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Define a Friend


As a grower how do you define a friend. Not someone you are friendly with,but someone you would reach out to when it really matters. Someone who you would help no matter what time of day it is. Just curious. I know my answer. I also know I ain't right in the head.... Stay Frosty My brothers and sisters


weed fiend
That's a tough one. IMO, it's relative to the degree of favor. Sometimes 'friend' means not putting a friend in a difficult situation. Maybe I need more friends.:redface:

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
A friend is someone that will not betray your confidence if given the opportunity.

A friend does not expect anything in return for their help.

Friends are very hard to find.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"


weed fiend
Robert lives up to his name. It's nice that being a friend has it's benefits. Too bad this approach has it's pitfalls but makes sincere friends even more appreciated.
Your only true friend is the reflection you see in the mirror. But to get an idea who is really down for you just see who is still around when you have nothing to offer. Better yet when you are down and out.


Your only true friend is the reflection you see in the mirror. But to get an idea who is really down for you just see who is still around when you have nothing to offer. Better yet when you are down and out.
In the mirror?? I know better than to trust him. I hear all the voices in that head..But yeah Adversity really shows them up in their glory.


weed fiend
IMO, a wealth a associates helps preserve the friends. IMO, growing cannabis tweaked my 'friend' analysis as much or more than other aspects. I don't run my mouth but the folks I've shared the occasional spliff ain't stupid. If it weren't for growing, some of these folks might become sincere friends. One of the down sides of the somewhat guerrilla lifestyle change.


weed fiend
In the mirror?? I know better than to trust him. I hear all the voices in that head..But yeah Adversity really shows them up in their glory.

I hear em too, paladin420. As long as we don't converse with em we're fine.:D I've talked to myself before but I don't answer myself back.


haha I talk to myself far FAR to much.....or maybe not enough hehehe

As far as friends go I have two, everyone else is a "friend" the two I do have i say are real friends because they've been there when I had a lot to offer and when I was in need of serious help. When others fled they stayed true.......I love those fuckers haha

Grass Lands

Your only true friend is the reflection you see in the mirror. But to get an idea who is really down for you just see who is still around when you have nothing to offer. Better yet when you are down and out.

aint that the fucking truth...when me and the wife lost our jobs and ended up losing all we had...the friends seem to vanish...no where to be seen...hahaha...that told me everything I needed to know about so called friends and oh yeah the family (mine and the wife) did the disappearing act too, except for my dear old Dad...if was not for my Dad, my wife and I would have been on the streets along time back...many thanks to the man to give me the loan I needed to get back in the game...I call it a loan even though I know he will never take back what I owe him...he see's it as helping his boy...He and my wife and my dogs are the only true friends I will ever need..:tiphat:

there is a saying I live by...
"A human will bite the hand that feeds them, where a dog will not..."


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I have never really used a scale or gauge to evaluate friendness.

I have always believed that a persons friends are determined by the level of friendship they are willing to extend. I have a lot of friends. People who are in my everyday life whom I confide in and share life's events with. Some even know I smoke mj too and a couple who know I grow.

But it is my doing that I trust them only to the degree I do, and I hold no expectations regarding their trustworthiness.

A friend to me is somebody with whom I am completely comfortable in my home without me being present. If there are any doubts or hesitations then there is no friendship.

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