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Deep Congo

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I go mostly by smell of the Terpenes vs structure and on these phenos id say the most Congo smelling is the columnar phenotype.

I asked because the nug in the picture above was the closest I've found to what I imagine the Congo#3 smells like. I've flowered out 20 or so Deep Chunks, so I think I've got an idea of its Terpene profile.
I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the plants after you sample them.

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Here is that F3 that I reveged from my last grow. It's the one I pollinated with Bangi Haze. Still in that 2 gallon grow bag:biggrin:



Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Thanks Richard!
I just finished up all of the jars I had from the last time I ran this plant. Floral-musky was my take on it then. That was in coco.
This run she's in organic soil, top dressed once with compost and the occasional weak compost tea. The test branch I cut yesterday had a much better aroma profile on first impression. Maybe I revegged a different plant than I thought? Last run it was one of what I call the hashplant types, undesirable to me because of the aroma and stoney high. I have crossed this type to Green Haze x Panama with fantastic results.
I'll be able to tell you if it was the same plant in a few days.

I've got another revegged F3 finishing up now too. Can't get it out of the room for pics yet. This one has the aroma profile I'm after sage/skunk/fuel and spice. Super up high too

I'll post up some sexy F2s and those F4 runts soon
Definitely the way to go outcrossing the stoney hashplant types which are deep chunk dominant. My deep wreck done a long time ago should point to similar success with the deep Congo wreck, this years new hybrid.
Ya keep selections leaning towards the fuely, sagey, spicy terpenes.
A good test is burn one in a room, leave for a bit and come back.
If the smell is like a fine incense more than a burnt weed smell your on yen right path...

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Richard, this is the other reveged F3. Turns out both of the revegged F3s have the smell.


Looks good lean, wish I had smell o vision
Well fortunately my outdoor deep Congo swamp grow yielded a nice seed crop
So my deep Congo project is back on the rails.

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Smell o vision would be great! everyone I've smoked up with the sample nugs from the revegged F3s has been blown away by the taste. So unlike anything I ever see on the local weed scene. Glad to hear that your seeds came through for ya.

I pollinated F2 F3 & F4 females with F2 & F4 males this grow. Just germed some Deep Congo F3 x Bangi Haze too.


I've been a fan of Deep Congo for well, several of these online memberships!
Very excited to hear they may be brought to market once again.
Thank you for the possibility DW!

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Glad to hear about your seed crop Richard! On the best place to list them, I have no idea. This place seems sketchy to me lately. I tried to buy seeds at the Boutique recently and they had this huge form to fill out... don't remember needing to log in to buy seeds from them before. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but with Gypsies current situation this may not be the place to do business.
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Well-known member
Would give my left nut to run some of these OD next season..........Let us now where you end up dropping them.

This is one strain I REALLY regret not running years ago when I had the chance!!

Thanx for creating/perserving the Congo Mr. Williams..........To think, I might actually get to grow these OD next season!!!!!
