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Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique?

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Elite Nugz

So funny Elite Nugz, you begin to acknowledge, then go on about how this is stressful and harming the plants. Hermies do not come from doing this. This is not stressful whatsoever. It's been proven time and again in this thread.

In every single incident of hermies when using this technique you will find there were other real stresses to the plants. high/low ph issues causing lockouts, heat issues, PM issues, pythium, etc.

Dang.... I got all tied up in my calculator and forgot about this comment you made.

Your loosing me buddy... I thought you were worth responding too... but your really loosing me on this... trying to say that stripping your plants down doesnt cause stress or cause hermies..?? PLEASE dont tell me your serious.... Bro.. I've stressed plants out to bust nuts just from having my humidity too high. A fan blowing on the same spot of your plants can cause them to turn hermie in that certain spot. And your sitting here trying to tell me that stripping all the damn fan leaves from your plants causes it no stress. You gotta be fucking with me... Dude.. I may be new to this site... but I am by no means new to growing. Im not gonna feed into your BS like some of the others dudes... I know my shit through experience and have been popping beans and searching through genetics, probably longer then youve been walking. So please spare me from that non-sense. Otherwise I'll just start ignoring you like I did the others that came with BS and shit talking. No sweat off my balls. :biggrin:

Let me add this paragraph from my last comment... to make sure its seen, even though I just gave you an ear full. Or in this case.. and eye full. Lol.

And by the way... your beating a dead horse. We can run in circles all day long... but we're never gonna come to an agreement. How about we just leave it where I've tried to leave it about 3 times now.... To each their own. What works for you, doesnt work for me and vise versa. Your tactics are yours, and mine are my own. Bickering and measuring dicks isnt gonna solve anything... So how about we just let it go and allow this thread to get back on track, instead of continuing to argue this pointless argument with me, that will never end.
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Active member

some of my plants always hermy, 1 seed per bud, i keep em cause they havent pollinated anything else but themselves and are a fantastic smoke.

got one of them from a friend, it hermied to shit for him, just seeds and nothing but seeds.

for me, it gives me 1 seed per bud and very nice buds.

doesnt matter if the timing is wrong on the 12/12 (i dont have a timer and sometimes oversleep lol)

or if the heat is up to 95f (former fan troubles)

or if there is some ambient light when they sleep on the 12/12. (threw them in a closet and kept the cabin on 24, 2 crops in rotation, closet wasnt so light proof. :)

or if i plucked alot of fanleaves off.

still , they gave me 1 seed per bud.

and hermied to shit for my friend.

the difference between us?

although he was well read and everything looked right, it was his first attempt, while ive been doing it for 5 years, ive learned how to read the plants and so on.

plus i talk to the plants, lol ;)


Active member
the reason they cant pollinate anything else is how i setup the cabin.

used to be so that the hermying plants were at the back away from the fan, getting least fan action.

but nowadays i have the fan pull the air through the bottom of the cabin, so everything pulls straight up, away from the other plants. (3 holes and a lot of small holes)


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Dang.... I got all tied up in my calculator and forgot about this comment you made.

Your loosing me buddy... I thought you were worth responding too... but your really loosing me on this... trying to say that stripping your plants down doesnt cause stress or cause hermies..?? PLEASE dont tell me your serious.... Bro.. I've stressed plants out to bust nuts just from having my humidity too high. A fan blowing on the same spot of your plants can cause them to turn hermie in that certain spot. And your sitting here trying to tell me that stripping all the damn fan leaves from your plants causes it no stress. You gotta be fucking with me... Dude.. I may be new to this site... but I am by no means new to growing. Im not gonna feed into your BS like some of the others dudes... I know my shit through experience and have been popping beans and searching through genetics, probably longer then youve been walking. So please spare me from that non-sense. Otherwise I'll just start ignoring you like I did the others that came with BS and shit talking. No sweat off my balls. :biggrin:

Let me add this paragraph from my last comment... to make sure its seen, even though I just gave you an ear full. Or in this case.. and eye full. Lol.

