New member
Too bad to hear that. Advertising is important. It is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience to continue or take some new action. Outdoor advertising includes various types of promotional displays, from highway billboards to transit posters and arena placement, all geared towards communicating a message to the public. In today’s world, an increasing number of companies have begun implementing products into actual TV shows, rather than running their advertisements during commercial breaks.