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Dear San Diego Peoples

I know the economy is worse than average there.

Is it like "a brother can't find a ten an hour gig" bad, or it just kinda tough to find a good job bad?

Asking for friends with no records (I believe), checkered work history as growers, and they are hardened people who will work 80 hours a week if need be.

I just have no perspective on what "bad economy" really means out there.


There are a lot of jobs in SD...only problem is nobody is qualified for them. We have a lot of big tech companies here. There is always McD and Janitorial positions. It took me 2 years to get a job in a dispensary and if anyone thinks they are going to make a living off growing out here...think again.
There are a lot of jobs in SD...only problem is nobody is qualified for them. We have a lot of big tech companies here. There is always McD and Janitorial positions. It took me 2 years to get a job in a dispensary

appreciate the perspective. It's amazing how high the cost of living is. Living on minimum wage in the Midwest is one thing (awful but I've done it). In San Diego you're working all the time and you're still homeless, lol. Double-whammy!

If you've got some cash, though, I think we'll both agree it doens't get much better. I prefer it to any city in the world TBH, including the South of France and tropical paradises worldwide.
and if anyone thinks they are going to make a living off growing out here...think again.

I find this to be a very odd statement.

Tens of thousands do. I know a few. Six figs. Sweet trucks, boats, the whole thing.


Active member
i love san diego. there are lots of jobs if ya got skills. lots of people got no skills and end up on the street. a minimum wage job wont cut it in sandiego. you can make money growing but it aint easy theres lots of competition.


I got my first job in SD area making $1.75 an hour. gas was .25 a gallon, cigarettes .47 a pack and a lid of weed was $10
Good Times
I feel for anybody out there trying to get by on the wages that are being paid now day's.
Good Luck to you all


I find this to be a very odd statement.

Tens of thousands do. I know a few. Six figs. Sweet trucks, boats, the whole thing.

I doubt they live in San Diego...the supply way outweighs the demand right now. Every patient with a light is trying to grow right now. I have had some people come in trying to vend to me and asking prices for stuff that you couldn't pay me to smoke. Like I said if you plan on coming to SD and making a living off growing, you're not. Take it from someone who has tried and is still trying to...

Zen Master

I doubt they live in San Diego...the supply way outweighs the demand right now. Every patient with a light is trying to grow right now. I have had some people come in trying to vend to me and asking prices for stuff that you couldn't pay me to smoke. Like I said if you plan on coming to SD and making a living off growing, you're not. Take it from someone who has tried and is still trying to...


unless you have 25k+ to dump into a warehouse with tried and true methods (and strains), you'd be lumped into every other 'toker with a light' dropping off small turkey bags every once n a while. That might pay your rent, maybe... (edit: obviously you can rock a few kW and get by, you'd be working for it but you can make it happen.)

It'd have to be dank A++ buds, if you aren't king of the hill wherever you are now, honestly you'd be wasting time and money trying to move to CA and grow.

go big or go home pretty much.

I have checkered work history and a record so if I choose to actually be honest with a potential employer, I better be damn tight with em because they sure as hell aren't hiring me after typical due diligence. Even shitty jobs have overqualified non felon applicants these days....


Active member
if your weed is top notch , get medical, visit some clubs , meet people , and steal their customers. not hard at all


Well-known member
How about quality of life in san diego... parks, food, # of mexicans... robbery? property crime? Or is SD more conservative whiteys?
How about quality of life in san diego... parks, food, # of mexicans... robbery? property crime? Or is SD more conservative whiteys?
I don't live there, but I visit a lot and can comment on a lot of these things.

Parks are awesome. They are everywhere, particularly dog parks. And they are well-maintained and generally police don't bother you.

Food..I don't know where it's better for my tastes. Perhaps a few spots in Florida with intense sushi competition that results in 8 dollar all you can eat lunches for fish caught the day prior. But generally, the ocean coupled with mexican influence and a rich downtown makes for one of the best-eating cities in the world.

Mexican thugs are everywhere, a huge a problem, generally cause trouble for white people and harass them for no reason. Many want to dismiss this as exaggerated or racist for the same reason liberal apologetics is used everywhere. In reality, it's a huge problem, but not enough to make me not want to live there.

