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DEA is still at it-- 5 Raids in LA today--


Freedom Fighter

California NORML has confirmed reports of 5 DEA raids in LA today.
Contrary to rumor, no doctor's office was raided. The raids were
all "smash and grab" operations: agents took medicine and money,
destroyed surveillance cameras and grabbed computers, but did not
arrest anyone. The professionalism of the operations was
questionable. In one case, agents reportedly failed to leave a
written receipt for cash that was seized. No rhyme or reason was
apparent in the selection of targets, other than they were in the
same neighborhood. Agents gave no reason for the raids other than
that marijuana is still illegal, but apparently suggested that they
wanted to act fast before receiving new orders.
California NORML believes that recent DEA conduct resembles
nothing more than legalized piracy, and calls on supporters to remind
President Obama of his pledge to end DEA raids.
Dale Gieringer, Director, California NORML

There is a report of a DEA raid in progress at Marina Caregivers located at 730 Washington Blvd. Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. Please got to that location to protest this injustice! It is important the four staff people inside know someone is outside looking out for them. It is also important the at the DEA and LAPD know we oppose this action.

Take signs, banners, bull horns, or any other protest supplies you need. Take water and sunscreen if possible.

Here is a link to a map:

http://maps.google.com/maps?q=730%20Washington%20Blvd.%20Marina%20Del%20R ey%2C%20CA&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US fficial&client=firefox-a&hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=

The DEA raid at Marina Caregivers in Marina Del Rey is over as of 1:20 PM. Patients on the scene report that there were no arrests, but agent confiscated medicine and money from the facility. Patient records were apparently not confiscated. Patients also report that the Los Angeles Police Depart assisted the DEA in this action.

LA EMERGENCY PROTEST - Feb 5th, NOON, Los Angeles Federal Building,
255 E. Temple St.,

From: Don Duncan <[email protected]>
To: DPFCA <[email protected]>

ASA is holding a MAJOR EMERGENCY PROTEST and we need you there! Bush
wouldn't listen, but President Obama WILL if we press him! WE NEED HIM

WHEN: THURSDAY, Feburary 5 at 12 NOON
WHERE: Los Angeles Federal Building, 255 E. Temple St.,

Bring signs, bullhorns, & posters and a loud voice! We need you to
stand up and make that voice heard!

For more information contact [email protected]

Blue Dot

Do dispensaries really expect anything else?

Show me, ON PAPER, where dispensaries are legal?


blue dot man have i told you you remind me on inflorescence....
who's side of cannabis are you on - med users or goverment?

you have no idea about how hard it is to help people. you think running a dispensary is all about raking in the dollars and profit? pull your head out of your bunghole man c'mon!


Active member
blue dot man have i told you you remind me on inflorescence....
who's side of cannabis are you on - med users or goverment?

you have no idea about how hard it is to help people. you think running a dispensary is all about raking in the dollars and profit? pull your head out of your bunghole man c'mon!
ya seriosuly... you know what they use to call feds right? gangsters with a gun and badge... dea in cali is no diffrent...

why arent they in hawaii combatting the huge meth problem they got there... and there supposed to leave a receipt for what they take. they didnt. and since you prolly dont know any dispensary owners... you dont know that when they come in aside from jacking you they if they feel they want too smash your cameras trash your shop etc.


blue dot man have i told you you remind me on inflorescence....
who's side of cannabis are you on - med users or goverment?

First of all, hi, I am new here. ummhumm.
NOw then, as I understand it, according to you there is acceptable medical use, or the government correct?
Well, to be perfectly honest with you, making special laws just for "MMJ" is blatanly discriminatory and flat out wrong! You have no special entitlement more so than anyone else to use cannabis period. I know, and understand exactly what the DEA is doing, I also agree, that what MMJ users think and want, and what reality actually is are 2 very different things.

you have no idea about how hard it is to help people. you think running a dispensary is all about raking in the dollars and profit? pull your head out of your bunghole man c'mon!

