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Denver Drug Agent: Our Problems ‘Have Exploded’ With Pot Legalization


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
THORNTON, Colo. (CBS4) – No matter how regulated marijuana is, now that pot is legal in Colorado it will be hard to keep away from curious and unknowing kids, according to a member of a Denver-area drug task force.

“There’s plenty of evidence that this a harmful thing for kids. I can’t even believe I have to say that,” Sgt. Jim Gerhardt with the North Metro Drug Task Force told CBS4. “We’ve seen children infant age that have been getting into this stuff and hospitalized, and this has been under medical marijuana. I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to get with full blown legalization.”

At Arapahoe House, a drug and alcohol counseling center in Thornton, Angela Bornemann said marijuana use is already the most common addiction in teens they see. She says they are now expecting to see more and more problem dependance cases with the passage of Amendment 64.

“Children are more likely to become dependant when they start use early. Even if it’s an advertant use,” she said.

Bornemann says many kids might be more willing to try something that’s perceived as less harmless, such as a pot brownie. Whether they know what they’re eating or not, the THC in such an item laced with marijuana can have serious side effects.

“In children in particular the brain is still developing. It’s actually developing up until age 25. So we’re not sure how the substances impact the developing of the brain.”

This week two different cases of pot brownies being sprung on people in schools have emerged on the Front Range.

A teenage girl at Air Academy High School in Colorado Springs was hospitalized after eating a pot brownie a 14-year-old boy gave her. The suspect now faces a felony drug charge.


THORNTON, Colo. (CBS4)“There’s plenty of evidence that this a harmful thing for kids. I can’t even believe I have to say that,” Sgt. Jim Gerhardt with the North Metro Drug Task Force told CBS4. .
STFU sgt gerhardt, and start looking for a new job, you complete P.O.S.
“In children in particular the brain is still developing. It’s actually developing up until age 25. So we’re not sure how the substances impact the developing of the brain.”




Lol. So booze is still ok in their eyes? hmmm i guess kids dont do under age drinking also, and im sure that its not good for the brain either. Bah what tools, and as for the kid, im glad he got charged.


Well-known member
And PPl & infants in Nepal that have been keeping their cannabis fed goats, and drank their thc laced milk since ages, and gave 'mothers-thc-laced-milk to their baby's for as long as their population exist... are now in such a deteriored state that all are wondering why CPS ain't all over the place.



its only harmless when the girl said ok to the pot brownie. If she just thought it was a reg brownie and not knowing that edibles can be ALOT stronger, than yeah, sucks to be him.


its only harmless when the girl said ok to the pot brownie. If she just thought it was a reg brownie and not knowing that edibles can be ALOT stronger, than yeah, sucks to be him.

and the op dosnt give the full story on it, so who knows


i would really like to say ahhh better not they might track me down and charge me . but wonder how many nice people believe this sort o twaddle, oh yes its gonna be a shocker. christ its only been banned 75 years, wonder how bad life was before shit head whats his name changed it to scedual 1, anyways.


“We’ve seen children infant age that have been getting into this stuff and hospitalized, and this has been under medical marijuana. I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to get with full blown legalization.”
Umm, infant age?
Isn't that the age where baby needs mommy to hold the bottle?

If an infant got hold of some spinach, swallowing it, could that not call for hospitalization also?
Bornemann says many kids might be more willing to try something that’s perceived as less harmless, such as a pot brownie.
Better than starting out with pills, crack, meth, heroin...
I dont condone children using recreational drugs, but if they are going to experiment with something (as many will) id rather it be something harmless and natural.
Whether they know what they’re eating or not, the THC in such an item laced with marijuana can have serious side effects.
I would be much more concerned over a spiked drink or ecstasy...
Matter of fact, id be more concerned over brownies made from Exlax.

“In children in particular the brain is still developing. It’s actually developing up until age 25. So we’re not sure how the substances impact the developing of the brain.”
Wow Man!!! I'll never be any older than 25!
Even though i am much wiser than i was at 25.

A teenage girl at Air Academy High School in Colorado Springs was hospitalized after eating a pot brownie a 14-year-old boy gave her.
He could have given her hydrocodine and xanax just as easily.

Not shooting at the messenger,
but taking cheap pot shots at North Metro Drug Task Force

Could it be that Sgt. Jim Gerhardt is a cop who fears losing his job due to
a lack of any real investigative ability?
Is he one of those cops who's ran around busting pot smokers by the dozen
simply because the smell gave them away, with any busts he's made involving
other drugs being the result of pure dumb luck?

Sorry, I know im in another state, but such ignorance and brainwashing going down in another state, especially a legal state, is going to set the stage to delay any type of legislation efforts in my state.


hahahahaha hospitaiized for weed.....someone who owns the paper or has interest in it.... is pushing the BS...IS anti-marijuana through propaganda

why even report on these ubsurd stories....Im sure theres more to come....

" 3 Kids ate some mj browines in high school 1 got sick ....she went to the hospital "...this became a news worthly story according to the Denver Post

This kind of BullShit Newspaper pushed anti-marijuana propaganda is what made marijuana illegal in the first place...Flase newspaper reports of Marijuana infused Crazed Negros raping white women


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Hey, if marijuana is legal, we can get rid of 30% of the pigs, cut Police budgets, free prisoners and spend all the cash on something worthwhile.

Shocking to think that some Police might have their snouts in the trough so deep that they would actually lie to us in order to try and keep things as they are, just to preserve their own wage cheques.

I guess the rich Lawyers groups and private prison businesses will be spewing out crass propaganda soon to try and save their people's businesses and investments.


High Grade Specialist
“We’ve seen children infant age that have been getting into this stuff and hospitalized, and this has been under medical marijuana. I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to get with full blown legalization.”

Cant somebody think about the children for once??


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Its not unlikely that someone who has never tried a brownie might end up in the emergency room. Im a heavy user I have had whities from brownies in the past so its not impossible. They just did not know how to handle the felling its very diferant them what smoking it feels like. They still dont realize that its easier for kids to get cigarettes and alcohol...Those Are far more damaging to kids then Cannabis ever would be

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