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Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique?

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No Jive Productions
it's still in the 5 gal bucket it was grown in.

before i started defoliating, when prepping a plant for flower i would clean out all the small undergrowth that normally would produce only fluff.

with this plant, knowing that i was going to defoliate i left all bud sites on the plant.

instead of fluff those sites produced a lot of hard little buds instead. dense little suckers that will definitely go in the bag.


Holy crap! Nice nice nice man!

For quick reference, and cuz I'm lazy tonight, can you post the veg time/flower time for this beast?

I've got a girl almost 3 months old that just went into a 5 gal bucket. Was originally going to be a mom but it's too beautiful. Heavy heavy defol the whole time. Must have 1000 nodes on the dam thing and about 12 main colas. She goes in this week. :D


No Jive Productions
hey, devilweed!

thank you! this plant was vegged for 8 weeks and flowered for 8.5 weeks.

i'm sure this is a freak plant and i certainly don't expect to do this all the time.

that plant of yours must be huge at 3 months veg.

later, d9


in a nutshell!

in a nutshell!

... the point is to start with a plant like this one.

remove all its leaf,and let it grow for about 5 days,remove all its leaf again,and in ten days it looks like this 1

let it grow and repeat the 5 day process twice more.and it should look like this.

keep letting it grow leaf, and then 5/7 days remove it. eventually after about 6 weeks you end up with one of these.
hope that helps.
Nice job, simplified! Great quick guide:tiphat:


Active member
I'm still new to this and kind of skeptical.

Are you all sure the buds don't just look bigger because there are no big fan leaves to compare them to?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I'm still new to this and kind of skeptical.

Are you all sure the buds don't just look bigger because there are no big fan leaves to compare them to?

the proof is in the yield results and that has zero to do with how they look on a plant.

It makes sense to allow light to bud sites versus big ass sun leaves. All I personally care about is potential stressers and or stunting issues depending on strain.

The great thing about growing though, its fun to keep trying new things out and see how it ends up.
The key here is that every grow is different. The criteria being: crowding factor, height, branchiness, Your results will vary depending on these and a hundred other variables. The best thing is to familiarize yourselves with defoliation in veg at no risk and move from there. In veg, plants build more branches and sites with each defoliation and releaf cycle. Sometimes I allow more releaf cycle in bud if the plants are not quite filling all the space. They soon do, with this kind of dynamic management. So the method is not on a hard schedule or necessarily performed at absolutely prescribed stages or intervals. Once you become used to the look of defoliated plants and the releaf response therof...it is easy to determine when they need the next defoliation. Every strain will behave differently so do not draw conclusions about defoliation from a single clones response. And as always...you must be able to reproduce healthy, vigorous plants at will or you may have other problems.

this is a great post....it is the conclusion ive come to, too, in my short time defol........so ill repost it!
Well I'm so happy I cant stand it. I flipped 2 after 7 days, excellent branching and filling out. At 10 whats in veg (6) have gone wild. Just freaking amazing. I'll flip 2 more in the next day or 2. The veg space is filled again with less plants now. I'll "DF" again at 14 days whether in flip or veg. But man, you cant tell now that this was ever done. Amazing comeback. Whodathunkit!

Just curious tho, is there a point in flower, that one should stop doing this? I think I've got it for about 3 times which would get me in the 5/6 weeks of flip at 2 weeks apart. Thanx again and thanx for sharing!


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Since I have so many girls atm I am going to do some of em and let them veg longer that route and also going to do micro df'in on my sog girls and see if that increases yield on the lower bud sites versus lollipoppin


May your race always be in your favor
This is day 66 in flower. The plants were last defoliated on the 12th of july when they first showed flowering. Haven't pinched since. Took these this A.M. Under T5 HO CFL's.


Defoliating in veg certainly slows the vertical growth, Ive been foliar feeding, and leaving a few large fan leaves to encourage vertical growth; it's all a balance.

Foliaring seems to speed things up again. Im about to overgrow my veg space with the bushiest plants ive ever had. On a side note, id almost recommend against defoliating BOG's genes, they are so fucking bushy anyway.


New member
Hey im on my first grow and didnt defoliate during veg as had read so much conflicting advice but when i got to 3rd week of flowering i had to start deleafing as there was nowhere near enough light getting through. Now in 5th week & the bud sites have thickened big time & lower bud sites are going crazy.
This technique should not be done on plants that have not been prepared by defoliation from the beginning.
I just wonder why you say this as i havent seen any probs wit doing it late but am i missing something? Is there a specific reason you shouldnt? Been my 1st grow im learning the whole time.

Wicked thread
@ medmaker no one as far as im aware is cutting nodes?? the point is to start with a plant like this one.

remove all its leaf,and let it grow for about 5 days,remove all its leaf again,and in ten days it looks like this 1

let it grow and repeat the 5 day process twice more.and it should look like this.

keep letting it grow leaf, and then 5/7 days remove it. eventually after about 6 weeks you end up with one of these.
hope that helps.

Fantastic series of pictures Bob! That helps a lot!

K33, just wanna say,and I have nick named your thresd the jesus thread as It has been my yield saviour, .


After a year of grows learning from another forum, where this method is considered blasphemy, and to suggest such would cause major name calling and ostracising, I'm glad to find a forum where matters are intellegently discussed and name calling kept to a minimum.

Awesome! I do occasionally browse other forums, but the signal-to-noise ratio on the rest of the sites is so ridiculously low it's basically a waste of time. IC rules, glad you found it too.

k33ftr33z I think yer right again. Day 18 today means im half way done with the apollolicious.

So, so sick. 36 frakking days?! And how is the end product

i just realized that i did not post the final dry weight of 18.38 oz's.

SO, so ridiculous. Epic plant.

And finally, k33ftr33z, mega props on this mega thread. You've got me convinced. 3rd or 4th run with this strain with various topping/training techniques, so I know what I'm working with at this point. Flipped a few days ago, I'll post some pics after the first post-flower trim session.

Thanks again k33f! And this sticky belongs in the GROWERS forum, not the hydro forum! I'm just glad I stumbled across it.


This is day 66 in flower. The plants were last defoliated on the 12th of july when they first showed flowering. Haven't pinched since. Took these this A.M. Under T5 HO CFL's.

I dont know how compact a 2-4ft. tube is but hay wtf, anything goes these days ;)!
Seriously though, im curious why you stopped defoliating when you did, I would think even more so under the t5's with limited penetration you would want to defol as much as possible.
Maybe OP or someone else could chime in.
Nice looking flowers regardless! Do you think the limited defol that you did helped any? Have you always flowered under t5hos'?


I just wonder why you say this as i havent seen any probs wit doing it late but am i missing something? Is there a specific reason you shouldnt? Been my 1st grow im learning the whole time.

Wicked thread

I think because the examples of the OP's defoliation is extreme, i.e. MOST leaves pruned, a first attempt at this in bloom could severely shock the plant.
Preparing would not produce such a shock.
What we did/do is probably a less severe defoliation, i.e. SOME leaves are pruned, can be done anytime and this also helps bud growth to an extent.
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