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DEA Finally Admits-------- Marijuana is Medicine

Who said anything about smoking? It goes without saying that inhailing a crude smoke isn't exactly safe. I nearly only vape hash oil now myself, no tar no breathing issues since I stopped smoking bud regularly. I also consume edibles regularly, and I'm in the process of making my own tinchures. Smoking the buds is just one way to medicate, I can think of 4 other way off the top of my head right now. Expand your mind....

In that last post I now see why we lost in the 60's....

This may be as good as it ever gets from those pricks but my point is stand the fuck up like a man, take that lump. You'll have a lump but you'll still have your pride. My point is and I know it will never happen but if this did it would force them to deepthroat that f-n cow, lol. If people would just stand up and say "what, are you going to arrest us all?" as a group of united hippies, they would be forced to let us live the way we want. This country is suppose to work for the people not the people work for the country. But not everyone has balls, some people are submissive, just blah... those people ruin it for the rest by not standing up and doing their part. Pussies, lol


it always been medicine, how else would they continue to make more money if they wont legalize it now, big dogs come in the yard to play now, watch o ut

I'm guessing big pharma will grow plants to take extractions and analyze each different extraction for its medicinal value. When they find one that can be used effectively they will synthesize it and offer a pill with one or maybe two specific chemicals. I don't think they will ever produce buds marketed directly to the consumer. Thats just what I think, so.
:tiphat:i think its a good thing eagle eye is gonna be on top notch gear.i.e.finding out that chemdogg oil is the best for this cancer and this oil is better at curing ect...thing is getting that info out in the public duplicity:tiphat: anybody???other than that no bigge for budFOR NOWlol.peace:tiphat:


holddddddddddddddddddddd the phone SMOKING IS BAD SAYS WHO? ????????? who has proof, theres 30million potheads in this country wheres all the SMOKING VICTIMS! this fukn hippy vaporizer crab theres CARCINOGENS IN THE SMOKE STREAM, oh blow me theres far more benficial molecules streaming in with those SUPPOSED carcinogens!

Whats the dea's angel, first dream up the most sick unbelievable plot that stephen king couldnt conjure then multiply that by about 1000, double that add 4 and you got a gigantic RED WHITE N BLUE dildo coming at you!

p.s. no hippys were injured in the making of this post.


u know when i stopd smoking shitty mexican scccwaaaggggg i stopped getting bronchitis , havent been sick since WITH ANYTHING, best friend he's a runner and daily smoker, SMOKING IS FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man how many people believe this its only ok vaporized crap


If smoking cannabis is bad for you ...

If smoking cannabis is bad for you ...

holddddddddddddddddddddd the phone SMOKING IS BAD SAYS WHO? ????????? who has proof, theres 30million potheads in this country wheres all the SMOKING VICTIMS! this fukn hippy vaporizer crab theres CARCINOGENS IN THE SMOKE STREAM, oh blow me theres far more benficial molecules streaming in with those SUPPOSED carcinogens!

Whats the dea's angel, first dream up the most sick unbelievable plot that stephen king couldnt conjure then multiply that by about 1000, double that add 4 and you got a gigantic RED WHITE N BLUE dildo coming at you!

p.s. no hippys were injured in the making of this post.

If smoking cannabis is bad for you ... how come it's an effective treatment for asthma?
If smoking cannabis is bad for you ... how come studies have proven that smokers of tobacco And cannabis have a lower incident of lung cancer than tobacco alone?
And that smokers of cannabis alone have an infinitesimally low incident of lung cancer?

Someone, or many some ones for multiple generations, have been pumping out the same bullshit propaganda. It couldn't be the same people that in one decade swore that smoking cannabis causes violently mad depravity, and then in the following decade swore that smoking cannabis would turn our troops into non-violent pacifists, could it? Oh, wait ... it is the same bunch of fascistic ass-hats, after all.

Question authority. Especially question the motives of authority. "Follow the money" is the usual axiom that arrives at the truth most quickly.



Active member
I think if you use MJ for medicine, and you SMOKE it, you're gambling your health one problem for another. Smoking increases the chances of getting chronic bronchitis and emphysema. sure, not everyone gets it, but you don't wanna be the one who does.

If you use the plant for medicine you should use edibles/vaporizer.

If you toke for recreational purposes, burn away.


