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Denver cannabis church




Saw this place on the news last night. Heck of a cool looking building.

What do you guys make of the place? I am not really one for any sort of religion, but like what they are saying in terms of being an "elevationist." Seems kind of like the rasta folks, just a guide to living a good life. I went to some sort of weed club last year in denver and was not terribly impressed, was like smoking weed in some crappy basement rather than the Amsterdam coffee shop environment I was expecting. I do plan to at least check the place out, probably not in opening day but within a month or so. I like the community idea, kind of reminds me of unitarian's.

I went to a heads vs. Feds talk like 15 years back, the guy from high times was arguing religious freedom for his counter culture religion. Seemed like a super dumb argument for legalization; but well, if I were to join something I think it would be like this and they don't seem to be relying heavily on that aspect so....consider me curious.


Well-known member
Some trivia for you. There is evidence that the "Holy Anointing Oil" used by early Christians used Cannabis as one ingredient. Also some people think that some of the various miracles performed by Jesus used Cannabis. Just saying. Like you I am not the religious type but if it keeps people off the street and out of trouble I am all for it.


Am a firm "to each their own" type person. If folks want it as a religious thing, that's their own decision. Just saying that for me personally, I don't get religious based use. Very much concur with the idea that people should do whatever if it improves their life. I view the straight edge stuff in the same light; the folks I knew that got into that had serious hard drug problems and the straight edge life helped clean them up.

I definitely think that community aspect is the selling point of the weed church. I pretty much only hang out with folks that smoke, so am always down to expand the circle of friends as it can be hard to meet people.

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