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Denver Alt-Weekly Seeks Marijuana Critic

I saw this in my local paper, and considered sending a resume and sample. I figured "why bother" Denver and boulder have tons of enthusiats.
It is starting to get up my nose with the media reporting on MJ tho'. All of their eletist little "stoners are slow and dumb and say "dudddde" a lot" comments and references. C'mon guys, not everyone is a Tommy-Chong-esque burn-out. Why, I've even heard that some are very brilliant. Spare me the pathetic joke making and eye rolling, and just give me the dang facts! The only reason i bring this up is because my local paper resorted back to that type of yellow journalism on this story.


Nobody would do it if they couldn't toke. What else could you evaluate? Their floors were clean and it smelled nice in there... I give it a 6 out of 10.


If you are talking about me I'd like to point out that I read the article and would venture a guess that I'm older than you.

My point is that anyone who does that job will have to buy the grass. It makes sense that they would smoke it as well.

Some people just like to post posts that make it seem like they are saying something about "kids" who say nothing when they themselves are the ones not saying anything.

Well played sir.