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"DEA" tv show

Didn't see any threads about this show? Anyone else watch this show and see how frequently and easily the suspects give up their rights in different situations? The tactics the DEA use are also pretty slimy and yet the propaganda they try to dish about the suspects is unbearable at times.

The Revolution

Active member
I actually like watching this show, but the people make me sick. One fellow cant stand to take the fall for his ounce of pot so he leads the pigs to the guy he bought it from who just happens to have 5 lbs sitting in his attic..Slimy tactics for sure. If your not willing to do the time dont do the crime...

I like how when the sting goes down the cops play it off like they have no connections to the rat, then months later (im sure when the case has come and gone, they publicize it on television haha. GET EM BOYS


Active member
yup a few times. the last show i saw the agent flipped a suspect and made a comment that about 90 percent busted RAT.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I watched an episode yesterday and the fuckers told the cameraman to walk away while they talked to the perp.. fucked up shit.


Active member
i cant watch this show it gets my blood pressure too high.....all those agents are steroid pumped up assholes with major inferiority complexes. its sickening to watch these assholes rough suspects up and casually comment on how they feel good putting people into jail for dozens of years for non violent crimes for the most part....

i fucking hate this show and i hate how most television networks air reality cop shows or cop related shit.....the police state is being crammed down our throats every single day and now even when we turn on the TV..

at least i find comfort in knowing that while these tough guys are out running the streets playing god, their wives are probably at home getting dicked down by other men...and their kids are off smoking pot and experimenting with drugs!


I don't think I could possibly stomach a show like this. However..:chin: I can hope it will show how truly power hungry & corrupt pigs really are.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Yep cramming it down our throats to desensitize the people to what's really going on.. taking away more rights
Yeah that show gets my blood boiling too. We all should check it out to learn how these d-bags operate and how it's personal to them. They get off by taking these people down.

I was also disguisted how easily these people flipped, but these are also organizations dealing with carriers and drop houses and ghetto gang organization mothers.

I've seen a few that were weed busts and they enjoy it every bit as much as a crack or heroin dealer.

They pull over vehicles and make up a reason (tailight) to initiate a search. They sometimes have local cops do the pull-over so the person doesn't know they're dealing with DEA. And yeah, they get people to easily give up their rights.

They totally act like and think they're heroes.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
That's the bottom line right there.. "they totally think they're heroes". I guess it was a hero that incarcerated a 70+ year old woman in Michigan for growing her medicine. Dumb fucks


Registered User
they did have an episode on a grow house even... helicopter flir. only one i was really interested in... and still felt guilty watchin it, as if it gave them sort of silent support in ratings.


I have seen so many cases of entrapment on that show it's disgusting. Entertaining none the less, especially those late trimming nights during harvest season


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I have seen so many cases of entrapment on that show it's disgusting. Entertaining none the less, especially those late trimming nights during harvest season
Hey sometimes there just isn't shit on..I guess we should pay more lol.Dang
Yeah that show gets my blood boiling too. We all should check it out to learn how these d-bags operate and how it's personal to them. They get off by taking these people down.

I was also disguisted how easily these people flipped, but these are also organizations dealing with carriers and drop houses and ghetto gang organization mothers.

I've seen a few that were weed busts and they enjoy it every bit as much as a crack or heroin dealer.

They pull over vehicles and make up a reason (tailight) to initiate a search. They sometimes have local cops do the pull-over so the person doesn't know they're dealing with DEA. And yeah, they get people to easily give up their rights.

They totally act like and think they're heroes.

We definitely think alike...

While it angers me to watch the DEA's tactics to make a bust, I watch this show like a hawk to analyze every situation. It is amazing how stupid these suspects are and if they read 6 pages in the Security forum and had some dignity and 1/2 a ballsack they would get off scott-free (where did that saying come from anyway? lol). :wallbash:

I've made it a point to see all of season 2 and you see the same pattern over and over again. The DEA use ANY option possible to make contact with the suspect. The DEA falsely promise to help out the suspect, who is now a defendant because usually they gave up their rights, said defendant now rats because they think they are saving their own ass...:cry:

The worst "high horse" case I saw was when the DEA busted a 20 year old selling swag to high school kids. The girl who got caught buying was 16, yet she was driving??? So anyway, the dealer is now a "Guy" and the girl buying is now a "Kid". And of course it just makes the DEA agent's blood boil when he see's a "Guy" slinging dope or some shit to a "Kid". And how the streets are safer to get scum like this off the streets...:dunno: Meanwhile the DEA agent is threatening to go to his Mom's workplace and harass her so the suspect would talk...

My favorite part is when the agents get their tv time and their trying to summarize the situations and the suspects and their basically just trying to say what the suspects do and how they think, how do they know what the suspects are thinking anyway?, but they run out of things to say so they go back to the proverbial "They're the scum of the earth, deadbeat dads, piece of shits, murderers"...

I'm sorry, my favorite part is after a big bust, the one with a couple million in cash, weed, automatic rifle?, the old fuck brags about how they were going to down some brewskies that night....:noway: These fucks are spending millions of dollars to arrest people who are involved in drugs yet the publicly flaunt that they partake in the same indulgence with alcohol. Fucking Wankers


Tropical Outcast
Y'all should like the show.

It can teach so much about what NOT to do/how NOT to respond.

Lot's of good
(bad) examples. ;)

After all it's really simple but yet so hard:

Say nothing
(and I mean ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING) without your attorney.




Active member
ditto. speaking is not going to help u. ur still going to jail, no matter what. so just go, n try to make bail. getting arrested isnt a big deal (unless ur already on paper). its getting sentenced that sucks! I hate this show but dvr them all. I watch, and yell at the tv!

I hate those self righteous, ignorant, arrogant pricks! anyway I'm done ranting, just wanted to say never ever ever talk with LEO, especially if u r a suspect. u have the right to not incriminate ur self! use it! it's not what they know, its what they can prove!


Rubbing my glands together
If you do talk to a dea dick while being questioned and you LIE to them, that is and can be a serious matter in regards to, and I think the charge is called Lying to a government agent or some shit like that, that can carry a term of up to around 20 years I believe it is. Things are a little hazy this morning, hehe
So it is much, much better to look them in the eye and not say a damn thing except, I invoke my right to remain silent, and my right to have an attorney present during any further questioning. It's at a whole new level of bullshit when dea comes busting through the door.

Guest 88950

If you do talk to a dea dick while being questioned and you LIE to them, that is and can be a serious matter in regards to, and I think the charge is called Lying to a government agent or some shit like that, that can carry a term of up to around 20 years I believe it is...

but they lie to you to prove a hunch and in court expect to be believed.