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DEA Chief Mark Emery Statement....


Active member
A Drug Dealer's Toll on Americans
Posted by CN Staff on March 29, 2006 at 09:03:12 PT
By Karen P. Tandy
Source: Washington Post

Washington, DC -- Marc Emery, who distributed millions of marijuana seeds throughout the country, admits the accuracy of the Drug Enforcement Administration's charges against him, but he denies harming Americans ["High Crimes, or a Tokin' Figure?" Style, March 18].

Like all dealers, Mr. Emery turns a blind eye to marijuana's victims -- people like Victoria Rogers, a mother driving with her children when she was killed by a marijuana-intoxicated motorist.

Marijuana feeds thousands of addictions -- so many that more teenagers enter treatment for marijuana dependency than for all other drugs combined.

Thousands of adolescents whose brains are still developing also suffer from depression, memory impairment and diminished judgment because of marijuana. Users destroy their lungs because marijuana smoke contains 50 to 70 percent more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke.

That Mr. Emery sees no consequences of his actions does not change the fact that they destroy innocent American lives and that he should and will face legal consequences as a result.

Karen P. Tandy


Drug Enforcement Administration


Source: Washington Post (DC)
Author: Karen P. Tandy
Published: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 - Page A18
Copyright: 2006 The Washington Post Company
Contact: [email protected]
Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/

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High Crimes, or A Tokin' Figure?

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Let's begin with the rehab statements.....the mothers of america freak out because their child is smoking pot and sends them to rehab....somehow this doesn't suprise me given the hysteria surrounding Cannabis.....so these children go to the rehabs where they see people addicted to alcohol, nicotine, meth, cocaine, opiates (mainly prescription pain-killers) and they finally can put their pot use into comparison with the real dangerous drugs...

the real dangers are alcohol and cigarettes....we all know this but the DEA refuses to see that it relies on junk science and bogus studies so it can continue to receive billions of dollars in funding.....

what a surprise....

"Make the most of the Indian Hemp Seed. Sow it Everywhere"
-George Washington, 1794

Do you think george washington didn't know about the medicinal properties of the indian hemp plant? Before petrochemicals, Cannabis was a major component in many effective NON-LETHAL medicines. How many people overdose or suffer "side-effects" from pharmaceutical drugs each year, Karen?

Oh well....keep drinking your DEA kool-aid, Karen while millions upon millions of Americans needlessly suffer in pain because they cannot obtain their medicine or rot in prison cells for the so-called "crime" of growing a plant.

Karen I know you feel like you are doing some good by continuing to brainwash Americans......but scientists in the field of cannabinoid research are laughing at you when they see you pledging your allegiance to junk science and bogus research. Ask Dr. Melchloulam, who researches in Israel, because the US government will not even permit a supply of Cannabis for research purposes. Currently the Israeli army is studying the effects of Cannabis on Israeli soldiers for the treatment of Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. Check out the latest papers on the CB2 receptor and you will be suprised at the amazing healing properties of this plant.

Karen, the streets are awash with meth, coke, heroin, and pharmaceutical drugs which kill people and do way more harm than Cannabis. How many emergency room deaths are there for Cannabis each year? Answer: Zero.

Karen, please look at the 15 medical cannabis states where the voting majorities are overriding vetos to pass humane laws concerning this plant.
Please re-consider the scheduling of Cannabis as "Schedule I: no medicinal properties whatsoever."

Karen, of course teenagers smoke too much Cannabis. I wish they would wait until their brains are properly formed before beginning to smoke. But Cannabis should be the least of your worries. The meth, black-tar heroin, prescription-drug, and steroid epidemics need to be addressed now. These drugs are used in epidemic proportions by America's Teenagers.....

But lets start being real with the teenagers so they will start believing you.

Kind Regards,
Your Friend the guineapig :wave:
Nice read GP. I agree with you. Unfortunately, pot has been demonized. Plus, it is "illegal" or what I prefer: not socially acceptable (sounds better than illegal). Knowledge is the power we need to blight out the ignorance. We need to find a treatment for DEA Kool-aid.
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Active member
Dandy Tandy now tell the truth! How many people have died in car crashes that are alchol related, yet Mr. Busch is still free


I hope I become an eccentric millionaire so I can use my money to make equally slanderous accusations like a big news add that says:
Karen P. Tandy is a dumb lying cunt.
They have no problem convincing people without fact; most people are swayed by mere repetition and exposure. I think the cannabis movement has seriously over looked and alienated the general public. When I see a bunch of people dressed like delinquents on Halloween from photos of hash bash, I can't help but think they are only strengthening the convictions in those that already believe, your not going to convince anybody unless you are wearing a suit, have a fake smile and present your point in a light-hearted manner, and have something financially beneficial to offer. Stop trying to fight a war on principals and morals, the average US voter has neither.
My 2 cents....


I agree with much of what you've said Big Clunke.

Additionally, I've pointed out in the past that the Amerikan public, to include local and state governments, can list off a thousand and one reasons to not trust Uncle Schmuck, and they often do so in their bantering at the corner cafe's across this country.

But when presented with an official document or statement by the same lying goons, they digest it like this morning's pablum.