And by the way...
your beating a dead horse. We can run in circles all day long... but we're never gonna come to an agreement. How about we just leave it where I've tried to leave it about 3 times now.... To each their own. What works for you, doesnt work for me and vise versa. Your tactics are yours, and mine are my own. Bickering and measuring dicks isnt gonna solve anything... So how about we just let it go and allow this thread to get back on track, instead of continuing to argue this pointless argument with me, that will never end. View Image

your right... we can run in circles all day long because you fail to have an open mind to the fact, that you may not know everything; which seems self evident, and ... whats funny is this thread was very "on track" until you began preaching... so... how could we possibly remedy the situation? lol

P.S. you have 44 posts most in in your own threads, all but a few others are in here TROLLING this thread.... why? if its to change our minds to get us to give up defoliation... you'd have a better chance converting the pope to Islam... so get started on that project why don't you

Elite Nugz

when K33f, the opening poster, hits 15 oz per plant he is pulling 90 ounces per 1200W.

I think he can get to 12 ounces fairly consistently.

12 ounces x 6 plants = 72 ounces per 1200W

72 ounces per 1200W (K33f) > 40 ounces per 1000W (EliteNugz)

that seems like a lot; 4.5 pounds per 1200W (600-400-600) in a custom enclosure with water culture

what if he does 9 ounces only? then it's 54 ounces per 1200W (or about 3.4 pounds per 1200W). Not as crazy but still just as good as your claim of 40 ounces per 1000W.... maybe better.

Your pics show what look to be air pots with media (either soil or soil-less)... while the OP is using water culture. Different growing styles but there is no doubt that the OP (and others) could not achieve what they do without the use of defoliation.


btw Elite, the pic on the left in this post of yours shows more than "5 plants per light". just saying...

How much you get per plant doesnt even matter. I've noticed that newer growers always ask and compare how much yield people get per plant. What matters is how much you can get per light... or per watt. With a long enough veg period and a nice yielding plant... I can easily pull pounds off of one plant indoors. Or if I grow more plants, smaller, then it will go down to ounces per plant. So how much a person pulls per plant really doesnt matter, even the slightest bit. Grams per watt of light used, is the best way to calculate whos tactics are the best.

I pull 1.5 - 2.5 pounds per 1,000 watt light, depending on the strain. Thats .67 - 1.12 grams per watt.

You lost me on your numbers. Six 15 ounce plants, for 1200 watts?? Then you changed those numbers, to something different... So ya lost me on that one. It sounds like your just guessing and rolling with random numbers, instead of actual numbers.

You mentioned "water culture". What are you referring too?? Deep Water?? Also Im not in soil, or soiless... just because you can see AirPots and soil or soiless is what those things are made for, doesnt mean that Im using them that way. Im actually doing flood and drain, on tables with airpots filled with hydroton. Its a basic flood and drain hydro system, set up my way.

And last but not least.... You mentioned that the pic I posted was more then 5 plants. Okay... I hope we're not gonna play this game, with picking the little things apart. It had 6 plants... But just because I only grow 3-5 plant per light now.. doesnt mean that I've never done any more then that. And If Im behind schedule.. and I have 6 smaller plants, I'll just toss those under a light, instead of waiting for 4 to fill in the same area. But for the most part... and everything I do currently and in the future is all 3-5 plants per light. At one time years ago... I did 12 plants per light. Hell... When I first started I did 16 plants per light. I wasnt as law abiding back then, as I am now.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
At 9 zips that is 54 ounces per 1200W of light.

Is that clear?

What's unclear is whether the yield is new leaf made in response to a lack of old leaf, or not. Weight cannot be the be-all and end-all factor, growing in a plant number-restricted plan or not. An explosion of new healthy green growth is meaningless if the amount of THC on the plant does not change.

