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Dank Oh-zee's First Indoor Grow: 4k Organic Soil


Active member
Yea man air movment is good even when lights are of.So you pull air from outdoors threw your hoods? do you exchange the air in your room? How many CF is your room ?I am just geting my shit running right now .This part sucks,just spent some time at work with a MIT guy going over my air movement:jump:
I got it but shit pain in the ass!!!!!!!!With the info you give me it will help.


Yea man air movment is good even when lights are of.So you pull air from outdoors threw your hoods? do you exchange the air in your room? How many CF is your room ?I am just geting my shit running right now .This part sucks,just spent some time at work with a MIT guy going over my air movement:jump:
I got it but shit pain in the ass!!!!!!!!With the info you give me it will help.

I'm pulling air from outdoor with a duct fan. The intake is dampered, so it closes when the fan isn't running. I have a 750 cfm vortex pulling air through the carbon filter and blowing through the hoods and exhausts into the house. The fans are both connected to a temp/humidity controller which kicks on when temps exceed the set point. The plan is to have a dehuey for the dark period that takes care of humidity. The air will still kick on if temps exceed set point, but that won't happen often in winter, so there won't be many air exchanges during the night--if any.


Here are a few pics from this morning. Things seem to have progressed normally after removing them from that awful Light Warrior and putting them in my starter mix of equal pqrts EWC/Jiffy mix/vermiculite. There are a few genetically challenged plants in there, but for the most part they are happy and healthy.



Here are a few pics for you all to check out. I am now about halfway through my planned veg period of two months. It is my current plan to transplant around the new year and flip middle of January. They will veg for the final two weeks under HPS as I wont have room to veg so many plants at once in my unfinished veg room.

Last night, however, I began work in earnest on my veg room. It is nine feet long and four and a half wide and four and a half under the lights. It is ventilated with a four inch active-air inline and has a passive intake. Both intake and exhaust come from my temp controlled flowering room, eliminating the need for dual climate control systems, i hope. The inline exhausting the veg room will run on a cycle timer in the winter and constant during warmer months. I'll post pics soon

The other day I gave these all a feeding of Buddha Grow at half strength. I should have went quarter strength as many plants are showing signs of slightly burned leaf tips. Lesson learned.



Thanks man. I think we're about ready to get this show started. As soon as my pots arrive at the hydro store, I' go ahead and transplant and put these ladies under the big lights for a couple more weeks of veg before flipping.


mofuckin farmer smurf
nice lookin room man. lookin forward to seeing it full of colas as i bet u are! defiantly puts my 4k flower room to shame. i too don't like to mess around with electricity and its hard to find someone you can trust to come by and set something up that p's of flavor will be comming from. good luck bro stay safe :joint:


Active member
does ur brain have a c02 hook up ? you can run c02 when ur intake isnt pulling in fresh air. It'll benefit them, and save a stale air problem.

and, for the lady bugs.. id make sure all intake/exhaust fans and hoods are sealed. It sucks when they get stuck in a fan or hood. : )

joe fresh

Active member
hey Dank.

good to see ya over here, also good to see ya indoors, nice looking room....need any help let me know


Thanks guys. Good to see you Joe.

Jeeze, didn't think it had been so long since I posted here at ICMag, but I guess it's time to show you all what I've been up to .

Things started to look a little yellow after the transplant and putting them under the big lights. All sweet tooths and LSDs are about to enter week seven of veg. The other day I gave them a nice shot of Buddha Grow, along with some Calmag. After turning several cups of castings into each pot, things have made a dramatic turn around and everything is getting green and beautiful.

The Sweettooths have begun to grow at an alarming rate:D and are quickly catching up to the LSD. These plants are beefy and rugged and ready to smack someone in the face with a giant donkey dick:p The LSD have filled out nicely and are also putting on some height. I have several different phenotypes representing in the LSD and am excited to see what happens after the flip.

In the coming weeks clones will be taken from most of the plants in this room. More than anything, this will be done just to get some practice in taking and managing cuttings. I'm having a difficult time envisioning how a stoner like me is going to keep track of so many tiny plants, haha!


joe fresh

Active member
looking real nice dank....

are planning on feeding nutes? or just a good soil and plain water through till the end?

i read your starter mix, is that the same mix you will use for the rest for your grow?


