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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello all,
COVID 19 has gained the world's attention. Long after this threat has passed. All of us know people who are still suffering from one mallity or another.

If all growers here on the MAG dedicated and donated one plant from their grows. We could help tens of thousands of people. Setting an example of kindness shared throughout the Cannabis World.
Promoting personal home grows. Many States are blocking home grows. Monopolizing corporate dispensaries and grow operations. When we reach out for others. In the long run we are setting an example for our own futures.

So please dedicate a plant, and donate the dried and cured buds. In the short term we help a person who needs help. In the long term we help the entire Cannabis family of growers.

Peace farmerlion :tiphat:

I wood

Well-known member
Karma whore here.
Been doing a version of that since 2009 for my own selfish reasons, banking karma for later.
I have been in several dire situations that i escaped without harm so it appears to be working.
Generosity is a good investment.


In my state medical dispensary are still operational but recreational is closed.

Honestly I'm happy to see these corporate grows and weed stores shut down because they've made it very hard for the small growers that built the scene to make anything off of weed anymore. I say fuck them all.

It also exposes the huge state run scam, the state takes in millions in licensing fees, if all these ops that paid the fees go belly up then they can collect millions more in licensing fees from a new group of suckers.


ICMag Donor
We've been donating to Vet's projects, Cancer patients et.al. before COVID. We'll continue .....


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Aridbud, you're kindness and generosity precedes you. For years you have been helping growers with knowledge even if they weren't growing your genetics.
Peace brother


ICMag Donor
Aridbud, you're kindness and generosity precedes you. For years you have been helping growers with knowledge even if they weren't growing your genetics.
Peace brother
So please dedicate a plant, and donate the dried and cured buds. In the short term we help a person who needs help. In the long term we help the entire Cannabis family of growers.

Yeah, it'd be great if they all purchased the afterthought potency purse.:canabis: Numerous on IC, other threads know of our progressive work.

Bottom line, as you mentioned....we want everyone to have a good experience growing, harvesting, using cannabis as medicine and well being.

An advocate to those who struggle in Life, there's purpose of growing or giving from this earth.


Everything is Mickey D style here in US quality products of any kind are hard to find or even buy we are China's slut.


ICMag Donor
Donate to who? Here there arent that many tokers anymore.
Weed Weed everywhere and none to smoke .
In my area its everywhere and nowhere.

I was just sitting here on 420 laughing at the fact my shake is better than what the guy selling lbs has hes getting 650 a qp and the shit is crap but unloading it like crazy .I cant keep enough on hand for my self and assholes complain when they want top shelf but dont want to pay.
WTF is going on in this country?

Well, start by being kind, find organizations, covert groups dealing with chronic illness, cancer, terminal illnesses. There's NEVER a shortage of groups needing gear, goods. Pretty simple concept....help one another.

I cant keep enough on hand for my self and assholes complain when they want top shelf but dont want to pay.
Perhaps you've lost insight on the real topic ....DEDICATE/DONATE?


I also realize most of you live in urban areas ,and perhaps actually know people and are social .
Sorry I do not.
I lived in PDX area for a couple of years and loved it its all about working together , now I'm back in hell and its every dog for themselves.


ICMag Donor
I also realize most of you live in urban areas ,and perhaps actually know people and are social .
Sorry I do not.
I lived in PDX area for a couple of years and loved it its all about working together , now I'm back in hell and its every dog for themselves.

Refer to Post #12. Well, start by being kind, find organizations, covert groups dealing with chronic illness, cancer, terminal illnesses. There's NEVER a shortage of groups needing gear, goods. Pretty simple concept....help one another.

Contact organizations near you, veterans programs, group sessions for illnesses, contact Dept of Health, Senior Affairs, etc. Use your imagination, use Google.

Started in 2008 when access in a very rural mountain area with many needing canna meds, it was unavailable. I helped with workshops, growing techniques, passing out seeds...ours and others. It was covert at first, then continued to morph.

Surely, you know someone that knows someone in NEED.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user


Sorry no I do not those kind of actions would be most unwelcome here .
You just dont seem to understand what the nature of this area is.
Like I said this place was invaded by rich people and assholes guess which there is the most of?
Every single day I look at these people and know they are so stupid, and lazy they dont even bother to wipe their ass unless they have to.
The only thing they crave is meth ,fake opioids ,cigarettes,and cheap beer.
That is the majority of the people here young and old all stupid .
When my wife and I returned from out west we couldnt figure out excatly what had happened at first it was like a bomb went off and affected all in this arealeaving them with no common sense.
Imagine living in Trump town if you can.

Djav, I have never met rich, asshole meth heads craving fake opioids. Trump town? That's a very poor analogy.
I donate to a 70 year old couple. They make butter and then caramels and donate that back to other seniors. I don't see where my initial donation ends up exactly. I hear a lot of Democratic bias myself. Obama and Hillary didn't do shit for the cannabis culture in 16 years of their power. Yet you put them on a pedestal.

Everything that has been achieved has been done through petition and public voting. Both Democrat and Republicans alike. People that could use the help are seldom standing around with their hands out. People that are, very seldom are trying to help themselves let alone anybody else. I don't give handouts, I give people a hand.

Anything gained to easily is esteemed to lightly.
I do agree there is a lot of dirt balls in the world just wanting something for free.
Rich people and assholes, there's a lot of annamosity in this statement.
Generous people are generous, this has nothing to do with status, political affiliation or wealth. Djav a bud tender at a dispensary could help find someone who could use your help. Don't be discouraged with all of humanity.

Airidbud and many other people like him are doing great things. That they will most likely never get the credit they deserve. They certainly don't seek it out. You will never help everyone. Find one person to be a blessing to. You will find people that want to help you help others 🙂.
Peace brother :tiphat:


Excuse my lack of literary talent the rich and the poor are separate groups here but all worship the Cheetos God.
Again I say to you you do not live here.
You have no conception of here obviously I am doing a poor job explaining it.

I have read both your and [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Airidbud's posts you seem to be good folk .[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But do understand there are areas in this country where fools rule
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And how you suffer them makes you react .[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What to do be cool and let them overrun you and take what little you have?
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Or do you stop them from their foolishness?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I had to chase a dozen or so assholes from the adjoining property with the land owner during the height of so called lock down here all because these people who live on an acre or less or most likely rent have these ATVs and insist on riding them around a public road and back and forth on it plus enter wooded areas they do not belong at all .[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Animosity you bet.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I also had to pay surveyor to push back a rich guy who thought he owned part of my property here they like to habitat tops of ridges (We used to have ridge and watershed laws No more) So they move in build and begin cutting neighbors trees so they can have a view of the other assholes on top of the ridges?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mountain views are disappearing here rapidly whole place planted in Christmas trees right next to the oldest river in the us which feeds the estuary's of the coast .[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Who are planting these tress and bring migrant labor to so called farm them?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]How much does it profit the community that suffers high cancer rates due to use of pesticides and herbicides ?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]These people know nothing of generosity any example to them would go completely unnoticed no play it forward here .[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Don't get me wrong there are still a few good people here that were born here but they are almost gone overrun by vermin.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So please remember in all you do goodness you do not live here.Be thankful you dont its hard .


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Djav, I have never met rich, asshole meth heads craving fake opioids. Trump town? That's a very poor analogy.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sorry Farmerlion they are here too.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Everybody knows when your dealing with fools[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mob Rules
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QcJCoKj6Kc