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Dead shows


Active member
Hey all my chronologically challenged IC'rs! (i.e. old farts) i;ve got a question for ya. My dad ran away 2 theTenderloin in S.F. @ 14. He said he used to post all those concert posters for Bill Graham & got in to alot of concerts that way. I've heard many a great story about Jimi, Janis, Quicksilver Msngr Serv, Warren Zevon, et al.. My question is this.. He says @ all the old DEad concerts, they had cigar boxes w/pre-rolled jays in them. Supposed 2 b the bands own personal smoke that everyone shared. He told me the last time he smoked(cuz his thing was speed bk then), he hallucinated hard right after passing the jay. He told me everything kind of turned all cartoonish! Hard for me to believe as a long time smoker but anythings possible!! Did they really share their herbs w. the audience?? & was it that good?
that sounds like there was something in it, like some freebase maybe a bunch of blow in the joint or something.... sounds crazzy tho, if it really was just weed i want some..

Don Cotyle

I don't remember any pre-rollers being handed out but there was allways plenty of acid available for sale!!!

Liveing on reds, vitamine C and Cocaine....
All her friends could say is ain't it a shame!


Active member
I should point out he said they were prerolls in a cigar box or something @ the front of the stage so you'd walk up & grab a dube then go back to where you were at before... and this was @ the height of the summer of love era,in Frisco, I don't think lacing w/coke or pcp or sherm was done a lot then. But I wasn;t around to experience that now was I? Just curious cuz I want to find some old strain like that!!


Active member
probably some of that bad ass old school import sativa. i retired from Bill Graham Presents cuz of injury in sept 06. and i think the pre-rolled in a cigar box was before my time. still was lots of 'stuff' lying around that the band could just grab for in between songs,etc.....its sure gonna smell good at the Govt Mule/Ratdog show at ironstone this july. i love these shows and im not even a deadhead (i think) i picked up a taste for the 'jam band' atmosphere while working the string cheese tour of 02/03


Ripped since 1965
There was NO pot around in the 60s that was anywhere near as potent as the shit we got nowadays. Yes they did sell pot laced with PCP back in the 60s, it made ya wanna crawl under your bed and hang on tight to yourself till it wore off some.
Even the best weed back then: Columbia Gold and Panama Red was nothing compared to the fine genentics of today. Hash was the best pot stone back in those days. Fuk the old days as far as pot goes, who the hell would still want to be buying 3 finger lids composed of two fingers of stalks and seeds?
We are living in MJs finest hour, right now.
Last edited:


any "family" still exist?

Im ready for my thumbprint

for no other reason that its my true first love


My little pony.. my little pony
Secretly dusting someones weed was probably about as welcomed then as it would be now. Probably not something that was seen as karmically cool back then. My first shows were early 80's but I still remember them being somewhat 'sharefests' where there was a lot of cool sharing and helping hands to get people to and into the next shows. We used to be able to cruise halfway across the country without tickets to the show knowing we find a miracle on the way cause we had done it a dozen times before. Same with the drugs, you could always find free doses and schrooms just by asking out loud.

Big difference come the late 80's shows, everything was always sold out, miracles were far and few inbetween. The crowd got yuppie and capitalist overnight. Then the band got shitty with all the vendors and would confiscate anything with a Dead symbol on it. For me it was kind of the begining of the end. I saw one of Brents last shows before he died and that was my last show.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Verite: kinda can relate to what you're saying 'bout the late '80s shows...but I have to say I had a blast at places like R.F.K., Buckeye Lake, MSG....in the late 80's. Some of the best shows ever. Even remember seeing Jerry play at the Warfield....all a total trip.
I'd take any BAD dead show with Jerry these days vs. not seeing Jerry at all.
Every time I'm at a concert as of late....I think about how badly I miss seeing the Dead they way they were back then.
Now you're making me jones....I'm going to have to light a fat J and go watch View from the Vault.


That sounds like an acid test result. You know (or your dad would), electric Kool-aid and all.