Extraction is suggested as a means to settle this better.

eL artist

so i have been looking at ppl write about i got this much per watt or i got this much but to me they are missing on variable above all others. time
if i get 1g per 1w per week that is much better than 10gs per 1w per 20 weeks
or say you have a room that has 1 1000watt and you get 2lbs but you only harvest 2 a year and i have a room that has 1 1000watt and i get .8lbs but i harvest 6 times a year i am more productive and getting more out of my watts than you

I just hate all these ppl talking about only grams/watts that is not only factor time must be added to equation. if you have veg more than 4 weeks from clone imho it is too long ruins perputual system. and if you have to veg were you flower than you need to redesign your system. as soon as i chop next cuts go in so my turn around on my rooms is 8-9 weeks which is close to 6 harvest a year for each room. and i have 2 rooms which are set 4.5 weeks apart. every 4.5 weeks i chop. after new girls go in, a week and half later take cuts from mom once rooted, 1 week veg and then fim to girls then one more week veg and they go into flo and it is all lst from there on. i can fill out a conopy just fine with 2 week veg with 20 girls in a 7x7 room with 2400w

seems like if i did this technique i would be loosing harvest and be less productive (from my reading and reading of this thread seems you have to allow the plant to come back from defol process if i am wrong sorry, really my only problem with this actual tech, madder about the g/w without time all over icmag)
also the bible told me never take a leaf unless you take branch to go with it or it is already dead, and the bible has taught me more and a better refernce than anyone else has ever been except blazeonup and now bigtoke and of course og

Elite Nugz

so i have been looking at ppl write about i got this much per watt or i got this much but to me they are missing on variable above all others. time
if i get 1g per 1w per week that is much better than 10gs per 1w per 20 weeks
or say you have a room that has 1 1000watt and you get 2lbs but you only harvest 2 a year and i have a room that has 1 1000watt and i get .8lbs but i harvest 6 times a year i am more productive and getting more out of my watts than you

I just hate all these ppl talking about only grams/watts that is not only factor time must be added to equation. if you have veg more than 4 weeks from clone imho it is too long ruins perputual system. and if you have to veg were you flower than you need to redesign your system. as soon as i chop next cuts go in so my turn around on my rooms is 8-9 weeks which is close to 6 harvest a year for each room. and i have 2 rooms which are set 4.5 weeks apart. every 4.5 weeks i chop. after new girls go in, a week and half later take cuts from mom once rooted, 1 week veg and then fim to girls then one more week veg and they go into flo and it is all lst from there on. i can fill out a conopy just fine with 2 week veg with 20 girls in a 7x7 room with 2400w

seems like if i did this technique i would be loosing harvest and be less productive, but if i am wrong then let me know and prove me wrong what is your g/w/t with g=grams, w=watts, and t= total time from rooted cut to harvest, i will put mine up in a 2 weeks once i chop one of my rooms down and dry the ladies out
also the bible told me never take a leaf unless you take branch to go with it or it is already dead, and the bible has taught me more and a better refernce than anyone else has ever been except blazeonup and bigtoke

People are missing a ton a variables in this thread. The one you posted in just another one to add to the pile. Its good to know that there are some people here with their head on straight though.

To me... this is a loss cause... So Im gonna try to stay away from this thread. It seems people are out of arguments, and are now resorting to poking at retarded things, like how many plants I run, instead of the actual topic of this crazy tactic.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
I haven't followed the tired back-and-forth here for obvious reasons, but only going by the simple fact that I have the first neg rep I've had in 3.5 years here, in my harmless little post above, suggests that you, whoever you are, is the one with the problem - not even serious trolls who've argued with me in several threads did so. I expected no less from this thread.

Good demonstration of the point of the sig in that post, congrats.

