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DEA pays Humboldt County


Original Editor of ICMagazine
More payoffs from the DEA for local eradication efforts has been announced for Humboldt County, California. Many people question just what the locals plan to do with this funding if and when marijuana legalization is approved by voters this year.

The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors accepted $170,000 from the federal government for marijuana-related law enforcement work Tuesday morning, despite one individual's advice.

”Respect the sacred herb,” said Tad Robinson during public comment. “Say, 'No DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), this is not what we want our law enforcement to do in Humboldt county.'”

The money will fund Humboldt County Sheriff's Office deputies' overtime for the eradication of marijuana. The funds will also pay for the salary and overtime of reserve officers.

Third District Supervisor Mark Lovelace said he wanted to clarify how the DEA funding might be affected if pot is legalized in the November election. He said there will still be people who don't want to follow the rules, and the black market will still be an issue.

”There will always be a need for law enforcement when it comes to marijuana, whatever the need may be,” he said. Humboldt County Sheriff Gary Philp said the sheriff's office will follow California law, whatever it may be in the future.

”We really don't believe -- even if there is legalization in November -- illegal drug activity and enforcement efforts will disappear,” he said.
The full story is here.


”We really don't believe -- even if there is legalization in November -- illegal drug activity and enforcement efforts will disappear,”

can i get a big


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I'd say 170,000 is a drop in the bucket compared to what they REALLY get paid.

I don't like to point fingers towards corruption but the whole damn county is a weed factory and with money involved there are usually a lot of squeaky wheels that need grease.

TY Payaso
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I think this article makes a point I've been trying to make around here. Many people seem to think that Law Enforcement is fighting against legalization because they will lose funding. This is not the case. Marijuana will still be a controlled substance like tobacco and alcohol. Law Enforcement will still need to "sting" illegal sellers. Moonshiners of the 21st century really (imagine if General Lee was more like Major Stone).

170,000 doesn't go far. It might be enough for one additional officer's pay/benefits and their workspace/car/materials for maybe 18 months. In a county of that size, with a "problem" unlike any other county in the nation, 170,000 will hardly make a difference.


Not meaning ta be pro Poliece but this money could be used , If MJ is legalized to keep growers safe from Theft etc. Protecting Desp etc. Prob a long shot & it will prob just go to destroying another MJ users life but hey its nice ta dream. ;)


What a sad waste of taxpayer dollars...when is this charade going to stop.

A huge segment of the American population is being discriminated against just so we can preserve the jobs of the guys with the guns. What a f'n joke.




I'd say 170,000 is a drop in the bucket compared to what they REALLY get paid.

They'll spend that in One (1) Sweep, I guarantee ya that. :ying:
"Cost That Just To Pay For The Fuel In Their 60s" (Helicopters)


Active member
As far as eradication of illegals on our public lands...I'm all for it. As long as they don't go after US citizens, but we know how that goes...c'est la vie.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
They'll spend that in One (1) Sweep, I guarantee ya that.
"Cost That Just To Pay For The Fuel In Their 60s" (Helicopters)

That's another budget entirely Bazarocka!
It does not suprise me that the Humbolt Co. Gov is taking the money. Do politicans every turn down money ? No, of course not. They're just working both sides of the fence, getting paid both ways.


New member
The majority of all Americans (60%) are in favor of legalizing medical marijuana. yet they spend millions to destroy the herb. looks like this government likes to just completely ignore the majority...

Open Eyes

Which is why the california population is going to vote on this matter as the politicians cant be trusted to wipe their own asses unless this somehow gets them votes. They only care about their own re-election and how many donations they receive to fund their next run.


The DEA are in a losing battle... how can you have a war with a plant? You plant a seed, it grows, job done! It's so dumb to pick a fight with mother nature... she'll just piss in your face and laugh every single time. To seek control over her is to bring great aggravation on yourself.... the DEAs days are numbered. Although I'm sure the US government will come up with another ingenious way to syphon it's citizens $$$ from the public to the private.

I'm gonna go do my bit and plant some seeds y'all.