I've aked our local assembly in the past, "They lied to you about land for the state in the statehood compact, right? They lied about Viet Nam, right? They lied about their EPA, right? (And listed various other examples of federal dishonesty...) and then asked, "Then WHY, when we get to discussing the war on pot (etc.), is everyone so gullibly willing to accept that they MUST be telling the truth, especially when the quality research says the opposite??"

Because Amerika still has a very confused and subservient relationship with a paternalistic, abusive 'papa.' Apparently still hoping that he'll show himself to be 'good and decent.'

But I don't think that it's in his personality, and much of the public keeps hoping anyway. Like watching a bad movie.


moose eater :wave:


Active member

"Drug use causes tragic accidents on our roads, such as the one in Springfield, Ohio last February. One Saturday morning, a drugged driver—high on a virtual drug cocktail of marijuana, cocaine, and opiates—struck another car and killed a 31-year old mother, Victoria Rogers, who was driving with her two young daughters and a niece. Her two children suffered head and neck injuries. Her niece had severe face and head injuries that she continues to undergo reconstructive surgery to heal."

-Karen P. Tandy Administrator Drug Enforcement Administration Central Ohio Crime Stoppers Breakfast Columbus, Ohio October 26, 2004

[As if her specious argument had any validity at best...]


Yea I agree with everyone. I cant count how many truth(anti-drug commercial) commercials ive seen that was about marijuana and then again I havent seen but probably 1 or 2 about another drug. They need to start worrying about the bigger drugs on the market like exstacy, coke, meth, ice, etc... they just keep bringing more and more drugs to the table and they are all man-made. They just want to make the money thats what its all about... they know that marijuana is natural and will never run out but exstacy, meth, ice etc... you cant grow these drugs and they know that.


Vermonster said:
Dandy Tandy now tell the truth! How many people have died in car crashes that are alchol related, yet Mr. Busch is still free
at least 40% of all car fatalities are alcohol related

such a ridiculous hypocrisy this society lives in...


Nugs of Science said:
what I prefer: not socially acceptable (sounds better than illegal).

I have to disagree with you here.
I have met with a large number of people marijuana consumers and non marijuana consumers. Even police officers. lawyers, doctors, judges, etc...

Over 90% agree the marijuana laws are causing way more damage to our societies then marijuana every could do by it's self.

We know for a fact (many well documented and credible studies to date) that marijuana is a heck of a lot less harmful then alcohol or cigarettes.
1000's die everyday due to alcohol and cigarettes. Sure can't say that about our green herb now can we.

Keith Fagin
Calgary 420 founder


bahh, Thousands of adolescents whose brains are still developing are fed AMPHETAMINES in order to correct possable learning or concentration problems.

thoes kids dont have to worry about the dangers of natural cannabis but only because their already too far gone, cracked out and cranked up on shit that we really know nothing about.
not only are the feds showing a blind eye to this growing trend of meth use in this nation (i beleave in the 80's crack was spoken about as an epidemic).

:moon: so it almost seems the powers that be are not only puting marijuana up as a higher priority then meth but they have gone as far as feeding it to kids telling them it medicin, all the while priming their feebil brains for the real dangers to society. they want use to bleave marijuana primes the human brain for addiction, but in reality its a blend of ingnorance stupidity and a tuch of greed. i just wonder what the gov. hase to gain from creating tens thousands of more meth addicts a year, unless alberto gonzalass is head kingpin of the southamerican meth-ring i dunno whats going on.. :sasmokin: :lurk: :joint:

Sensi Student

New member
I am ashamed at being American At times like this its imbarising really.
Get your own Country right before you try to work on others and Get Bush and Cheaney in one shot!!! two down, Many still need to go I'm sure you all know who these croocked ass Americans are!!!
P.S. I equate this tragedy to Invasion (U.S.A freedom my ass)Drop these bogus ass charges and send Marc Emery back to Canada and let him do his thing but a little better this time(have the seeds I ordered don't send something I did not want)
Its to bad that the conservatives won the elections the liberals were on the way to legalization in Canada.

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
the reason there are so many more people in rehab for pot then for other drugs is because they are court ordered to go as a alternative punishment to jail time. all my friends that got busted had to go to rehab and probation instead of doing time. i dont know a single person that went to rehab for smokin on thier own.


sorry, everytime i hear anything about people in rehab for pot, i get this picture of Bob saget in my head " I sucked dick for coke, did you ever suck dick for weed?"

larry badiner

i dont understand why the hell our governments so damn afraid of a plant that takes two farts (maybe six to grow properly) to grow. oh wait, yes i do

pharmaceuticals: less money for them, better health for us (and none of that marijuana has 4000 million tar causing ingrediants, vaporizors solved that issue for us a long time ago)
big tobacco: why let our victims spend money on something other then cigarettes?
goverment: ok, so we lied, big deal. what are you going to do?
parents: OUR CHILDREN ARE GOING TO BE ADDICTED TO HEROIN/GO INSANE/BECOME RETARDED OH WHY DID THEY CHOOSE SUCH A HORRIBLE "DRUG"?!!? oh, you're 16 but you want to drink some whiskey with me? sure, no harm in that
us marijuana users: you mean marijuana's legalized? christ, im happy and afraid at the same time *sheds tears of joy then goes off to smoke a fat joint with 3 different strains of marijuana along with a nice layer of keif*