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Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique?

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The Voice of Reason

what if i call defoliation a short term for partial defoliation?
Then you'd be like someone saying sphere is short term for hemisphere.

I've no use for arguing with people who have no interest in using words correctly or communicating properly.

You deserved the neg rep.
I've never been anything but reasonable this entire thread, and you went off ranting like a scalded baboon without justification.


Active member
I Harvested my first Defoliated plants tonight.

I grow zero veg SOG clones in two liter hempys.

Usually I lolly-pop my clones on the first and 2nd week of flowering.

Here are two examples from two different Harvests. One that has been lolly-popped and one that has been defoliated.

Lolly-popped batch:


Defoliated batch:


^^ Stripped of fans on day 21 and 45


Active member
I Harvested my first Defoliated plants tonight.

I grow zero veg SOG clones in two liter hempys.

Usually I lolly-pop my clones on the first and 2nd week of flowering.

Here are two examples from two different Harvests. One that has been lolly-popped and one that has been defoliated.

Lolly-popped batch:


Defoliated batch:


^^ Stripped of fans on day 21 and 45

Thank you for sharing!! Which one do you think yielded more?


I Harvested my first Defoliated plants tonight.

I grow zero veg SOG clones in two liter hempys.

Usually I lolly-pop my clones on the first and 2nd week of flowering.

Here are two examples from two different Harvests. One that has been lolly-popped and one that has been defoliated.

Lolly-popped batch:


Defoliated batch:


^^ Stripped of fans on day 21 and 45

^^^ I certainly dont see any problems there. How do the lower buds compare? Do you think they look better developed?


Active member
Thank you for sharing!! Which one do you think yielded more?

The lolly-popped ones gave me 13.5 on average.

I will know how the stripped one did when they are dry in a week or so. But by eye balling it id say its heavy.

^^^ I certainly dont see any problems there. How do the lower buds compare? Do you think they look better developed?

Yea their color is better, because the buds are on branches instead of running up and down the stem they get better light exposure and so far they seem denser.


Then you'd be like someone saying sphere is short term for hemisphere.

I've no use for arguing with people who have no interest in using words correctly or communicating properly.

You deserved the neg rep.
I've never been anything but reasonable this entire thread, and you went off ranting like a scalded baboon without justification.

Well, to me it isn't reasonable that you act like you are the one with the correct definition of defoliation.

I personally agree that for instane "heavy leaf pruning" or other terms could be used, but I accept as a fact that leaf pruning - no matter light or heavy - is in fact defoliation.

So in matter of baboon without justifications, I guess there are more of them. Closer to you than you are comfortable with.


Active member
cmon its been 6+ months already..

has anyone done a side by side?

defoliation sure takes a long time


The Voice of Reason
Well, to me it isn't reasonable that you act like you are the one with the correct definition of defoliation.

I personally agree that for instane "heavy leaf pruning" or other terms could be used, but I accept as a fact that leaf pruning - no matter light or heavy - is in fact defoliation.

So in matter of baboon without justifications, I guess there are more of them. Closer to you than you are comfortable with.

I act like the dictionary is the one with the correct definition of any word. That is, after all, what dictionaries are for.

So... when you debone a chicken, you only remove one or two of the bones?? lmao

to you Deforestation means chopping down one tree??

When you defrost something you only thaw out a small portion of it??

when you deactivate something you leave it mostly active??

If you were a spy, and you were in charge of debugging the room, would the other spies need to be highly concerned for their safety??

I cannot believe people are attacking me and saying that asking people who are trying to teach something to use terms according to their meaning is unreasonable.

Leaf pruning is NOT defoliation, any more than a hemisphere is a sphere... or any more than deforestation means chopping down a tree or two.

I can justify EVERYTHING i've posted, and though I may be a baboon too, at least I'm the literate baboon with a leg to stand on, instead of the raving baboon grasping at straws to try and justify the unjustifiable.
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Active member
will be interesting to see the weight as that defo looks to be a bit phatter....either way theat stuff looks good son


Active member

I tried my best not to say anything negative about your grow because i like how your giving growing a good go without really knowing what your doing. Lots of watts i like that.
But how many thousand watts are you running in this room? Even with just 1k that plant looks poorly grown. Even sickly..
I dunno why you think defoliation is a good idea. Your just light bleaching your pots and walls. The light is going straight past the plant. Bit of a waste
I dont know why you would go to the trouble of havng so many watts and paying the big power bill only to have most of the light hit the walls. Dumb move in my eyes


I act like the dictionary is the one with the correct definition of any word. That is, after all, what dictionaries are for.

So... when you debone a chicken, you only remove one or two of the bones?? lmao

the act of deboning the chicken is the part where you remove the bones, there are stages where some remain. and not all deboning is perfect, see fish.

to you Deforestation means chopping down one tree??

it clearly does not say all of the trees were removed... i suppose some could remain.

When you defrost something you only thaw out a small portion of it??

Well, there have been many times where my defrosting was incomplete - could have sworn i gave the item enough time in the microwave but dammit some frozen bits remain. See low wattage microwave defrost instructions.

when you deactivate something you leave it mostly active??

when something is deactivated this is actually different than the rest of your de_whatevers_ - this is a binary state - describes a state of being rather than an action typically (to me) however, i've unsuccessfully deactivated many things that SEEMED deactivated to start with. we could go on....

