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"Day" drinking...

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
cocktail frank said:
its harder to quit oxy's than heroin.
opiate addictions cripple people.
dopamine receptors shut down in the brain from over stimulation.
after years of abuse, dopamin doesnt flow like it used to.
dopamine is a hormone in your brain that makes you "feel good"
eating and sex releases dopamine.
so recovering addicts are mostly depressed, cuz their brain is now fucked.

don't hate, it's science
still dont believe me?
read this book>

i used to eat like a pyg and be horny all the time, now sometimes i don't eat at all, and my sex drive is basically gone.

it is either that, or pain so intense, i couldn't have good sex if i wanted to anyway.
cocktail frank said:
its harder to quit oxy's than heroin.
opiate addictions cripple people.
dopamine receptors shut down in the brain from over stimulation.
after years of abuse, dopamin doesnt flow like it used to.
dopamine is a hormone in your brain that makes you "feel good"
eating and sex releases dopamine.
so recovering addicts are mostly depressed, cuz their brain is now fucked.

don't hate, it's science
still dont believe me?
read this book>

hmm, suddenly this thread has meat in it. Very good.

I believe you, but have a quibble. I think threshold use of opiates is okay and won't fuck your brain up. Moderation's always the key, as with anything, including alcohol. As to those who can't moderate, evolution's a bitch. Legalize!


yes alcohol has it's uses, when the weed makes you a bit fidgety and awkward a beer always does good. find it just makes you relax think more freely and let's you loose of the daily pressures. weed and alcohol work great together most of the time. except the horribly red eyes it gives you.
Dr. Buzz said:
Get-Mo speaks the truth.

I used to be a heavy drinker from when I was a teenager till I was in my late 20's. I'm a musician and one of the last places to get steady gigs are in bars. I used to get drinks from the bar when I was WAY under age and I thought that alcahol was cool.

In collage I married my sweetheart and her dad was a functional alchaholoic in which he would go to work sober and then get trashed every night. He would also spend the weekends getting drunk. I remember drinking half and half black velvet and diet pepsi with him and he could drink me under the table.

Fifteen years ago he woke up in the middle of the night throwing up blood. That's when it started, the fifteen years of hell. He soon had to have multiple stomoch surguries to try to keep the bleeding under control. His health still was in decline, and about a year and a half later he was put on the liver transplant list... His skin was yellow from the toxins building up in his body and his mind was going. After two years waiting on a liver transplant list he was able to get a donor liver, albeit he was on death's doorstep. That was ten years ago. It took a year for him to get out of the hospital and physical therapy. Because the anti rejection drugs are a coctail of poison he suffered a stroke which made walking a horrible chore. He broke his hip because his bones were becomming britle. Then he lost most of his kidney function, had poor circulation from the diabieties, and got cancer of the ashphigus (sp?). This last March the cancer was too much for him and he passed away. He was 63.

RIP Roy.

I have since become a social drinker. Stick to weed.

Shit yeah, tell you what I never get sick on weed, but I got sick BAD on booze many, many times. Indigestion, sour stomach, vomit, you name it. And the hangovers! For weed the score is zero/zero, never had ANY health problem so far, except for bronchitis when I was a teenager but I was smoking schwag back then. You know, this message program shouldn't underline schwag... it's a word, ain't it? Or is it.

Anyway call me a snob or whatever but I have bottles of rum and tequilla sitting on my shelf right now and the fluid level has not budged in months, I tell ya... I smile everytime I pass by and see them. I kicked booze! ha ha ha thank you Mary Jane! :jump: God I love the lady.


Not trying to be holier than ANYBODY.

God willing, I will have not had a drink (of alcohol lol) for 5 years as of the middle of this month. I didn't see any alkies chimin in here, so I figgured it may be one of those 12th step things they talk about (google 12th step). I have only told 1 person that they had a drinking problem since I stopped, and it was a mistake. Told the ex-girlfriend that 'it could be better'.......

I can't give advice, just share my exp.

I didn't drink @ all until I was 19/20. Both my parents have had substance abuse issues, and I thought it wise (no coke or dope neither). Brickweed was my thing lol. The 1st 2 years were AWESOME. The next year I felt it slipping away, and by 22, I was FULL BLOWN. I wanted to stop drinking, but couldn't. I had accumulated a good bit (50k job, new car, bills paid, etc..) by 22, and couldn't see that I was slowly losing it all. Job. Girl. Took on debt. Got a DWI. I didn't want to face things, and drinking made me forget....

