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DaPurps grows ICE & Skunkman Freebies


Nice plants! Wonder what the Skunkman brought you....just never know, huh? Good growing to you...peace

I wish I knew ! Thanks for stopping by :blowbubbles:


NO MORE BAGSEED ! :thank you: ICMAG ! Chopped the last of them today, let these 3 big ladies with real genetics stretch their wings under the 1000. They are taking it like a champ.


While growing those large single cola'd plants, did you prune them completely to grow like that or is that the phenotype?


Whats with the Bag seed comment? do you think the freebies from skunkman are mixed beans? or am i miss reading


The bagseed comments refer to previous grow journals. Before this grow, I grew nothing but 'schwag seeds' bagseeds. I'm still a rookie, and these are my first real genetics.


Smile Vs Cry
thanks for the reply buddy, i don't cut mine w.w. but still there with all plants, i see the banannas no come back after show me 2time and i just take off and spray all plants with plain water that i think help for kill the pollen and no coming hermy , just the w.w. i think get both of male / female flower...i think now is too late for get all whole room hermy because the other plants still good and no show me any sign of hermy or so, so i'm happy for get out the fucking problem!!

ps: your baby looks ready for explode in fat healthy sticky nuggs!!! keep it up homie!!


Oh ok awesome, i was freaking for a while there thinking i may not even know what i'm growing if the freebie's are mixed seeds from no real known strain. All good though.




My closet is 40inches wide, little over 3feet, and Ice is now touching both sides on the walls! This plant is amazing in comparison to anyting i've grown so far.


Thanks mate. I'll get a picture update of the closet tomo which will be the last day of week 4, day 28.

Ice has frost everywhere, it is straight up crazy looking. The skunkman #1 that is also 4weeks in is just starting to put out a few trics.

Skunkman #2 is stretching away, haha.

Ice #2 and #3 for the next round are on their 4th or 5th node now.

I took the trim, from my last 2 grows that has been sitting in a bag and made a ball of something. I put the frost trim I had stored away into a stainless steel bowl and emptied a bottle of 100% acetone into it. I then stirred for about 10seconds and poured the solution through 2 coffee filters and into a stainless steel tray. I cooked this liquid until it had all evaporated and left my tray a sticky greenish brown color. I then scraped this gunk up with a razor blade and put it on a brand new screen, and loaded up the bong. This ball ended up the size of dime if it were a sphere. I thought to myself "That's it?" from all that trim I had been saving....

I put my bic flame up to this dooky brown looking earwax stuff and proceeded to smoke away at it for the next 5 minutes, and it sits there still smoking without me.

This is prob the highest I ever beeen, lol.

I can feel my heart beat , sweet !


Sounds nice, man!

You should definitely do at least a second run with the acetone, too. You will definitely get plenty more resin out of that material. Peace!


I realize now I should not have put all of my resin ball in the bong at once. I smoked on it all night last nite, LOL.

It is DAY 28, End of Week 4.

The next round, 2 Ice Fems

Skunkman #2, End of 1st week


Skunkman #1, 28 Days in




very nice lookn i must say ...

u always grow some good lookn plants ...

Thanks bro I try, they are getting a little better every time.

We are starting week 5 and just now seeing some ugliness show up in a few leaves. One day I will keep them healthy until the end :ying:

This Ice gal is going to give me a killer harvest, I need to tie a few of her branches up some tomo they are starting to sag lower already and were only halfway through.

If this smoke is any good I might run this strain for a while and dial her in. At 4 weeks she looks to be a fairly fast finisher and a good enough yielder if the potency is there for my taste. The Skunkman is putting on the bud weight at about the same pace, but the tric's aren't there yet.
ive found with that medium u run plants that are more indica tend to just luv it were as the sativa doms need more n, your stuff is looking great, are u learning how to run the maxibloom as time goes by?


Thanks bro. I love the Maxibloom. I find myself using it every other watering most of the time. Since switching to the Maxi I've been able to keep ladies in flower a little healthier then before. This large Ice plant just started showing some defiency in a few leaves but at week 5 I am not too concerned anymore.

Any guestimates on the Ice yeild ? Is 5-6 zips not too unreasonable from the one girl ?