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Decisions Decisions..

my good friend has a hotel room and 3 horny girls. he met them last night and got two of them to do "unspeakable acts". the last one is for me. problem is, they are an hour away, and im drunk. i have previous dui conviction and im on probation, i am also about to harvest soon. this is a tough decision. go get into a 5 way orgy ancient roman style and possibly get an std and good memories, or sit at home playing with myself because im scared of johnny law?

What would you do?

What would Chuck Norris do?

What would Timmy do?


Active member
Get a fucking cab. Chuck Norris would chew some ore and shit out a plane to fly so he couldnt get a dui but you arent Chuck Norris. Call a cab and go get ya some.
i live in the boonies there is no cabs out here. it will cost over 100 bucks to pay cab if i can call one from here to them. then if stay the night how the fuck do i get home? my friend doesnt have a car either. i need to take my own car, for cab fare i could just call a lovely working women from the RojoLibro. i dont know what the third wheel looks like either. what if shes chubby and looks like renee zelwegger? because thats what the last girl who i had to pity fuck wingman style looked like.
i forgot to mention the last DUI i got was because of the exact same situation as this. i was drunk, pussy an hour away. got popped and spent night in jail!! there has been many articles in news about more DUI enforcement this weekend as long as AmberAlert REPORT DRUNK DRIVER signs all over the place.

WOOOOOOOT learn from my mistakes!!!


Active member
Besides, Timmy would just sit in his chair and yell his own name.

LTS, why don't you ask what she looks like? If this guy did the pity f**k you speak of he should come get you!!

Zeno, :laughing: That's hilarious.. Norris probably would do that!


Active member
100 bucks to nail 3 chicks? I would pay for the cab and grab a ride back. If he is going to hog the other two screw him tell him to rock the big girls boat too while hes at it. If they are fair game go lay some pipe for 3 ladies and get em into some good ole crazy shit.


I would stay in. Roll a fatty and relax. Take your mind off pussy.

Chuck Norris would get in his whip with a case of beer and kill the entire thing before he got there. He would also kill any cops would stopped him.

And timmy would indeed sit in his chair and yell his own name.
guys im not talking about timmy from southpark im talking about another very special timmy.


i could bang this whore for 100 bucks instead and not have to leave my house.
you guys are hating shes just a little big bonewd and maybe she shold lay off the ham cheese sammiches.

im trying toi fuck this blonde chick tonight but shes not oipckin her phone up wtf. fuck pussy seriskly its mans greatest weakness!!

ince first poist ive taken like 5 more shots of vsop i dont think im anyshape form to dirve.