2 months into the 1st dwi, went out, blacked out, and totaled my new whip. 2nd dwi, leaving the scene, etc... 5yrs no lic, 15k total ca$h, 2g's upside down on the car, and how do I get to work??? My step father picked me up from the station, and took me to an AA meeting that night. I went to at least 1 a day for the first 100 days or so. I read that blue book cover to cover multiple times. I got a sponsor. AA works if you want to stop worse than you want to drink.

Life is good now, I am not miserable every second of every day, and I actually ENJOY my feelings.

This post is not directed at ANYBODY. I know that if I was still drinkin, and saw this post, I would be back to it (to read) daily. Deep down I knew it was time to stop.

If you drink and can't stop, go to an AA meeting and tell someone who looks like they have their shit together that you WANT to stop. It gets better from there.

PS I LOVED drinking. I wish that I could. I love the buzz, and the controllability, and EVERYTHING that goes with it 'cept the alcoholism that I got.....


I respect your honesty and frankness barletta.
Its good that you're on the right path now.

My father was a hardcore alcoholic. Hes now in a home, he has alcohol-induced dementia, his brain is fucked, he just can't function. Haven't seen him in a few years, my parents split up when I was eight (because of his drinking and some other shit I won't go into now). Of course, offspring of alcos have a much greater chance of becoming one themselves. I got pretty bad in my late teens/early twenties. Much better now, but not 100% comfortable with drinking. I have a beer or two in the evenings, and on weekends more than a few, nothing crazy but I feel I have to concentrate on keeping it in check.
I'm thinking of quitting altogether...weed helps a lot.


lost my uncle to the bottle so i feel fortunate to have witnessed the damage it can do and dont plan on picking up "day" drinking anytime soon.


by the way i hope you all realized when I say "day" drinking...I mean..like having a glass of wine with lunch, and another with dinner.. get me? not like...day drunking... hehe


No prob ECR, I didn't want to fuk up ur thread, but I know that people who are looking to stop will read it, and I owe something to the people that helped me (to help others wherever whenever they reach out). The post I made is (most likely) for people NOT posting here, but reading....


ECR: I misunderstood..."day drinking" for me means having your first drink within half an hour of waking up...and continuing through the day...


Registered Med User
I had ta ride the bus outa town yesterday, so I gotta half pint for the road. I had to transfer busses and was stuck in a shithole town for 2 hours so I walked and got a burger and another half pint. When I finally got to the city I was headed I had ta wait 2 hours for my ride, ran into my nephew, kicked it with him for a minute, then went and got another half pint. I never actually got drunk but around 10 I started comin down and felt kinda shitty. Day Drinkin! :muahaha:

Nah but I aint drank for a week before this so Im doin good, I think when I smoke weed it makes me a lightweight for the liquor so Ill only drink a beer or sumfa, but I wasnt smokin yesterday...

Dr. Buzz

Sorry for derailing your thread ECR. Like others I thought you were talking about a day drunk.

I've noticed as others have that now that the older I get, the harder the drinking hits. Has anyone else noticed this? Am I alone? When I take on a nice buzz in the afternoon, nothing heavy, I get snoozy/sick feeling and I am done for the rest of the night. When I was younger it was no problem.
Dr. Buzz said:
Sorry for derailing your thread ECR. Like others I thought you were talking about a day drunk.

I've noticed as others have that now that the older I get, the harder the drinking hits. Has anyone else noticed this? Am I alone? When I take on a nice buzz in the afternoon, nothing heavy, I get snoozy/sick feeling and I am done for the rest of the night. When I was younger it was no problem.

Yes I've noticed the same thing. It's because our pancreas isn't as efficient. Among other things. Drinking was fun up until the age of 32, then it all started going downhill for me. Either want to go to sleep or get sick; seldom any euphoria. So, we know what the ending to this story is, don't we?


EatCannabisRaw said:
It seems there is so much caution around alcohol... and I understand but at the same time I think it can get a little ridiculous. I have never really drank my entire life. But there is always this attitude around me that drinking is somehow a vice...

