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Decriminalization passed in House ... Governor will sign. Marijuana is going to be de



you are so completely ignorant it's not even funny...

Well if you want to pay a tax and be on a list for permission to grow and consume an herb that comes from the earth that is your own problem.

It's like charging you permit fees and taxes to grow and eat a tomato from your back yard.

Decrim, fine me a small fee if you catch me but stay the fuck out out my business. No punishment, no fees and NO NEW TAXES are necessary.

If you think they are going to just let you have it and not take their greedy share or be up your ass wanting to know who has what and how much you are highly delusional.

You sir; can
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KSP yes they did make the penalties more of a misdemeaner and just pay a small fine. Are you from KY?? If so you need to write your representatives and senators and ask them to make medical marijuana legal. That will be a start. I live about 30 miles from Louisville.