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DC's Perpetual Papaya Project


New member
Hello everyone,my first post n' all that,so excuse any rambling....

I've been growing a few plants in pots in the backyard for the last 5 summers with varying success.
North-West UK aint the ideal locale for cannabis growing but i'm luckier than some for sure.

After having my mind blown by reading the 'DrBudGreengenes - Compact SOG' thread(i won't bother linking it - you've read it.)
I was inspired(like so many it seems....) to set-up my own perpetual harvest micro SOG cab.

I've been steadily ploughing through the 'Library of Links' - some really helpful stuff there - brilliant.
Redgreenry and Hoosierdaddy's threads on ventilation/air-flow have been truly eye(and indeed,intake)opening.

Ventilation and odour-control are at the top of my priorities list.

I have little experience in the DIY/Handyman dept.But i'm willing to try my hand at anything if under good instruction.


The Growspace.

The growspace will be in the storage space under my bedroom worktop.
A 10 foot 'kitchen sideboard' sits atop a wooden frame.The storage space beneath is in three sections.

Both the left and right-hand sections have a shelf about half way down from the 'roof',creating an additional 'top' and 'bottom' section on each side.

The 'middle' section will be the Bloom cab.

The left-hand section will be partitioned.

The partition next to the Bloom cab will house a DIY carbon-scrubber on the shelf and the power-strip/electrics below.

The partition next to the scrubber will be the Mum/Clone/Veg cab.

The right-hand section will not be used.

What it is at the moment - 'scuse the mess - only temporary i assure thee...

You can see the scars of a poorly planned 70w HPS micro grow,no scrubber,piss-poor airflow,stinky fail,nice bud,meagre yield.
Currently serving as a temporary veg room - 1 x 20w CFL over 2 just-rooted clones and a box of fresh cuts from my outdoor girls.
Keeping a beady eye out for pests etc seeing as these cuts are from the backyard.

I will choose my mother plants from these clones..hopefully.

The strain is Nirvana's - Papaya.

This strain has been the best yielder\best high out of all the strains i've grown outdoors(which isn't that many to be fair....).


New member
'TO DO' List - A short list of what i anticipate to be the major construction jobs for the cab plus random notes.

I'm going to replace the 'side' walls of the Bloom cab with fresh panels that fit properly,with nice pre-cut
intake/exhaust ports not hacked out with a penknife like last time.

Make lightproof segregation panel between Mum\Clones cab & Scrubber section.

Build a seperate fan-cooled lightbox\reflector for the Bloom cab.

Build a 'double-box' carbon scrubber.

Make a 'ScrOG' style screen shelf for the Mum\Clone cab - not for ScroGGing,just a shelf to sit the Mums on and
still allow some light through to the 'clone dome' beneath.

Make front doors lightproof.


New member
First task - Ventilation & Odour Control.


I plan to use 12v 'CPU cooling' axial fans for all ventilation/airflow.
I'm open to suggestions but this would be easiest\quietest for me to achieve technically.

Fan exhaust/passive intake sizes have yet to be figured into the equation.

Bulb wattage likely to be 6 x 30w in the lightbox - smaller bulbs in the Mum\Clone cab.

You can see in the sketch that i plan to have 4 exhaust fans operating:

One venting from the lightbox.
One venting from the bloom cab.
One venting from the carbon scrubber.
One venting from the Mum\Clone cab.

On further reading\research,i think it might be better to lose the exhaust fan from the bloom cab and just
run one fan exhausting through the carbon scrubber and one fan for the lightbox.

OR have both bloom cab & lightbox vents ducted into the carbon scrubber with one fan pulling the lot.

I'd appreciate some of your thoughts on this,thanks.

I think venting from the scrubber into that small space might cause problems - the air then travels into the Mum\Clone cab.
Mum\Clone odour is no problem - full flowering funk is what i need to avoid.
I'm worried about the various pressures\airflow involved with my planned set-up.

I plan to make a box-style scrubber like the one shown at the bottom of this post:

This is really where i need assistance.

Please give me some suggestions on how best to get the airflowing through this system.

As far as construction is concerned,be aware that:

The back of the cab is a brick wall that can't be 'drilled/worked'.

The 'roof' of the cab cannot be drilled/worked because it's used as a worktop/desk.

The floor of the cab is the actual floor of the room and cannot be drilled/worked.

I'd prefer not to vent through the front doors/panels,but if needs must....

Thanks for reading - i really need to get this bit of the designed 'nailed' early on.


hello mate,

good to see another brit on the forum.

ill be sticking about mate ill try and help you with asmuch as i can


alright donkeychong nice to see somone else from the north west im starting a perpetual sog grow inspired by dr budgreengenes aswell but just on a little larger scale guna do my grow under a 600w


New member
Thanks for checking in fellas.

Hi to the fellow UKers - maybe you can share my pain at not being able to walk into a Home Depot/Wal-Mart 24hrs a freakin' day and pick up anything you could possibly need for your little DIY growcab for about $2:mad:
I ask the guy at B&Q if they sell perlite......he takes me to the lamp section!:wallbash:

Sorry - it's been one of those Mondays....

It's only gonna be a sweet grow if i can get the airflow sorted!
Looks like i'm going to have to take my venting Q's to a more specific sub-forum here.
My 'Perpetual SOG 'thread is getting lost in the perpetual 'Perpetual SOG' threads that flood the Micro grow section!

Looks like Dr.Bud's got the whole of western civilization on the micro-SOG buzz!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
plenty of space there! - can you move the shelves or is that not an option?

i would also consider pulling the air from passives at one end of the cab, through all the chambers in turn and then the fan pulling it out through the carbon scrubber at the end.

look forward to watching this, i grew papaya in my greenhouse last summer (uk) and it was some good strong trippy indica!

good luck