Crime is akin to most cities, but the Mexican gangster influence makes it mildly worse. Overall it's similar to any other city as far as crime goes; you probably will get fucked with once and a while if you live in a mediocre neighborhood, it won't impact upper middle class and above neighborhoods hardly ever, and if you're broke, I hope you're armed and ready to fire- especially if you're white.

San Diego is disgustingly conservative overall, but it's a more educated, Jewish, "exploit the poor" kind of conservative, as compared to the "criminally insane, ultra-religious kid-toucher" type of conservative that is pervasive in the American South. It's annoying, but it's a different breed. There are enclaves of down people, though. Mostly in Ocean Beach.


Well-known member
I don't live there, but I visit a lot and can comment on a lot of these things.

Parks are awesome. They are everywhere, particularly dog parks. And they are well-maintained and generally police don't bother you.

Food..I don't know where it's better for my tastes. Perhaps a few spots in Florida with intense sushi competition that results in 8 dollar all you can eat lunches for fish caught the day prior. But generally, the ocean coupled with mexican influence and a rich downtown makes for one of the best-eating cities in the world....

Awesome writeup... looking at a map, I had no idea it was so close to Mexico/Tijuana.

How about hot girls of all age ranges?

Again looking at the map, is the north area, pacific beach, mission bay etc considered part of 'san diego?'

Crazy sunshine and beaches and seafood and chicks are pretty cool


space gardener
I haven't found life so hard in San Diego but it's all about being the self employed type.. It's almost mandatory to make your own way so it's the best place to fire your boss, throw your degree in the toilet, and hire yourself...


Well-known member
I haven't found life so hard in San Diego but it's all about being the self employed type.. It's almost mandatory to make your own way so it's the best place to fire your boss, throw your degree in the toilet, and hire yourself...

Exactly, need to have a gig lined b4 I start contemplating moving... may be in for a bit of sticker shock, plus there's the Cali income tax... What can $1100/mo get you in the SD area I wonder, probably not much... gotta get a cost of living increase!


1100 can get you a 1bdr apartment...just the rent, in the hood...

Someone mentioned girls...pick a shade homie, we got it. :)

Zen Master

1100 can get you a 1bdr apartment...just the rent, in the hood...

Someone mentioned girls...pick a shade homie, we got it. :)

hahah so true. I've been checkin out prices on a few places and I'm gonna need 2 lights just to pay rent.

There is no shortage of tasty and cheap Mexican food, Mmmm.

parks are all over, in the more well to do cities theres full size baseball diamonds, soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, pools etc.

There are some locales that are very pot friendly, others not so much. I notice the tweakers and vato wannabe's hang out more on the east side of the county so I stick to the beach, if you're in your 20's/30's theres no shortage of trim around.


Active member
How about quality of life in san diego... parks, food, # of mexicans... robbery? property crime? Or is SD more conservative whiteys?
better than most cities i have lived in. i find mexicans nice people and love their food. i have yet to have any mexcican problems . maybe cause i look like a pissed off mexican. i find mexicans to be hard working family oriented people. theres a hell of alot of parks and beautifull beaches. take your pick. i like dog beach as i can let my dog run free and enjoy the water without any leash hassles


Just Say Grow
we'll if you grew up in so cal the mexys aint a prob, shit I think of em as the original californians just trying to get thier land back lol most work hard and the tough ones dont mess with you unless your a disrespectful POS(theres been a time or two where i've gotten MYSELF into sticky situations...just gotta play it cool and stay out of any areas called "felony flats")...it's more of a game recognize game type deal, most people are more concerned with how theyre going to feed their families/pay their bills at this point in time imho. I don't live in SD, although i work there a few days a week mostly graveyard shifts and its a pretty awesome place...although i do agree that unless you got crazy skills in the garden or already got a foot in the door and dont mind makin bread crumbs on #'s your probably gonna be better of being a super covert stealthy grower in your current locale...cost of living is high otherwise I'd be there in a minute.


What areas could you recommend outside the city in general. I'll be flying out in a month to look for an area to buy a house in. I'd like something outside the city with privacy and near enough to the beach to live in the moderate climate. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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