Active member
Yeah, so I don't see whats new, marinol has been around for a long time even with THC still being classified as a schedule 1 drug by the DEA. I guess now the DEA is allowing pharmaceutical companies to actually grow their own vs. synthetic manufacture of THC.

who wouldnt love to grow weed for a pharmaceutical company?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
holddddddddddddddddddddd the phone SMOKING IS BAD SAYS WHO? ????????? who has proof, theres 30million potheads in this country wheres all the SMOKING VICTIMS! this fukn hippy vaporizer crab theres CARCINOGENS IN THE SMOKE STREAM, oh blow me theres far more benficial molecules streaming in with those SUPPOSED carcinogens!

Whats the dea's angel, first dream up the most sick unbelievable plot that stephen king couldnt conjure then multiply that by about 1000, double that add 4 and you got a gigantic RED WHITE N BLUE dildo coming at you!

p.s. no hippys were injured in the making of this post.

Well even though I smoke my bud .."SMOKE" is bad lol.. All smoke even campfire smoke because of the carcinogen's in smoke.. large particulates which we can not digest. This is why the HUGE champagin on no more cooking your food using burning wood.. peace out Headband707


Active member
look at this from the pointof a pharma Co,your gonna get the law changed,and a drug rescheduled, A : for profit ? B: for stoners cause its the right thing to do? i think they did it for A considering howmuch money they would have invested money to change a 60-70 yr old stance of the dea and the cause of the dea's actual existence.

now lets look at this again from a buisnuess standpoint, your product sells itself all you have to do is keep up with demand,wich means LOTs O' WEED fast,this will only effect the final product in a poor manner.

i dont see medical users getting what they want many know i want total leaglization so im trying to keep my ranting to a minimum, but you want it to be 1.regulated 2.produced in just factories ( for quality control) 3.taxed
what your gonna get may be more along the lines of poor product mass produced for the cheapest price,and your still only gonna be able to get it from a Doc cause it only whent to a schedule 2 drug,its still illeagle !!! like perc's and vikes .
as long as theres a price associated with weed, the leaglization effort will be underminded.
the best thing to do wich would be to start a website where you could discuss how to spread the plant far around the world and sell the people seeds so it would get to a point where controling it would be immpossible and perhaps have it grow wild in as many places as possible


Well even though I smoke my bud .."SMOKE" is bad lol.. All smoke even campfire smoke because of the carcinogen's in smoke.. large particulates which we can not digest. This is why the HUGE champagin on no more cooking your food using burning wood.. peace out Headband707

Yeah, I'm not against you guys, I smoke it too and don't beleive for a second that a little pot smoke is going to send me to my grave! I own a vape and although I don't prefer it I understand it's usefulness... I'm just about choosing battles guys. You guys can debate the little injustices all day and that is great, but the net effect to big pharma's push to get into the game using natural plant derived medicine may ultimately be a good thing for the legalization movement.

And Ameriskunk you can feel free to take your lumps the way you like. Understand that as obscure as my thought pattern seems to you, yours seems as obscure to me. I see people beating their heads against the wall, where you see uninspired pacifism. Touche.


I'm gonna say this could the start of something good. These companies have the best labs and research staffs. No full blown research has been done on cannabis by large teams of experts with fully equipped labs.

Studies can be published and collaboration on a wide scale will happen in the community. This will make for fantastic breakthroughs, as we know thc can cure cancer, let the experts check it out legitimately.

I for one would like to see an entirely different class of pharms than what we use today. opiates are beneficial when used correctly and not abused but have terrible side effects. We know the side effects of cannabis are minimal but vary too widely fro consistent treatment.

How about drugs made from cannabis with the proper ratios of terpenes and cannabnoids that are safer and better for us? Replacing the current panel of toxic pharms available with natural healing therapies. I would love an anti-anxiety drug that doesn't have the side effects of xanax.

They break down rain forest plants to find miracle chemicals, they need to start doing this with cannabis.

My two cents.............


the uk has had cannabis extracts as medicine for a while allthough its near impossible to get a script for it.(sativex)
but even with that and now the fact sativex has an benn granted an actual license the gov still insist on saying that cannabis(herbal) has no medicinal value wot so ever. makes me laugh my ass off when they say that shit. how fuckin dumb do they think we are.
the usa dont seem to be able to get away with stuff like that though.


Cannabis has never directly killed 1 person! We can argue all day/night about carcinogens but at the end of the day NOT 1 legitimate dead body in 10,000 years of known relationship with man. WE ALL KNOW THEY WOULD PARADE THAT BODY FOR ALL TO SEE IF THEY COULD BUT PROVE It.

