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Deep Stoner Thoughts


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ICMag Donor
If only John Denver were around now, to see his Rocky Mountain State become the First state to legalize. The songs that would come from the Rockies.

Like: Blue Dreaming Baby ...
Blueberry fields forever..
Hazey Crazy days of Denver...
...too much Lemon Haze x Skunk for me today.

We would probably have a strain called Johnnie D's, too! Odd, we don't have one, or do we? :thank you: jpt


Does that sound like it's about weed? At least partially. I read it's from when he first moved to Colorado and camped out with friends in the mountains, getting high and watching a meteor shower. I've heard the song a million times, but I never really listened to it before today.

This would be a major development if one of the songs from my childhood turned out to be about getting high.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Major development

Major development

You mean;
"Raining fire from the sky.
Friends around the campfire and everybody's high"

Geez, wait 'til you find out about Lucy, in the sky. :D

Or; "When you're a viper" -- Cab Calloway,

That was before my time. :)



Active member
ICMag Donor
You mean;
"Raining fire from the sky.
Friends around the campfire and everybody's high"

Geez, wait 'til you find out about Lucy, in the sky. :D

Or; "When you're a viper" -- Cab Calloway,

That was before my time. :)


I know all about Lucy. :) I've just heard John Denver over and over again all my life without knowing he was into weed. And acid apparently. I never paid attention to the lyrics for that song no matter how many times I heard it. Not until today at the grocery store for some reason.

I read they made a memorial for him in Aspen where they carved his song lyrics into the rocks. Only his ex wife had them remove all the drug references and replace them with something more innocent sounding. John Denver had drug references in his songs? Mind = blown.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm very fortunate to be able to do exactly that.It's going to take some time tho.
And good Lord I miss the ladies...their fragrant scents and cool little waves.

Well we all can actually it's just a matter of will. When I say do whatever you need to undo why you had to shut down, I fully recognize that often times that is a long slow process. It could for example involve moving which you got to figure is at least going to throw you off schedule getting settled in for a few months. If you are having to sell a home and then buy a new one add a few more months unless money isn't an object. Sometimes in more unfortunate cases what one needs to do is just do time. In the end though, when you've put the problem behind you, hopefully you don't let it stop you from expressing your right to decide what natural resources are there for all to use. :smokeit:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
"Probably the most significant being that the medical benefits were not understood and recognized by any possible illuminati types until well after it had been made illegal. So the potential benefits of it had no more real bearing on it's illegality then the alleged harms of it."

Right there, is the missed point.
We knew of it's uses thousands of years ago.
(Ooops! I've said too much)

Are you absolutely sure of that?
Transparent, and forthright is not their "thing"

The illegality of it, at least here in the US was strictly a result of greed and racial prejudice.

Or, is that the "cover story" to mollify the "mehums", and the mechanism for the times?

See, there ya go, bein' all pragmatic, and real.
There's no argument really.
These are deep, stoner, thoughts, yah.

My goal?
To amuse.

Good to see ya writin' again, my friend.
This thread is a grand idea!

Weeze -- known stoner :smoker:

Yeah sorry, I just felt like it was the sort of thing me and my buddies would discuss while hanging out somewhere passing a joint. I didn't mean to make it more then you meant for it to be. Truthfully I should avoid the temptation to comment on s DST (Deep Stoner Thought :) ) someone posts so as not to scare off others who might post but are fearful of what people might think. It's hard though because the whole Deep Stoner Thoughts idea came from the memory of that time hanging out with friends and getting high and then enjoying the enthusiastic discussions the ensued. :)


What were we talking about?
An energetic person once said to me, "lead, follow, or get out of the way!"

I stepped aside and said "have a nice day." :biggrin:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well today I have something that is more of a Deep Stoner Suggestion or idea then a thought. However since anything of the conscious realm requires thought I figure it still qualifies as a Deep Stoner Thought. Hmmm, that might be a Deep Stoner Thought in and of itself? I'll have to revisit that one some day...maybe... if I remember to.? :)

Anyway the thought, suggestion or idea today is that in light of the stressful time the holidays can be financially, physically, emotionally and any other ally you can fit in there, it's nice to stop and give yourself a gift. But how can I do that Hempkat when I'm so financially stressed you might ask? Well the answer is easy, give yourself something you already have and just don't realize. Now I understand, you're probably standing there scratching your head thinking, "What the hell is Hempkat talking about? He must be pretty stoned?" Well truth be told, I am but that's besides the point. :)

What I'm driving at is people in our line of....um....hobby have certain abilities and ways that the average stoner doesn't, all connected to the fact that we have access to a seemingly endless supply of top grade marijuana. As such we can do things without a second thought, that the average stoner who is still buying would likely never imagine. For example if you've ever bought off the street in the past decade you're likely very careful with every little flake of your stash, whereas the typical grower has so much he'll casually sweep a few flakes off onto the floor with hardly a thought.

Another way our bounty manifests is that because it's a seemingly endless supply we're less likely to have moments of desperation where we're scraping the insides of bongs and pipes, which is nasty by the way, I don't care how high you get off of it. This lack of desperation can also lead to things like bud grinders that you've used steadily for years and never once tried to clean other then to periodically collect the resin that builds up at the bottom. That's what happened to me and led to inspiring this Deep Stoner Suggestion.

Now another truth be told I'm actually not so bountiful lately and because of assorted problems in and out of the grow room my last couple of crops have fallen far short of expectations and so I'm out and feeling on the desperate side. So there I am wishing I could get high because of the stress of the holidays and I'm looking at my grinder and I notice in the grinding chamber it's rather heavily coated with resin build up from the buds I've ground up in it the past 5 years or so. Because of the grinding teeth though it's not really something one could easily scrape off and the result of such an effort would likely not be that rewarding. Well then I look over and notice the quart size bottle of 91% Iso Alcohol sitting on a nearby shelf and I think, "Hmm, Maybe I can dissolve the resin off in a nice long alcohol bath and then evaporate the alcohol off to score a nice bit of Iso Hash. So I did just that and man o man I'm glad I did. I wasn't expecting much but what I got was about a gram of fairly clean, fairly melty, Iso Hash, that has a pretty nice kick to it. The only real criticism I have for it is that being a blend so to speak of many differing strains, it has a rather generic not terribly appealing flavor. Flavor is nice to have when you can but in the end it's whether the smoke gets the job done or not, that matters and this does get the job done nicely. To me it was like I just gave myself a nice little surprise gift that will get me numerous, fulfilling, highs over the coming days. Now I will admit my forced sobriety of late likely lowered my resistance some but I know what that's like and can tell that in spite of that this is still pretty good stuff.

So if you've hung in this far, what I'm suggesting to you is to look closely at the tools with which you use to enjoy your hobby. You might just get lucky and find you have a nice little stash you didn't even realize you had and that you can use it to relax from all the stress of shopping, office parties, church functions and going over the hill and thru the woods.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Since Christian Schools teach Christianity...
Shouldn't public schools teach publicity? :)
hmmm... learn something new everday... but reading it back now, that's not how it came to me... more like 'do Christians schools teach evolution??'... wtf did I smoke last night? too many whispers before that thought escaped... lol


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'm sick of following my dreams, I'm
just gonna to ask them where they're
going and hook up with them later.



We are the consciousness of the Universe. Someone posted that on another board, and it is so true.

The Universe is alive/aware/purposeful, and we are its consciousness. We are also connected on levels we may be only vaguely aware of... and at our very core of being, our spark of life, we are One.