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Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrom anyone else have it?


I have only made ice hash, do you freeze the leafs while they are still moist and then do it? Or let them dry Pyth?


Patient Grower
No, I don't freeze it. Huh. Yes I understand ice hash and why freezing it is necessary when using a water extraction but that's because the essentials aren't water soluable. But you know, next batch I'm going to try letting the extraction happen in the freezer and see what happens. I usually let the plant material dry after the water cure because otherwise the alcohol evaporates more quickly and the result is swirls of water in the oil that seem to take forever to evaporate. But that's just a sniggling personal preference, and I doubt it makes any difference to the end product when the water is evaporated.

BTW, the entire method came about from me seeing an episode of Weeds when the black lady that was on the first couple of seasons mentioned that you could make killer edibles from very low grade material. I had a bunch of leaf, made some butter and then brownies and got high as the devil. But the taste was enough to make me nearly puke, and the entire point to my process was to get that taste gone.


Pyth that was awesome, nice post on that method. I was referring to the freezing as more of a preservation type of thing as your going along the grow and discarding the dying leaves. I wanted to know if it was wet or dry leaf mostly.


Active member
This sounds very interesting. I know weed affects peoples sleep cycles, specially at the beginings of regular use, but my personal opinion is that these people are more likely to smoke weed as a form of unconcious self medication, therefore making the user question him or herself - the chicken or the egg.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
wow what a good read i will read it again just to be sure... But it sounds like i may to have it.. FOCK!!!!!
next step is eating it like suggested earlier.. or bubble bags.. good read ill definitely be back later peace.



Yep :)

I've always been a night owl, which usually meant getting less sleep when I was younger. As I've gotten older I've changed my routine to match my sleep pattern.

Time to get some sleep!


Patient Grower
This sounds very interesting. I know weed affects peoples sleep cycles, specially at the beginings of regular use, but my personal opinion is that these people are more likely to smoke weed as a form of unconcious self medication, therefore making the user question him or herself - the chicken or the egg.

No question in my mind which came first. I have vivid memories of my mother trying to wake me up for kindergarten when I was 5 years old, and what a struggle it was.

The very reason I embraced Mary jane after our first date was waking up the next morning realizing that I had gotten my first good night's sleep in fucking years. It is not a borderline issue. The difference in my brain because of being able to sleep properly is night and day, no pun intended.

Please don't try to use prohibitionist rhetoric in your thinking process. Their positions are so biased as to be totally unreliable and reasonably excluded from consideration it their entirety. From brain damage, to causing cancer, to amotivational syndrome, to the gateway theory, etc, etc, etc, all based on bias, and supported by 'scientific' studies designed to produce the results to support the bias they've proven themselves liars.

Thanks, I'll continue to self administer my oil to regulate my sleep cycle, because given the choice whether to believe what I've seen with my own eyes what people claim to be true I'll pick that which I've seen every single time. But that's just because over the last 49 years my eyes have proven themselves honest and unbiased. Almost every time I've been fooled in my life it could have been avoided by believing my eyes.


Active member
Please don't try to use prohibitionist rhetoric in your thinking process. Their positions are so biased as to be totally unreliable and reasonably excluded from consideration it their entirety. From brain damage, to causing cancer, to amotivational syndrome, to the gateway theory, etc, etc, etc, all based on bias, and supported by 'scientific' studies designed to produce the results to support the bias they've proven themselves liars.

I wasn't aware that i was using "prohibitionist rhetoric" in my thinking. I am just considering all options no matter how against them i may be. To deny something because it does not fit congruently with ones self schemas is to be blinded by ones self. All knowlege right or wrong must be weighed up and assessed to reach the most effective descision.

And i do believe i added that my opinion was that the sleep problems existed before the weed smoking started. So we are in agreement you and i.


Patient Grower
I've got to apologize, I was too harsh. First of all I spent at least 15 years of my life believing the prohibitionist rhetoric and it's natural. It makes no sense how authority presents fiction as fact, nor that they do it, and it's natural to believe they know what they're talking about. I'd just ask you to understand, which indeed you already may, how hard it is when you accidentally stumble upon something that changes/saves your life, tell people about your experience and then have them claim that what is plainly visible to your eyes is in fact untrue and that your perceptions are invalid. I'm not saying you did that, just that it was done to me repeatedly and seems to have left me with a great sensitivity on the subject. So sensitive I may perceive it happening when it isn't.

