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ICMag Donor
British_Bulldog said:
Has anyone got any pics of this contaminated herb, as I'd be interested to see what it looks like, cheers.


there are several photos in this thread :no:


well , looks like the grit weed is bak in full force in north of england....its defo less gritty but if u take a gud bite into this shit it still crunches...the dealer sed bite it its not contaminated and proceeded to smoke 1, so obviously hes not bit into it enuf like i did to see, so after accidentally smokin half i threw the rest away , the guy rings me up u want sum more? im like listen its grit still he freaked out like these gangster types do and started screamin why u sayin this? and threatenin my life for jus sayin its not rite in a laid bak manner..im a medical user who takes cannabis for chronic pain and depression and i jus cant be smokin anymore of this shit, the 90s soapbar did enuf damage as it is...well its typical wen i got 4 weeks to wait for my own grow to be ready... i cant afford to risk my health with tht shit so fuk this 250 hps im goin for a 600hps now .....if i get busted fuk it .....ill state my case I DONT DEAL ITS FOR ME I AINT SPENDIN MONEY SMOKIN GLASS SO DO WOT U FUKIN WANT.....


:fsu: im making myself a little grow cabinet to keep me and some close friends happy with some organic grown goodness :headbange
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ICMag Donor
harold said:
:fsu: im making myself a little grow cabinet to keep me and some close friends happy with some organic grown goodness :headbange

ya mon, true player :yes:

deceivers are trying to clog up the system, that's the way they play games,,,

,, while the true-players never loose spirit in the pure plant :canabis:



DocLeaf said:
ya mon, true player :yes:

deceivers are trying to clog up the system, that's the way they play games,,,

,, while the true-players never lose spirit in the pure plant :canabis:

word :rasta:

The truth is that real marijuana is medicinal.

You know your bud is unadulterated if you grow it yourself.

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Active member
deathtosoapbar said:
well , looks like the grit weed is bak in full force in north of england....
Too true :fsu: but it seems like its more and more "brixed" weed thats going around, rather than the glass shite (not that brix is any better). Unless you have descent links, it is virtually impossible to get dry bud anymore, and it has now become a trend for all these "dial-a-dealers" to sell 2.8g eigths of WET and SUGARY bud


Are people not fed up with paying 20 quid for what really is a 10 bag with extra water and sugar (brix, or whatever they put in)?

Like its been said many times before, save yourself some money, dont give it to the greedy fuckers who will jeopardize your health for a buck, GROW YOUR OWN!
Its the only way to be certain our medecine stays safe.


On another note, here is an update from the Department of Health (dating from May, sorry I didnt find this earlier), this is following their first communication in January that was posted earlier in this thread:


NHS Trusts - Medical Directors (England)
Primary Care Trusts - Directors of Public Health
Primary Care Trusts - Medical Directors

Cc (Groups):

Chairman - Professional Executive Committee of PCT
MHRA Drug Alerts
NHS Trust Chief Executives
PCT Chief Executives
Public Health Link
SHA Chief Executives
Strategic Health Authorities (England) - Directors of Public Health
Territorial CMOs

Fax To:

Department of Health

17 May 2007


NON-URGENT (cascade within 3 days)



Broadcast Content:

To: Directors of Public Health of PCTs to forward to:
All GENERAL PRACTITIONERS - please ensure this message is seen by all practice nurses and non-principals working in your practice
- Deputising services
- Project manager/Nurse lead in Walk in Centres
- Lead nurses in PCTs
- PCT Pharmaceutical Advisers to forward to community pharmacists

Update on seizures of cannabis contaminated with glass particles

1. This is an update to a previous alert, issued on January 16 this year regarding potential health harms associated with the use of cannabis that had been contaminated with glass particles

2. Since then we have been investigating this matter further, in consultation with colleagues in the Forensic Science Service and this communication is to update you on our latest advice based on emerging information.