If you were a spy, and you were in charge of debugging the room, would the other spies need to be highly concerned for their safety??

well, if i was a spy i would never call a room fully debugged, but instead debugged to the best of my equipments ability. There could very well be bugs i could not detect with my equpment.

I cannot believe people are attacking me and saying that asking people who are trying to teach something to use terms according to their meaning is unreasonable.

i'm not attacking you personally, not intentionally, though i have tried to shame you a couple times, to good effect apparently. My real point is quit arguing semantics and get to the core of the issue.

Leaf pruning is NOT defoliation, any more than a hemisphere is a sphere... or any more than deforestation means chopping down a tree or two.

leaf pruning is indeed and definitely CONTROLLED defoliation. period.

I can justify EVERYTHING i've posted, and though I may be a baboon too, at least I'm the literate baboon with a leg to stand on, instead of the raving baboon grasping at straws to try and justify the unjustifiable.

Ive justified everything to date, and would be happy to continue, if only to guide you back to the main point. There are many that seem to believe defoliation - CONTROLLED PARTIAL DEFOLIATION - is useful for them - i get that you may never have once seen it work, but i have not seen any evidence that you've tried.

you mentioned you were in a book, that's nice. I'm in several movies, does that count? no of course not the movies would not be on-topic (cannabis cultivation)! is yours relevant? sure to cannabis cultivation! but not necessarily to defoliation, partial defoliation, or pruning - whatever we could both agree to call this particular technique.

by the way happy turkey day :)


So quit arguing semantics, its pedantic.

lets get to the main point shall we?

you believe that cutting leaves off - leaves that garner energy from emitted photons from the light are very dangerous to cut off.

Look at keeping a mom for instance. you cut her right? big chunks off right? and she comes back with a vengance. How about a side by side there to see which has the most branches and leaves after 2 months? this is similar except its just leaves not branches going off, so there should be i would think a lesser impact on the plant overall. Ive seen the evidence cutting harshly does some crazy shit to the girls that just letting them grow i believe would not.

I could be wrong.

I think i'm not.

That's my 2cents. (probably worth .00000000000002 since i'm a new grower)



The Voice of Reason
Seems like the opposite to me. You can stop anytime you want.:)

guess you're right... I just can't stand to let ignorance go unchecked, and the usefullness is not in arguing with those choosing to wallow in ignorance, but in making sure those learning do not get so confused by the illiteracy.


The Voice of Reason
lmao at huntingbb's grasping at semantic straws to justify his misapplication of definitions.

deboning is removing all the bones.
deforestation is clearing of trees.
Incompletely defrosted = NOT defrosted. duh.
deactivated means no longer activated.
debugged is clear of bugs. If bugs remain then the room was not successfully debugged.

defoliation is removing the leaves from, not removing a couple few leaves.

your silly semantic squirming and dancing around the reality of the situation makes me rofl.


Active member
oooo arguing with the Big boys, usually doesnt work, like head there knows his shitt, Big time, i wouldnt wanna argue with him, might wanna learn from him though!


love machine
ICMag Donor
I tried my best not to say anything negative about your grow because i like how your giving growing a good go without really knowing what your doing. Lots of watts i like that.
But how many thousand watts are you running in this room? Even with just 1k that plant looks poorly grown. Even sickly..
I dunno why you think defoliation is a good idea. Your just light bleaching your pots and walls. The light is going straight past the plant. Bit of a waste
I dont know why you would go to the trouble of havng so many watts and paying the big power bill only to have most of the light hit the walls. Dumb move in my eyes

LOL today is thanks giving, so ill be nice, and you should be too
damn i really need to get out of this thread hahah

Let me give you a little information about that room before you spout bullshit you dont know

this is the 2nd time that room get that set up, the first time had less lights and less plants, it still need to be upgrade and dial in,,,,

have you seen the FULL pics of that plant yet? i resized that picture from 3000x 5000 to 600 x 900 somewhere around there why because its gonna take me forever to upload

have you step in that room to see that plant in person yet ? nope and your spouting bs again

did you know that this is my first or only 2nd time flowering this strains ??/

and did you read that i said im a newbie and still learning??

man i would LOVE to get advices growing from you or anyone if you werent being a prick .....

poor growing style ??

there are 40 plants FOURTY plants in that room

they are all in 5 gallon dirt pots,

again this is the first time they get that RUN hahaha if you werent being such a prick ill show you my 15k vertical ROOM o well you will never get to see nice thing ahahahahah

again this shows stupid cant be fix

you have no idea what that room is and never been in the room yet telling me waste LIGHT


never seen the plants person just picture and telling me poor growing style

DUDE seriously , post up your grows, pictures, journals. and practice, then you can preach to us like you're a master

what you're doing is creating fights and trolling this thread,,,, you really are, if you have a good heart and a good mind, you would leave this thread alone or contribute something helpfull in a nice way

after all i realize you're just a sad lonely soul with no real friends, so you always go around and fuck up other's nice thing because you cant get any LOL

have a great thanks giving bro,

stuff ya belly and smoke a fat one for me..

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Non Conformist
YEAH! GODDAMN-IT! HAPPY T DAY, Y-ALL! lol... if stupid shit like this is all I had ta worry about in my life, I'd have it FUCKING made.

You guys play nice and show some respect fer one another and the site! IC Mag is here to bring us together, not divide us! :ying:

Peace and turkey grease... BC
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