A panacea of medical benifits in a world where most medications side effects couldnt be written on your forearm if the the wrter wrote shorthand, yet we are debating 1 RUMOR. Seperated out im sure you can find compounds in the smokestream that have various differences in toxicity. Still, The addition of Phytocannabinoids,is a welcomed gift to the body.

Man used to burn ganja under gigantic blankets and campfire bongs ITS AMAZING WE GOT THS FAR WITH ALL THOSE CARCINOGENS, give me a break, To quoute a genius, IF YOUR NOT WITH US YOUR AGAINST US, GEORGE W. LOL ok i was using sarcasm when i said genius but even a blind squirel every now n again finds a nut and here, WE GOTTA ALL STAY CONVICTED, Stedfast in the war against MARYJANE. She is not evil, not 1 part of her should ever be admitted as toxic without PROOOOOF clear PROOF!

If someone has proof they wage there opinion upon, then, here is the place, CARCINOGENS and mary jane LETS SEE THE PROOF!

Bronchitis, do we know the quality of the bud that gave bronchitis to people, ive got it FROM OLD MOLDED pot, commercial lump it all together crap, ya i got bronchitis, but how many other compounds were on that weed, pesticides herbicides, molds, bacterias???????? So i reject it causes bronchitis aswell.

As to this is a good thing! WE ARE IN THE GRIPS OF THE AUDACITY OOF HOPE, the DEA will suddenly help make the world a better place a rainbow for every school child and a puppy for every frown! Well the past is prologue, those who dont knoe there history have amnesia. When big business takes over something ANYTHING what good has ever come of this, when has governmengts assistance ever BEEN A GOOD THING! I too want ride a unicorn under a rainbow but people know your friends and know your enemies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Active member
I never believe a word the DEA says.
After all, they are an organization built on lies, corrupt to the core, willing to lock every one of us up.
They will be busting folks for possessing the pills as soon as a black market for them develops.


Active member
The way cannabis makes me feel when I _smoke_ it while sick lets me know its not good for my health.

You can argue all day whatever you want about you don't believe will do this or that.

Its like arguing you don't have to look both ways crossing the street.

Not everyone is gonna get hit just because they do something dangerous.

The warning is for the people who don't see it coming. You don't have to heed the warnings


Active member
I say let people do what they want to their own bodies. Their bodies, their business.

The concept of "criminal law" for drugs is wrong, on so many levels.

Though, it is important to understand the "smoking" angle of things. It's the lemmings out there that want to create laws to "ban" everything. I think it's important that the general public learns that MMJ patients also eat, drink, vape, and use MMJ lotion. This will help them see Cannabis in what they would consider a "cleaner" light.


I never believe a word the DEA says.
After all, they are an organization built on lies, corrupt to the core, willing to lock every one of us up.
They will be busting folks for possessing the pills as soon as a black market for them develops.

Who is saying trust the DEA? They aren't offering us anything! They are rescheduling a medicine which is derived from natural cannabis because big pharma is telling them too. Why are people hatting on those of us who feel that this is simply another brick removed from the wall of prohibition?

I just don't understand the points some of you guys argue! The DEA isn't doing any of this for our benefit and I have yet to hear a realistic ulterior motive. Big Pharma knows they are missing the boat with so many people using mmj as medicine so they want to get in on the game. Great, in doing that we have governmental conformation that plant derived cannabanoids have medicinal value. Doesn't seem like much but it is probably the biggest step forward in 40 years. A lot of their legal stance and justification for the outrageous penalties on MJ is based on the Schedule 1 designation. ***edit*** not to imply that they are rescheduling natural MJ, they aren't, but they are opening a door to which it could be better argued.

Will the DEA still want to keep mj/mmj illegal federally? YES of course but we are watching one of their main arguing points fall from the arsenal of bullshit statements they continually shit all over the American public. If they see the end of prohibition on the horizon then this is a very soft and non-crow eating way to ease into it, but I think this is mostly pressure from big pharma.

That's it! Nobody is saying go find your nearest local DEA agent, bring him over to your grow spot and give him a great big hug... None of this is about smoking vs vaping vs pills vs sprays or the blackmarket value of prescription mmj products. Big Pharma is going to market a non carcogenic delivery method that allows for a user controlled variable dosage with a minimal high and that is great for a lot of people. I still like my bong.


And the straits call us Paranoid. I wonder who big pharma is gonna get to grow for them? US? Any of you want to work for.... well the MAN?? Can you just picture it? Maybe peeing in a cup would be a goodness thing. Pay prorated on THC count in your weekly sample? OK it would be nice to have some of their millions to shower on my gurls,they truly deserve it..