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Dennis McKenna - "Plant Teachers"


Active member
As I work to take cuttings (perfect 4/20 activity and a good moon!) I was listening to this is an amazing talk given by Dennis McKenna called "Plant Teachers" given at the 4th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference, "Magic, Myths & Miracles" in Iquitos, Peru. (July 19, 2008). Very heartfelt and honest. While it is primarily about ayahuasca, I think the ideas presented relate to all plants and, more broadly, to all our relationships. Highly recommended.


Excerpted from 31:15

"We’re plant people. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t plant people. We’re called to this conference by a plant...
We do what we do because of plants and for plants...we work for the plants. We need to do what the plants want us to do and I think what the plants want us to do is to form symbiosis and they want us to share information. They want us to teach other plant people. Plants want to spread around. That’s what they do. They want symbiosis because that’s a way to further their agenda. We need to follow that. We need to do what plant people have always done which is to share plants. Share knowledge. The most revolutionary thing you can do is grow a garden..."

Happy gardening everyone - Butte
Plants are an extension of ourselves, we share a lot more DNA in common with plants than what religious people want to grant. With animals we share a lot too, there are dangers of not understanding either.


Eugene Oregon
Oh shit, answered my own question.
I love his brother Terence he seriously had a great positive impact that changed how I think to this day.

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