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
I think he was intaking more than herb. Maybe a meth interaction with the thc?
It happens. Tell this generation how shitty the last decade was with the boys. Maybe they can tell you about Dave Mathews tour.LOL. Miracles were still there. I got 4 people into Brent's last show free, and saw the first shows without Brent with my lady for free. Deer Creek, Sandstone, Eugene, RFK...pouring rain, Dark star, unannounced Warlocks shows on the E coast. The band wasn't exactly all that great during certain parts of many years. Thats part of what kept ya coming....hoping to see that balls out show. :headbange


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
HappyPot said:
I saw a "Bad trip First Aid Station" at my last Dead concert. Basically a guy lecturing to a small crowd of people sitting on the floor by a bathroom.
Sounds like a "recipe" for a bad trip: someone spouting platitudes and lecturing to people tripping their faces off?

Anyone going to the "Gathering of the Vibes" in CT?

I think it's going to be Phil Lesh and Friends, Ratdog, The Black Crowes...etc.

Do a quick search for "Gathering of the Vibes". Should be a reall trip. C U there with J's blazing.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I was being sarcastic. I'm sure if people didn't want to be there, they'd up and go.


Some of my worst trips were the most illuminating.....
Of course it's never cool to freak out, but in retrospect I learned something from each experience....bad or good.

Damn, I miss liquid acid. We used to have bottles and bottles from the Rainbow family.

Now I can't find a single hit anywhere. If I want psychedelics, I have to grow my own mushies...and it's not the same as liquid acid, or mescaline....

Don't get me wrong: it's fun, but there were particular acid hits we used to get: windowpane gel acid for instance....that was totally off the hook. Mushies are a different trip altogether.


HappyPot said:
I saw a "Bad trip First Aid Station" at my last Dead concert. Basically a guy lecturing to a small crowd of people sitting on the floor by a bathroom.

Conversation tidbits from a Bad Trip Tent

"Think Small "


accessndx said:
I was being sarcastic. I'm sure if people didn't want to be there, they'd up and go.


Some of my worst trips were the most illuminating.....
Of course it's never cool to freak out, but in retrospect I learned something from each experience....bad or good.

Damn, I miss liquid acid. We used to have bottles and bottles from the Rainbow family.

Now I can't find a single hit anywhere. If I want psychedelics, I have to grow my own mushies...and it's not the same as liquid acid, or mescaline....

Don't get me wrong: it's fun, but there were particular acid hits we used to get: windowpane gel acid for instance....that was totally off the hook. Mushies are a different trip altogether.

Its my DOC over even weed I think

My bud used to get grizzies of crys i had a place to bring it

every bottle 2 bottles i flipped i kept one and ate it. I coudl have had a lifetime supply but in miy ind it was the land of milk and honey and drank from the rivers as iif they woudl never stop flowing

I can say that in my instance its an amazing medicine for the seratonin dysfunctional

on the other hand poeple around me who participated in a like manner
became psychotic, hospital trips for weeks, and years of thinking they were ati-christ, or life ending anxiety and the like


respect respect respect it


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
It's the COMBO that used to by my DOC: Liquid acid, X and N02. That's the MX Missle baby!
Miss that shit....would probably tear my cranium to shreds these days. Every time I find X it's speedy......
The N02 still flows like a river.
I remember bringing 9 60LB tanks to Buckeye Lake Ohio.....we essentially ate for free the entire time we were there...and got trades of every other drug on the planet as well as pockets full of money. I walked out with THOUSANDS for partying.
It was cool until some people started passing out around the tank.....one fell on someone's car and it got ugly (for a dead show at least....ie-no guns or heated arguments....just alot of "hey man...you fell on my car".).

Now I've got myself jonesing for N02....oh well...I'm off to acquire.


My little pony.. my little pony
" Hippy spill isle three. "



filled my pockets with money for the shows and what not selling the hippie crack but also cracked my head a few times and scared the shit out of some close friends. Now i cant even think about doing nos without getting a queezy headache feel..sure do miss the shows though.


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