Well, I do know. I also know that whenever something like this happens, it's a race for all the early twenty somethings to scramble around and find their token wheel chair bound "victim" so they can go "protest". And let me tell you, those protests, they are real intelligent. It's no coincidence that cannabis use has not been broadly normalized and accepted, look at the advocates. 9 out of 10 are "all aboard" for MMJ, completely dishonest, and compromising very normal values commonly held by many to justify, hide behind, and feel safe with their prop 215 and SB 420/ doctors rec.
It's horse shit.
I am for anyone using cannabis that chooses to for any reason, as long as they are a legal adult. Medical or otherwise. If someone gets some kind of relief for whatever, then good for them. They are not any more entitled to it than the guy that goes home and wants to burn a bowl and relax. They are just "victims" and a false front for people that are basically dishonest to pursue cannabis use acceptance.
If you support making special laws to allow special people only to use cannabis, you are excluding and discriminating against the huge vast majority of people that actually use cannabis, therefore you will never become "mainstream", you are excluding 90% of the folks that you need to support you. If you get away from MMJ for 1 second, realize that full legalization would make cannabis available to everyone at a lower cost, that would be best for MMJ users. What california has done is taking 1 step forward, and 10 back.
Fuck me, I need a joint.:joint:


Freedom Fighter
NATIONAL ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Suspend the Bush Raids!

During the campaign, President Obama pledged to end Drug Enforcement Agency raids on state-legal medical cannabis providers. Yet just two days after he took office, Bush loyalists within the DEA raided another California dispensary, the Patient-to-Patient Collective. These DEA dead-enders can be stopped - but only if you ACT!
Congress needs to hear from you. It only takes two minutes to ask your Representative to join the Congressional Sign-on letter urging President Obama to suspend the raids by Bush loyalists.
Step 1: Call the Capitol switchboard and tell the operator your address to be connected with your Representative's office. Call 202-225-3121.
Step 2: Say: "Hi, my name is_________, and I am calling to ask my Representative to urge President Obama to suspend the federal raids and intimidation tactics in medical cannabis states, as he has pledged to do. Please sign on to the Congressional letter being circulated by members of Congress. Sick and suffering Americans are being threatened by our own government, and it needs to stop. Please help us. Thank you."

Click here to download a pdf of
this newsletter to print and distribute

Americans for Safe Access * 1322 Webster Street, Ste. 402 * Oakland, CA 94612
[email protected] * 510-251-1856 * www.AmericansForSafeAccess.org


Freedom Fighter
was it providers OR users?

He said specifically that he would respect State's Rights, and end the DEA Raids on Dispensaries in MMJ States--

But seeing as ASA wrote what you are quoting, why don't you ask them?? Cuz I don't feel like dealing with you--:yeahthats


First of all, hi, I am new here. ummhumm.
NOw then, as I understand it, according to you there is acceptable medical use

yep. prop 215 passed by the state of california in 1996.
you sound new....

Well, to be perfectly honest with you, making special laws just for "MMJ" is blatanly discriminatory and flat out wrong!

guess those of us that voted for MEDICAL MARIJUANA to be LEGALIZED in CA are selfish assholes. WHAT?

9 out of 10 are "all aboard" for MMJ, completely dishonest, and compromising very normal values commonly held by many to justify, hide behind, and feel safe with their prop 215 and SB 420/ doctors rec.
It's horse shit.

you must watch a lot of weeds or something because the paitents I have taken care of and stood next to at rallies/protests are paraplegics, quadraplegics... you know, standard run of the mill college partying pot heads like you see on tv. A lot of generalizations coming from you....

If someone gets some kind of relief for whatever, then good for them. They are not any more entitled to it than the guy that goes home and wants to burn a bowl and relax.

um.... ever heard of mental health? burning a bowl to relax/take the edge off is good for one's mental health. MEDICAL REASON.

If you support making special laws to allow special people only to use cannabis, you are excluding and discriminating against the huge vast majority of people that actually use cannabis, therefore you will never become "mainstream", you are excluding 90% of the folks that you need to support you.

you know not of what you are talking about. the further I read your posts the more I realize you are a lost litte sheep.

we voted for it dude. as a state. if you are in some other butthole state or country that isn't on the same page as some of the other state in the union then sorry for you but don't try to spit out this weak sauce you're spitting because you don't agree with medical marijuana.

if you don't have medical marijuana where you are i am saddened.

guess i'll smoke a big fat LEGAL bowl for you


this shit has gotta stop.

dude, smash and grab? wtf? fuckin cowboys.

at least blackwater wasn't there this time.

stop the raids! or shits gonna get ugly.


its a matter of perception right now.

thanks though man
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Freedom Fighter
apparently, it ain't legal..

But i do agree with ya for the most part greyskull.

It is Legal...that is why they didn't arrest anybody--
Eventually the "Interstate Commerce" clause will be shot down as too vague--
That is the only reason the Feds have been able to interfere with State Law...because they use the "Possibility" of marijuana from a Dispensary crossing State lines--