Yet some cultures, like french or spanish...drink at lunch and dinner. and they are healthier so go figure.

neways i don't want to make this a negative thread about becoming an alcoholic...cuz thats ridiculous

It's because most americans associate alcohol with partying instead of something to drink in a social setting or to wind down.

In some countries kids drink some wine with food, although diluted and this teaches them that it isn't something to just party with and get blasted.

The same can be said for herb for most people because when it's time to party the average person wants herb along with alcohol and if the herb gets stronger or people start puffing strong hash, you WILL hear about the "problems" cannabis causes. In the U.K. they are starting to complain about skunk and most likely this is due to people using it to "party" and not living a healthy lifestyle to combat the negative effects from smoking or just taking herb in general. Peace.


Active member
barletta said:
Not trying to be holier than ANYBODY.

God willing, I will have not had a drink (of alcohol lol) for 5 years as of the middle of this month. I didn't see any alkies chimin in here, so I figgured it may be one of those 12th step things they talk about (google 12th step). I have only told 1 person that they had a drinking problem since I stopped, and it was a mistake. Told the ex-girlfriend that 'it could be better'.......

I can't give advice, just share my exp.

I didn't drink @ all until I was 19/20. Both my parents have had substance abuse issues, and I thought it wise (no coke or dope neither). Brickweed was my thing lol. The 1st 2 years were AWESOME. The next year I felt it slipping away, and by 22, I was FULL BLOWN. I wanted to stop drinking, but couldn't. I had accumulated a good bit (50k job, new car, bills paid, etc..) by 22, and couldn't see that I was slowly losing it all. Job. Girl. Took on debt. Got a DWI. I didn't want to face things, and drinking made me forget....

2 months into the 1st dwi, went out, blacked out, and totaled my new whip. 2nd dwi, leaving the scene, etc... 5yrs no lic, 15k total ca$h, 2g's upside down on the car, and how do I get to work??? My step father picked me up from the station, and took me to an AA meeting that night. I went to at least 1 a day for the first 100 days or so. I read that blue book cover to cover multiple times. I got a sponsor. AA works if you want to stop worse than you want to drink.

Life is good now, I am not miserable every second of every day, and I actually ENJOY my feelings.

This post is not directed at ANYBODY. I know that if I was still drinkin, and saw this post, I would be back to it (to read) daily. Deep down I knew it was time to stop.

If you drink and can't stop, go to an AA meeting and tell someone who looks like they have their shit together that you WANT to stop. It gets better from there.

PS I LOVED drinking. I wish that I could. I love the buzz, and the controllability, and EVERYTHING that goes with it 'cept the alcoholism that I got.....

great advice and story is much like mine.

lost my granfather to LQ, and a cpl friends that are deep into the bottle today.

i went thru a short spell when i was passed out drunk by noon...i knew that shit had to stop...and i just threw in the towel myself....no meetings, just stayed sick for quite a few days and sucked it up.

i never drank beer or wine...never liked that stuff, but i could get thru a 1.75 of southern comfort and some jager in there too every other day. (like 3 1.75's /week plus about a cpl pints of jager)

i know a 2 guys who kill a 1.75 of vodka every day w/ out fail ...(1 drinks aristocrat the other drinks grey goose)(and both work 40hr a week jobs)

i hate LQ, and still dont understand it legality vs. weed being illegal.


Well its 1 AM. I can't sleep. So I cracked open a new 1.5 Liter bottle of Merlot. Damn only 6 bucks too. And its fucking GOOD.

I can't smoke weed. Got court coming up. I don't want to do caffeine... so I drink merlot. I feel this stuff helps clean me out digestivelly..must be all the microorganisms...helps with digestion... yum. Anyone else drinking?


Fat Tire. YES! The first time I ever got even buzzed off alcohol, I went to this party where they had 3 kegs of fat tire. (little did I know how fucking awesome that was)...

needless to say i fucking got drunk. haha...mixing all types of LQ. and u know... yes i was hungover. but it was fun.

thank god alcohol is legal! hahah!!!!! bastards can stop me smoking but fuck it if i want to drink a bottle of merlot! haha not like i would.

More in line with this thread though: I had a glass of wine with my breakfast.
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