3. Whilst there is some evidence of a fall in the levels of glass contamination of cannabis in 2007, there is also a possibility that it has become less easy for users to detect it.

4. Information received from the Forensic Science Service in April 2007, which includes analysis of seizures of cannabis, provides the following updated information:

a. contaminated cannabis has been in circulation since at least July 2006 and in significant numbers since at least November 2006;

b. contaminated cannabis is found in approximately 5-10% of herbal cannabis seizure cases examined;

c. the proportions in seized cannabis in February (4.6%) and March (5.9%) are lower than that in January (9.6%), which may indicate that the market is changing in response to the media and concerns of users;

d. glass-contaminated cannabis has now been found in most parts of the UK – but not in Wales, and with no recent seizures in Northern Ireland;

e. evidence to date supports the view that the contaminated cannabis is being imported, probably from the Netherlands;

f. the reason for adding the glass particles remains uncertain, but it still seems likely that they are added to improve the apparent quality and weight;

g. internet cannabis forums are now reporting the appearance of cannabis contaminated with much finer particles that are not easily detected as a gritty feeling; and

h. if growers are using much smaller particles of glass beads, this could, theoretically, increase the health risk of smoking contaminated cannabis.

5. Please note that the main alert and information for patients provided in January 2007, advising to stop or reduce use, and to avoid any further use of samples where there is suspicion of actual contamination, still stands. The wording of each has been updated to reflect the information that there are internet reports of samples with finer glass that may not be identifiable by a feeling of grittiness.

6. DH will continue to monitor the available information and will provide updated information when appropriate.

This document has been authorised by the Department of Health: Gateway reference no: 8250



ICMag Donor
thanks for the update all :yes:




It saddens me to read this shit is still being distributed throughout the uk and europe! And as we all strive to make people aware through this sacred site of ours, I fear the message is not getting through to the people this really concerns. Most of the people that use this site and many others alike are able to soke up this knoledge and steer clear of any contaminated bud and grow our own.

But the mojority of people still supporting these dial-a-dealers are the younger generation,( I said majority! Not all!) This is definatly a fact in my area which is a small bk town in the uk. And the area i came from which is on the city doorstep!
I am still seeing this shit frequently being smoked by your average young cannabis smoker that has his Health in the Hands of the local slinger.....

I feel this is One of the issues that needs focusing in on, Educating these people about this shit!
I mean they are giving out devices that stop your drinks being spiked, and i remember E testing kits... Educate the people and they wont buy it!


Active member
Since this is all over Europe - from North to South, so whoever is behind putting it on the market has got to be well organized and connected..

With that said, I want to point out that it is EXTREMELY dangerous to smoke it.. A friend of mine told me just the other week that he had suffered a heart attack as a consequence from smoking it!! No bs. A young man in his 20s and otherwise healthy, he is now prescribed nitroglycerinepills.. According to him, the doctors had projected that he will not live pass his 30's and concluded that the underlying cause of his heart attack was smoking poisoned marijuana..

Government in this country, while still claiming to pursue their prohibitionist policies in the interest of public health, has not even gone out with a warning..


I have recently come across some weird bud which is not sandy...but also seems very dodgey...
it burns very very poorly and leaves hard ash which when crushed apart will leave oily/tar residues on your fingers.... it's almost as if it's not plant material..
This was from switzerland.. but my friend from the UK says he has seen the same sort of stuff....


