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DEA Finally Admits-------- Marijuana is Medicine


Active member
marinol sucks. i've tried it and it only contains THC. no CBD or CBN the more medicinal THC paranoia balancing compounds.

Miss Token

New member
Same shit....different day, eh? Who fucking believes "bought n' paid for" government anymore? It's like watching or reading the so-called news. The obvious stories are for your attention and the other crap is for your "education". We're constantly being "educated" to think and respond the way a few controlling asswipes want.

Cannabis has been used medicinally for thousands of years. It's cheap and effective for many uses. How can the controlling interests keep control and take your money? Pass and enforce laws to punish those who know the truth... and distort the truth with false information for those who are dumb enough to believe it.

I can watch story after story on network news and identify one bullshit story after another designed to sway public opinion. It's just too fucking obvious.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Marinol and Dronabinol (Sativex. Made by GW Pharmaceuticals outta UK and exclusive distributorship in US via Takeda Pharmaceuticals) are Schedule III narcs. Sativex carries roughly 5mg of cannabinoids.

This is old news.


Get two birds stoned at once
This article sums up exactly what I thought when I heard they would be doing this.

I do have one fear though, and that is that the law and pharma will treat it like opium which is where we get morphine and codeine etc. Sure you can get a script for it but try to grow it and make your own meds that's illegal.

I hope we will not let them teat it like morphine though and instead get a majority of states with MMJ laws that permit growing your own and then get it treated like alcohol at the federal level once there is 55-60% approval.

Guest 88950

opium should be illegal to grow b/c of how addictive it is and how easy it is to overdose and die from it.

Cannabis is none of that so how is that a fair comparison?

theres still no valid argument to force me to take pharmaceuticals derived from cannabis instead of growing my own.


Get two birds stoned at once
opium should be illegal to grow b/c of how addictive it is and how easy it is to overdose and die from it.

Cannabis is none of that so how is that a fair comparison?

theres still no valid argument to force me to take pharmaceuticals derived from cannabis instead of growing my own.

I agree, and its not a fair comparison. But that's how it will shake out if people don't make those arguments. Umiss will grow the only legit product and sell it to pharmaceutical companies and we will be shit outta luck.


People just dont understand that nationwide in the us alone this plant is a fucking uber money maker. The rich who like to stay rich implement these schemes to the pharma companys and dea allows whatevr they fucking want as long as the price is right. If they was doing it before what makes you think they aint doing it now.

So many people hate the hood, ghettos, and slums but the worst drug dealers are actually in the white house right now. Yall betta open up and get it how you live cause these reptiles been doing it for centuries.

word sour
Fellas don't be stupid enough to get caught up with this temporary situation. Allow me to explain what I mean. By doing this here is what I see will happen. They allow pharma companies to derive thc, even grow the plants. Now in doing this these pharma companies are going to come up with ways to ingest thc with a minimal "high" effect but with a noticable medical effect such as an anti inflamitory effect. They may even make painkillers from certain indicas, who knows. But my point is that this stuff will be far cleaner and should be "safer" for people to take, thus giving the government time to convert a lot of once mmj supporters into pharmaceutical mmj supporters, thus putting an end to medical marijuana as we now know it. The only way that wont happen is if people refuse these meds and I don't see that happening


opium should be illegal to grow b/c of how addictive it is and how easy it is to overdose and die from it.

Cannabis is none of that so how is that a fair comparison?

theres still no valid argument to force me to take pharmaceuticals derived from cannabis instead of growing my own.

A main point of that article was that it would be impossible to overturn existing mmj laws and I think the author is right on that. Can't reverse the will of the people!!! This could be an alternative and that is OK. The big thing is creating a working product that doesn't produce the high. Not everyone wants to use natural cannabis. All the people here do I can assure you :) , but there are some out there who don't. I don't see this as the DEA backing down necessarily or admitting any wrongdoing. Past wrongs will never be righted Headband... don't hold your breath for full circle! If the classification of mj based products is lowered that could go a long ways toward recreational legalization in the long run.


I agree, at least as far as cannabis is concerned.

I agree, at least as far as cannabis is concerned.

opium should be illegal to grow b/c of how addictive it is and how easy it is to overdose and die from it.

Cannabis is none of that so how is that a fair comparison?

theres still no valid argument to force me to take pharmaceuticals derived from cannabis instead of growing my own.

I agree, at least as far as cannabis is concerned.

But I think there should be absolutely NO prohibitions on Any plant of medicinal value, nor the personal growing thereof -- including papaver somniferum (the opium poppy plant). George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew cannabis, hemp, and poppies -- for both industrial and medicinal values. It is, or should be, a matter of personal freedom. If they could have even conceived the idea that these plants would one day be made illegal, I think there would have been an 11th Amendment to the Constitution as part of the Bill of Rights.