Actual results were desired and I gave them, I don't know what more you want. Oh, I didn't agree, is that the problem? Or are you too big a pussy to tell in writing?

eL artist

It is all about having the patience to move back the timeline and add additional veg time into your schedule. Once this additional time has been integrated into the process it becomes standard and does not add to the actual production cycle.
so more reading and this is my drawback to technique, if i add a week of veg i loose a harvest every year, if i add 3 weeks i loose 2 harvest and for every additional 2 weeks is another harvest. isnt it better to harvest less quicker than more slower.

but wow the girls look great on this thread when they are done, those fat colas is a big draw :tiphat: for me, tempting, maybe i will break down and do this one day

see this technique is devil :sasmokin: telling me my bible is wrong but still like to see how fat i can get the colas with this, but i think this just isnt suited for what i have to work with


so more reading and this is my drawback to technique, if i add a week of veg i loose a harvest every year, if i add 3 weeks i loose 2 harvest and for every additional 2 weeks is another harvest. isnt it better to harvest less quicker than more slower.

but wow the girls look great on this thread when they are done, those fat colas is a big draw :tiphat: for me, tempting, maybe i will break down and do this one day

see this technique is devil :sasmokin: telling me my bible is wrong but still like to see how fat i can get the colas with this, but i think this just isnt suited for what i have to work with

You are seriously lacking in this post.

If you, as many others, are flowering in 1 room, and vegging in another (or area whatever), then rotating in after harvest, then you too are waiting on flowering period, not vegging period.

What k33f is stating above is that the initial 1st veg time is 2-3 weeks longer, but after that your rotation is the same. after harvest you bring in the veggers, and begin the same 7-9 week or whatever flower period.

I think you totally miss the context of k33f's point in above.

Understand what I mean?

Elite Nugz

The actual topic has been addressed at length and will continue to be. It might actually be a good thing if you did consider staying away from this thread because it doesn't appear that you will realize any benefit from the information here and your posts are not really contributing anything of benefit to the other readers.

I totally agree with you.... I just wish people would stop engaging me in conversation, by quoting my comments and directing questions and comments to me. Quit that, and you'll never see me post in this thread ever again..!!

Elite Nugz

k33f gets (documented in this thread for starters) anywhere from 54 ounces to 74 ounces per 1200W

It makes a lot of sense to use K33ftr33z as a comparison b/c he runs a horizontal garden with similar wattage and plant numbers to what you say you run. He....

Maybe he.... is getting more bud sites in a more compact space within the zone of optimum light than you are and that's why he yields more. It's hard to get plants to do what he gets them to do....

Damn it... Why isnt there a monkey hanging from a ball sack in the smile face section?? Can I request this??

Well anyway.... You see all that red up there...?? Yeah... so lets talk about something you know through experience, instead of something someone else did. That would probably be good. Theres a few growers I look up to as well... but lets cut the umbilical cord here buddy.

Elite Nugz


some of my plants always hermy, 1 seed per bud, i keep em cause they havent pollinated anything else but themselves and are a fantastic smoke.

got one of them from a friend, it hermied to shit for him, just seeds and nothing but seeds.

for me, it gives me 1 seed per bud and very nice buds.

doesnt matter if the timing is wrong on the 12/12 (i dont have a timer and sometimes oversleep lol)

or if the heat is up to 95f (former fan troubles)

or if there is some ambient light when they sleep on the 12/12. (threw them in a closet and kept the cabin on 24, 2 crops in rotation, closet wasnt so light proof. :)

or if i plucked alot of fanleaves off.

still , they gave me 1 seed per bud.

and hermied to shit for my friend.

the difference between us?

although he was well read and everything looked right, it was his first attempt, while ive been doing it for 5 years, ive learned how to read the plants and so on.

plus i talk to the plants, lol ;)

Im extremely interested in how you pull off one seed per bud each time you grow. Please pass on the wisdom young grasshoppa...

Elite Nugz

See what I mean.... ^^ You guys are so determined to prove this tactic correct that you make such ridiculous claims. Lets use this time and energy to read up on some much better techniques, instead of wasting it arguing with me over non-sense.


Gawd, I wonder, if Delta is getting 15-20 oz per plant using this harmful, yield reducing technique, what could he get if he wasn't so mean to his plants?
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