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Day 45 of 1st grow... am I on the right track?


Well this is my first grow and I've had several problems: spider mites, fungus gnats, root aphids, hermies. I've managed to catch all of them and address the problem before it became an issue except for the root aphids!! I noticed them about day 25 and treated with nicotine/pyrethrum, and then nematodes. Anyway, I'm having trouble distinguishing normal yellowing in flower from root-damaged plants!

Do these plants look like they're on track for day 45 as far as bud-size/development and yellowing? These are 70-75 day strains and it's day 45. It's hard to see the yellowing though under the HPS. What do you think of bud size on the SDs (last two pics)?


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LA Con at day 45

LA Con at day 45

This LA Confidential is supposed to be 56-60 days. Here it is at 46:

How does bud development look? It doesn't seem to be filling out like I wanted now that I'm almost at week 7. This must have something to do with root aphids!


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More cola shots...

More cola shots...

Here's a picture of the Purple Kush cola and the Mr Nice. The Purple Kush seems to be the only one that wasn't affected by the root aphids, although it's also the smallest unfortunately. The Mr Nice was hit hard, but seems to have recovered as the root system was probably very well-developed!


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Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
They look tasty but you for sure have mid flower nitrogen deficiency. Plants do naturally yellow out but your plants are eating the shit out of their leaves right now. I would add some "cha ching" to the La confidential and start the flush at the next watering.

For the 70-75 strains I would get some nitrogen in their diet.

To avoid this you should feed with heavy nitrogen during the first 2 weeks of stretch or until the flowers set.


Thanks for your input! I did just feed them some nitrogen today, but I'm worried that the yellowing may be more ominous... I think it might be from root damage. But hopefully you are correct!!


Thanks for the feedback. So, the two sour diesels in the first post appear stunted? I kinda thought that. I was told this was a larger yielder and right now it looks like an OG Kush or something.

Man, I left the grow room curtain open tonight. The HIDs went out, but my plants got 20 minutes of indirect incandescent light!! I'm pissed at myself. But I was wondering if I should leave their schedule and let them only get 11hrs 40mins of complete darkness, or change the schedule back 20 minutes and make sure they get a complete 12 hours of darkness. Which one would be the least stressful to the plant?


Thank you for the quick reply!! That's kinda what I was thinking I should do. Otherwise, it may backfire and trick the plants into thinking the nights are getting longer... winter approaching... herm....


dude im in the same situation u in with the root aphids... expect yellowing of leaves, leaves falling off, airy buds.. and thers alot more but im too high type haha.. GL


Always check the overall environmental conditions prior to passing judgment - soil around 7 pH or slightly less - plenty of water, light, fresh air, loose soil, no water standing in pools.


1=Larger leaves turning
yellow - smaller leaves
still green.

2=Older leaves will curl
at edges, turn dark,
possibly with a purple

3=Mature leaves develop
a yellowish cast
to least veinal areas.

4=Mature leaves turn
yellow and then
become spotted
with edge areas
turning dark gray.

5=Cracked stems, no
healthy support tissue.

6=Small wrinkled
leaves with
yellowish vein systems.

7=Young leaves become
deformed, possibly


1=Nitrogen deficiency
- add nitrate of soda
or organic fertilizer.

2=Phosphorous deficiency -
add commercial phosphate.

3=Magnesium deficiency -
add commercial fertilizer
with a magnesium content.

4=Potassium deficiency -
add muriate of potash.

5=Boron deficiency -
add any plant food
containing boron.

6=Zinc deficiency - add
commercial plant food
containing zinc.

7=Molybedum deficiency -
use any plant food with a
bit of molybdenum in it.

hope this helps
they all look like they have N deficiency. I agree w/ PuReKnOwLeDgE; next time give them a little more N for the transition period. I like to use Floralicious Plus by GH has a NPK of 2-0.8-0.02 just enough N to get thru flowering without adding too much leaf that N ferts seem to create. I use this until I start to ripen(2weeks before flush). Then bloom ferts all the way ^^ g/l


Thanks for all the feedback guys.

It's obvious that this isn't a normal amount of yellowing now. The yellowing is actually from root damage from root aphids... so it's probably not gonna get better by adding ferts!

What about the bud size? This is really only the second time I've seen flowering plants so I don't really know what they're supposed to look like..


im kinda newb but ive found the distilled wats makes my leaves darker green. but i have also been warned to not use distilled water because it has alot of salt and is too basic, but that could help ur situation. not an expert just speaking from recent experience

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