What we have today is an overbearing Big Brother (or Big Sister) Police State that continues to chip away at personal rights, freedoms, and liberties -- not to protect society from itself, but to protect the profits of crony corporations like Big Pharma. If our government were truly interested in protecting society, abortions and family planning would be legal everywhere, the state would provide cradle-to-grave medical care to all citizens, and education from Kindergarten through Doctorate would be free. We are not anywhere near that point -- in fact just the opposite, all to put the Almighty Dollar into the hands of a wealthy ruling class, the kleptocrats.




Wow, great read....things are changing phast and it might not l3e the direction we want.....


Well we can all wish in one hand and crap in another and see which gets filled first!

The DEA hasnt got a trustworthy record, lets face facts. in 1974 They, THE DEA funded a study at the University of virginia Medical school in the hopes of showing some kinda link between RAT Cancer and Cannabinoids, So they gave the rats Cannabinoids after, they gave the little bastards cancer, low n behold, IT REVERSED tumors, showing acute anti cancer properties. IN 1975 NO MORE RESEARCH TO STUDY THE POSITIVE USES of Cannabis.

Now you can trust an agency that finds the cure for cancer if they tell you they found the cure for cancer but should you trust em when they turn tail block research and act AS IF it all never happened!

Theyve got better, cus frankly WHO DO WE KNOW who really feels cannabis is dangerous, Cops dont, not any with brains anyway, judges dont, nogt any with brains anyway. SO MANY have done it and just said, ya really not that big of a deal! Yet here we are 34 states its impossible to grow but 16 you can under all kinds of different rules. In a land that owes its life blood to this plant, still we battle the government.

The same DEA that was well aware the cia was running drugs that caused the LA street violence of the 80,s !

I dont know, seems the may be a tad untrustworthy! just saying
You guys must have missed my post on page 2. Do y'all not think that is the underlying agenda for this? I think this is diversionary tactics by the D.E.A., they will never catch me slippin. Think about their past with medical marijuana.... They have a long way to go before I would even think of them as trustworthy. Their nothing but a bunch of organized criminals themselves. The fucked up thing is we(growers) see us a robinhood types. We both think were doing something good for the people but the thing is around 50% of people don't mind pot smoking so only half the people want their marijuana enforcement done anyway. Medical recognition is nice but keep your eyes peeled for alterior motives...

Anyone want to take a vote on if you could od on these medications? I have a feeling its going to be a possibility, through abuse of course but that's why people use pot. No matter how much you consume you can't die. This is not the great situation everyone seems to think it is


Could see them using this in the same way that the british gov't have by saying that there is no need for herbal cannabis as there are pill's that are safer

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You guys must have missed my post on page 2. Do y'all not think that is the underlying agenda for this? I think this is diversionary tactics by the D.E.A., they will never catch me slippin. Think about their past with medical marijuana.... They have a long way to go before I would even think of them as trustworthy. Their nothing but a bunch of organized criminals themselves. The fucked up thing is we(growers) see us a robinhood types. We both think were doing something good for the people but the thing is around 50% of people don't mind pot smoking so only half the people want their marijuana enforcement done anyway. Medical recognition is nice but keep your eyes peeled for alterior motives...

Anyone want to take a vote on if you could od on these medications? I have a feeling its going to be a possibility, through abuse of course but that's why people use pot. No matter how much you consume you can't die. This is not the great situation everyone seems to think it is

There is actually NOTHING the DEA could do to make me trust them lol lol.. That would be like trusting a lawyer or politicition and that is NEVER going to happen for me lol..Listening to anything these guys have to say now is a complete waste of space. The whole lot of them needs to be FIRED!!! ASAP.. peace out Headband707:tiphat:


That's exactly my point

The point of this article is that when all is said and done, the DEA is now saying that Natural Cannabis has medicinal usefulness. What ulterior motive are you guys thinking? Medical professionals will always discourage smoking of anything... That isn't corruption within the system, it is logical if not actual fact!

This action should go a long way toward reducing penalties for mj possession and use. I'm not saying this is an under the breath apology for all the times they have wronged us, but if there is some crow-eating that is going to happen, this will be as close as we get to it. They aren't going to say "we screwed up and start releasing people from jail and writing everyone checks to compensate for lost crops of yesterseason!

To say that they are doing this in an effort to thwart the MMJ movement isn't a complete stretch of course (though they can't do anything about existing mmj legislation), but in doing so they will be helping the rec scene. I'd like to know what people see as the angle on this if it is something other than what I am seeing!

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