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DEA: stumble weed


Now in technicolor
Thing about this propaganda bullshit is that while they do bend the truth, nearly every single argument suffers from (sometimes several) logical fallacies. I feel sorry for the people who believe this, and even worse that the MAJORITY believe this, but I don't think I can really blame the government or any anti-drug campaigners. Some people are just dumb as fuck.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
the funniest thing is where is says that pot is stronger so more an dmore people go to the emergency room for it... and apparantley it just started to get stronger in 1994 and from then till now its like SUPER FUCKING POTENT and only getting stronger lol...
HAHA, great find! I now have a new homepage.

"Did you know that the THC content has increased Dramatically since the 1960 and the 1970s!?"


Edit: After reading this thing for 5 mins it's obvious whomever created the content for this site has no clue about cannabis. "Marijuana smokers use the dried leaves of the plant called Cannabis sativa." If you're smoking the dried leaves, you're doing it wrong.

Storm Crow

Active member
"Some people are just dumb as fuck"

"Some people are just dumb as fuck"

SO EDUCATE THEM! Get yourself a free copy of "Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference List" and help them cure their ignorance! Because it's just dumb to post up your email, I won't give you my email to get your copy of my list, in one chunk, so remove the smilies, put in the @, and drop me an email! (Try that, spambots!:moon: )

i.wantgrannyslist (at) green :) passion :) .org

Look, when I started using cannabis, over 40 years ago, there was no such thing as "medical marijuana"- not even the idea of it! Now we have 14 states and DC with some form of MMJ. What's the difference? EDUCATION!

We have gone from ZERO% to 60- 90% (depending on the area) of the people approving of medical use! Every one of those people found or heard something that changed their minds about cannabis!

When you change a mind, you change the world! :yay:

Granny :smokeit:


just remember....all the beneficial shit that makes you rethink your life and the world, changes your perspective and brings you to a higher level....

ganga, 'shrooms, peyote, dmt, lsd, etc...

cocaine, heroine, etc.

sounds like someone's keepin people from thinkin!


looks like they are picking on you sativa smokers....

Truth is, marijuana is not just a plant. Marijuana smokers use the dried leaves of the plant called Cannabis sativa. It’s the active chemical ingredient in marijuana, THC, which makes people high. The more THC, the higher the marijuana’s potency.

check this out...


i didnt read the link, but I have to correct this inaccuracy..They arent picking on "sativa smokers" it's just that in the USA, (in the govt. eyes) ALL weed is "cannabis sativa"

Hash Man

Thats as bad as Reefer Madness this day in age with all of our so called PC. I love the part where they claim that mice treated with THC have "trouble doing tasks which require short term memory".


cannabis sativa is the literal species in scientific nomenclature...within the genome of cannabis there is cannabis sativa. cannabis sativa breaks down further into the SUBSPECIES indica, sativa, afghanica, ruderalis.

indica is not a species, it is a subspecies of cannabis sativa.