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey man looks great i have a few pointers on the light setup that would make a lil bit of a pos differance.
nevermind the lack of traffic. it is mostly lach of bud porn lol. bet u get a ton of views and no replies...story of my life. sometimes a thousand+ views a day and zero posts lol. they will show up, cause your grow is gonna be great.
sounds and looks like u have done all the proper research to move inside.
i noticed your mounts for the lights are kinda permanant, for now. my biggest suggestion is to create a sigle central plot with all 4 lights. an 8'x8' plot. this will allow for the lights footprints to overlap eachother and add all the extra light to the plants. the two inward edges from each 4x4 will benefit from the opposite lights bleed off.
hope that makes sence in text. it surely does in my head lol
look in my current thread last page for a better idea of what i am saying if i am not being effective at describing what i mean. less lost lighting= more efficient grow and higher yeild. a lil of a bitch to access til u get it figured out, but worth it IMO. then use 1 giant net fro your scrog in the future when u get the clone thing going, even double layer it and all u have to do is water and pluck leaves. no bamboo stakes ... uggghh i hate tieing up shit to bamboo.
hope i am seeing the grow right from the pics and my advise is worthy, cause everything looks fantastic. just the hoods looked far apart to me?


hey man looks great i have a few pointers on the light setup that would make a lil bit of a pos differance.
nevermind the lack of traffic. it is mostly lach of bud porn lol. bet u get a ton of views and no replies...story of my life. sometimes a thousand+ views a day and zero posts lol. they will show up, cause your grow is gonna be great.
sounds and looks like u have done all the proper research to move inside.
i noticed your mounts for the lights are kinda permanant, for now. my biggest suggestion is to create a sigle central plot with all 4 lights. an 8'x8' plot. this will allow for the lights footprints to overlap eachother and add all the extra light to the plants. the two inward edges from each 4x4 will benefit from the opposite lights bleed off.
hope that makes sence in text. it surely does in my head lol
look in my current thread last page for a better idea of what i am saying if i am not being effective at describing what i mean. less lost lighting= more efficient grow and higher yeild. a lil of a bitch to access til u get it figured out, but worth it IMO. then use 1 giant net fro your scrog in the future when u get the clone thing going, even double layer it and all u have to do is water and pluck leaves. no bamboo stakes ... uggghh i hate tieing up shit to bamboo.
hope i am seeing the grow right from the pics and my advise is worthy, cause everything looks fantastic. just the hoods looked far apart to me?

Thats excellent advice man, and if I had it to do over again, I think I would do it just like you say. I considered doing it that way in the beginning, but for whatever reason, decided against it. But I really appreciate the advice. I can see quite a few areas where I can improve the reflectivity and otherwise use the light more efficiently, but most of those mods will have to wait, unfortunately. I'm way over budget I'm sick to death of constructing, which I am not good at, and am terribly excited to do some growing, at which I am slightly more adept:tiphat:

joe fresh

Active member
well...maybe it was the bigger yield in your subconcious mind that was telling you to put the nights like that...

smoke alot is right, in the way you look at the plants now they would bennefit from closer lights....but if you plant to "fill the room" for more yield then the lights are evenly spaced out in that room

yield is usually determined by 2 limiting factors, light, space....usually one or the other will limit your yield. the key to getting the most you can is to use floor space wisely and dont waste light...every square foot of floor that has light hitting it is wated light that your paying for and not being rewarded for....to put it simple, empty space=less buds even if they get less light

just my 2 cents


looking real nice dank....

are planning on feeding nutes? or just a good soil and plain water through till the end?

i read your starter mix, is that the same mix you will use for the rest for your grow?

Jeeze, I wish I had the ability to put together a mix that would carry them all the way through. The starter mix is what I use for the first month to six weeks, until they go into their final pots. This being my first time indoor, I'm trying different bag soils, mixed with promix and worm castings and lime. If you know of a tried and true mix, feel free to post up some links.


Yes joe, exactly. It is my intention to be able to fill all available space with buds, less a little walking room:artist:, but it may take me a few runs to be able to pull it off. This run is all about getting a coupla mothers to work with. This is all from seed.