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Dangerous Technologies


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Guys just don't believe everything you hear or read on tv, radio or newspaper/magazines. Many of these are scare tactics because the man is losing. If they had this technology you would have been busted already.


This company named flir makes some pretty sophisticated stuff mostly for the military but also for LEO. A concern is that LEO might use these on cars to help catch criminals in the dark and them use them just to "see" what else they might see. Here are some links to some pretty trippy stuff. These are all powerful companies that you can expect to see growing rapidly. If you are into stocks these are good potentials. The military will buy BILLIONS of this stuff. In fact by 2015, 1/3 of the military vehicles will be unmanned with sophisticated optics like flir to see day and night. Soon this flir will be cheap and ubiquitous.

There is a book named "Wired for war, robotics and conflict in the 21st centure" by Singer. I read it. Blew my mind. Terminator? Already started! READ THIS BOOK if u want to get the plots for 500 science fiction stories in reality. The military is transforming right now into robots. If you notice, in Pakistan in 2009 most attacks are carried out by drones. Some of this is good, some bad. Its just the way it is, tech moves forward, sometimes very quickly.

Ok back to dangerous technologies. At some point these drones and other automated techs will be cheap and ubiquitous. I saw a cop car last weekend in a town iknown as a bastion of liberalism that had a big camera in a gimballed, stabilized housing. Looks like the ones the military uses. I bet that cops will mount advanced optics on cars for a variety of reasons. They can scan licence plates automatically. Keep a record for many reasons. Why not throw a flir in the housing as well. If it can save the life of a cop looking down a dark alley..... flir could identify a hot gun in the dark....... Lots of good reasons for cops to push for that.

There will come a time in the near future when surveillance technologies will become so good that LEO will be able to identify growers easily. Lets hope that before then some constitutional protections are firmed up to protect medicinal users and other non criminals. The tech WILL get better so the way to protect ourselves is through activism.

Maybe liquid cooled lights will become more relevant.

As scary as this stuff is, its fun to read about, I am a sci fi fan (terminator comes out tomorrow!) and sci fi is becoming reality. we have front row seats to reality. Get some popcorn and enjoy......

FLIR This is the most relevant for us.


AEROVIRONMENT - this company is a green military contractor


ELBIT - an Israeli co. This stuff is not just American.
Yeah I remember the last thread, someone said the air sniffer choppers were impossible tech, yet recently I saw it as a front page article on here.
I'm concerned, as a computer tech, the only consolation that I take is that there are much bigger fish on here and there are only so many hours in the day, it's a numbers game and we're mostly on the right side of that......

cali mike

Regarding the solar panels and other green electrical technologies...

The other day I was out in the yard and taking care of the tomatoes and other vegetables we grow in the summer and I was thinking DAMN... Its such a shame that certain plants get to be grown naturally outdoors with the greatest light source ever (our sun) and others have to go great lengths and spend much money and energy to replicate that outdoor enegry source and environment. Its a damn shame. Sure I could wire solar PV panels to my roof and produce about 2500W of electricity with the available roof space I have. But to take the DC power made by those panels (which are only about 80% efficient themselves) and then convert that power to AC (with further losses) and then into whatever the ballasts convert it for the lamps with more losses (think about how much heat your ballasts put off... all that is energy that is NOT being converted into light) You add up all these losses and it dosent make any sense! Its like you might as well put the plants out in the freaking sun to begin with!

So in my opinion, the most efficient and thus environmentally friendly setup would be some kind of greenhouse system where sunlight can be let in to a building in a way that dosent let LEO see into the building.

Along this line I found something called "solar hybrid lighting" which seemed very interesting if one applied the idea to indoor growing. The way this technology works is you mount a satellite dish looking thing on your roof whose job is to focus light to the central point on the dish rather than signals. The focus of the dish is the start of a fiber optic cable, which can pipe light into the building (mind you the fiber is only piping the visible light and NOT IR radiation which is essentially a "heat filter")

In the lighting application the fiber optic cable enters a thing that looks like a standard 2 x 4 florescent lighting fixture. This fixture can emit the sunlight directly or can mix it with electric lighting depending on intensity of the sunlight, lighting requirement, time of day, weather etc.

Here is a you tube video on the technology

Since my thread about smart meters was closed thanks to some griefer trolls, I decided to open another.

This time not about smart meters specifically but about technology in general, that can be used against us.

In my threat I gave to examples, smart meters and helicopter sniffer drones. People called me many things in my threat like I am lying that this technology exists. In a forum about security of all places. :noway:

So I wonder what technologies or devices others think is a threat to their security and privacy when it comes to growing.

Also, what counter-technologies can we use to enhance our security and protection? Some suggested that we should just be inventive and be smarter. Some suggested a device to fool a smart meter. Or found ways to have a dual rooms set up with continuous power usage.

So, tell me, what other machines, devices and appliances exist that cause us grief? And what can we do about it? Share your wisdom please.


Well in my town the power company offered to install free a new meter and a free state of the art thermostat for free. this eqipment can motitor tell them when the power spike and the can shut ya down or set your power usage funny... but no joke

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