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Deltron's Medical Deck Dank 2011


Active member
Hey all, Deltron here again for another summer grow season.
This season has been full of problem solving and overcoming difficulties, but I'll get into that in a later post. Now for a little basic info and pictures about where were at.
Soil Mix:
Hand blended in 25 gallon smart pots this year, not the perfect ingredients but close enough for my first soil mix. The mix consists of:
*"tri-blend" compost (from a local company, made of top soil, green compost and fir compost)
*earthworm castings (don't remember the company, but nice organic ones with tasty food for the worms)
*peat moss
*bone meal
*dolomite lime

2x AfghanixSour d
2x DJ Short's Blueberry
2x Subcool Pandoras Box (Jack the RipperXSpacequeen (C99xRomulan))
1x Lemon OG
1x Subcool Agent Orange

Grow spot and situation:
You can see a little panorama I took in the first picture, this is the view from the porch I'm growing on. Originally, we were going to grow on a much bigger area on the roof to the right of the balcony, but our land lords saw us on the roof, and told us we weren't allowed to be on the roof, and so what would have been 8 clones in 8, 25 gallons planters, turned into 4 25 gallon planters, each with 2 clones in them. You can see that the clones are a little older than just clones in most cases, but I don't think they're quite teens yet.
In the second photo, you can see the small little privacy screen that we have erected to block sight from the neighbors dining room. The real challenge with this grow is that there is very little direct light on the deck after about noon, but we're anticipating being able to train the plants over the edge, where they'll get full sun for almost the entire day :dance013:

Plans for the season:
*Aerated compost teas as much as possible, most likely in conjunction with stinging nettle tea, for the bio aggregator aspect that they bring
*Staying ahead of bugs, beasties, and fungi with Bact. Thur., israel., and kurg. sprays every two weeks through out the season.
*Heavy training for the duration of the season to encourage even bud formation, as well as best position for sun

Photos: 1:panorama with both privacy screens included in the frame
2:another panorama that focuses more on the plants. From left to rightL (DJS Blueberry, Sub's Pandora's Box, Lemon OG, AffyxSourD, AffyxSourD, Sub's Agent Orange, Sub's Pandora's Box, DJS Blueberry)


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