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Dank Oh-zee's First Indoor Grow: 4k Organic Soil


Mernin' to ya and blessings for a fruitful day.

Things have been sort of chaotic here in the house of dank, but leveling off now, so I would be happy to oblige you , nugbucket.

Wow! I'm a little overwhelmed. Until these last few months I had never grown a plant to fruition indoor--only vegged and finished outdoor. Holy schmoley!! I know I'm preaching to the choir, but there is a lot to keep track of and always a shit-ton to do! I understand a few things a little better now, haha! I understand why growers ditch soil and go hydro. I have poop all over the place:) All types of poop! You need some poop? I got it! Manure, compost, or just plani Mud? I'm your man.

The room is pretty well humming along now. I need to do a switcheroo on some of my timers and controllers, but I imagine thats going to be ongoing until I know what the fuck I'm doing:moon: I hope nobody is offended by humility, but it is sorely needed around here and I try to deliver the goods, haha! Howzabouta few pics?

My practice run is starting to look pretty nice. I had some issues with heat at the canopy due to a screw up in how I had my exhaust system controlled, but I got it worked out with only two damaged plants. I feel lucky.

In the veg room now is Connoisseur Genetics Grateful Casey, Rez Chemdog IBL, and some really cool freebies by member Reddy1 (chemdog x menage a trois). Once flowering on the practice run is finished, I will be featuring these plants in the vendor forums:dance013:

So here are a few pics

Hmm. How do you make them large?


nice bro! yeah i laugh when i get the vibe from folks that this is lazy work....growing dank is a shit ton of work...indoor or out. dirt can be a hassle, but your girls like it, and the finished product will be tits.....

...as far as the photos....size them down to 1000 with infranview or such, add them to your ic album, once they are in there, click on the photo, it will come up full size on its own page with two codes beneath it, cut and paste the second (lowest) code into your reply, and Bam! you in bi-ness........good luck on the rest of your grow, will be watching.....
one love, nugs


Thanks man. Lemme try this:







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