Still remember: They're lying. The lies are demonstrably bald-faced. There's no limit to what they'll make up in order to continue prosecuting the war on drugs. How do I know a drug warrior is lying? Find out if they have a pulse. How do I know that? Just experience and observation.


I agree with both. I remember the hour 3am long before I had smoked weed. At the same time, I wonder if marijuana hurts or helps. I think if your going to be doing it anyway, may as well make it work for you, not against you.

Pyth is correct about the bias that the anti-cannabis community possesses. There is a lot of 'scientific' evidence that supports the whole 'pot = insomnia' deal. I appreciate oldbootz pointing out that this stuff should be taken with open ears no matter where it came from.

Lets all remember we are probably all the trouble makers here because of our lack of decent sleep.

After all, no cannabis research will be ever considered semi-legit until the herb is downgraded to where it should be. Its illegal for them to support such ideas.

The medical world is retarded. What better way to keep you on their drugs than to discount all other options. I have to say I'm gonna agree with p on this one, just because my own experiences relate very much to his. Even when I quit pot I still had tremendous problems with sleeping. The only current problem that I have is that I don't have enough (pot or sleep)!


Patient Grower
I just woke up! Bright eyed and bushy tailed. Oh, did I mention that this will give you the best bowel movements you've ever had? I wouldn't mention it if it weren't a stupendous experience. Hmm, maybe that's all it's doing is making me not full of shit. I'll have to ponder this now...

Something else of note: This weeks batch was actually prepared in advance, which is a first as I'm a deadline kind of guy. Anyway, it was 8.9 grams when I thought it finished last week, it seems it must have had quite a bit more water in it than I thought as over the last week it dried to 5.1 grams. So my reports above of 10 grams were inaccurate though I did mention it was low potency for oil. No, no chance anyone helped themselves, there was no one but me with opportunity.


hmmm...I've been going to sleep at 3am-8am for as long as I can remember. Maybe I suffer from this too. I always feel more awake/alert between 7pm-2am and this is when I get most things done lol.


Yeah I defo have this. I love it though and it suits my life pretty well. I`ve always liked going to bed as everyone else is getting up, seems so indulgent at times.

T ;-)

bens lab

I usually go to bed between 1am - 5am, never before I just don't get tired enough. I often sleep 5 to 6 hrs. I think it's fairly normal though, occasionally will get a buildup of tiredness and sleep for 10 to 12 hrs straight.

I've been sleeping much better recently since I took up working out regularly.


New member
Sleep Disorder

Sleep Disorder

We used G-Monster Saturday night; I used one serving and so did my girlfriend. My girlfriend got totally different effects from the product than I did. I just got relaxed and chill; as I do when I did a cap of scoop, but my girlfriend said it was too trippy for her, if we were at a club I think she would have wigged out. Should she cut down the dosage or do women feel different effects from some products than men?



count me in among the dsps'ers. ever since 8th, 9th grade i havent been able to easily fall asleep before 2. most nights now i dont even think of sleep until after 6am.

smoking a bowl of wand hash does wonders for putting me to sleep. one bowl at night and im ready to pass out.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I'm on a normal schedule for me and it's been this way for years. The first few day after I run out of buds I have trouble sleeping, but then I settle in quick and it's pretty much back to normal - the buds.

Ptyh: I have a floor of fan leaves, and a skeleton or two in my cabinet. I know the skeletons have trics, but I didn't think the fan leafs offered much return. All I need is iso and a little heat and air? Maybe I'll go to the campground and make some iso hash oil. Don't wanna stink up the house again.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Smoke all day. I usually do not smoke right before bed, cause I consider it a waste.

I go to bed early and get up early. 8-4am
I smoke a cone every hour or so and when going to bed can sleep but often wake up during the night needing another to get back to sleep ...

as someone mentioned above its tough when you have nothing to smoke so saving the trim from buds for a rainy day is a good plan.

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