Active member

UK drug laws, a horse they like to flog,
Whats the problem i will tell u,
The people at the top , the continuing illegality,
UK police drugs commision , whos heading it,
An ancient bint with a title, shes a dame,
The most she would say on an interview with itv news,
Was that there seems to be a connection between social deprevation and drug use really,
I will tell you why its not a problem at the top end of society,
Cuz them people can afford it, drugs only a problem when u skint,
The further down the chain you are the more likely what u doin been cut to far,
And we got ainchents at the top of the mob with no life experiance,
Of living with theres lives leaned up against the fence of poverty,
Its a joke, another of the tragedys,
That the people who decide policy on council estate drug takin rates,
Aint got the kind of faces that look like they live there,
Puttin dealers into prison, dont mean theres less drugs on the streets, cuz people need,
What were all meant to just drink alchahol and be happy?
Have u seen what booze does to people who got a stress,
They go out an mess up other people faces,
Give that same person a spliff an he gonna chill out , you with,
I aint sayin toke weed everyday, i dont,
All im sayin is people got a right to the choice,
Dont you hear the voice of the people, alcohol drives humans to evils,
Weed just makes them chill, theres a minority who get made mentally ill when they toke too much,
But they already had that problem latent you can trust,
Millions of tokers smoke with less damage to their health than hardcore drinkers,
Have u ever seen a drinker shake, sugar comas and its legal to get to that,
To get your weed you gotta chat to gangsters and who knows what else theyre pushin,
Well if it was legal, would be a solution to so many problems.

UK drug laws need to change, when people rage drink aint the soloution,
They end up damaging themselves and anyone else that gets in there way,
Will we see a better way, the tax raised could bring in needed billions,
To help the country at a time when they cutting back on public services like rubbish collection,
To pay for the madness of iraq,

What do they know about our lifes?
They know jack

UK drug laws, all the whores that reign at the top,
Nighing like annoyed horses that dont understand what they fear,
Keepin drugs illigal only benifits criminals, putting skaggys on methadone dont help them get better,
And clean heroin is more healthy than that chemical mess,
Destroy there livers, its failed the test you hear,
Methadone was devolped by the nazis, now its a cornerstone of helping junkies,
Yet i know junkies who quit it with weed,
Cuz u get to a point where u must have something,
Your brain aint releasing dopemaines as needed,
Anti depressents mess you up so bad youd rather not have them,
Their soloutions are a load of bull you get me,
The amsterdam experiment worked, all the problems in that town are from people who holiday there cuz they can get wasted witout fear,
Means people from here gravitate to there, its bull,
Dont they see the way the majority are going,
Ask most of the british peoople if they think cannabis should be illigal they gonna say no,
Yet politicians wont talk about legalisation tho,
Whips will get yer, youll be in trouble,
Even charles kennedy when he was head of the libreals
wasnt allowed to discuss it on the order of his party chairmen,
Why dont they just admit, this aint democracy its facist,
We're ruled by the civil service, not by the people we elect,
The majority of people want ganja legal, will they relent no,
So keep it illegal even tho it means, people taint it up just to bulk it up,
Smoke too much with a silicon crust and u gonna die,
If things were like in holland people would fly instead,
Its gottta change, we need it to relent.
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that's ****ing distgusting! i'd wanna slug any dude trying to palm that shit off on me man..... too bad some peeps don't have the option to grow there own....


for eal.... if i see any shit like that BRIX at my local hydro store i'm fittin to smack the smile of the owners face!
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Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
France's full of glass weed, to bad i'm growing...
People from Lille, north of france, near belgium borders, have shown me samples full of glass to, coming directly from holland black market...
Hope the situation will improve, as it seems to be, but i feel that it s only getting worse and worse...


dewds need to straight boycott that bs! no demand = no supply!!! or hopefully the schmucks putting BRIX'D weed out get the message...
As Doc has stated a few times, a list needs to be given to the 'Dam's health dept. Health inspections don't warrant closure unless something REALLY eff'd up is found. I mean, just look at the restaurant business, they can find rat droppings in a place and they'll still stay open, just has to be fixed by next month. But glass, or possible life altering, and/or lethal contaminates would definitely shut somewhere down I'd hope. If the shop is clean, then they don't have anything to worry about.


ICMag Donor
memetic said:
for eal.... if i see any shit like that BRIX at my local hydro store i'm fittin to smack the smile of the owners face!

we contacted the main uk wholesalers,, they couldn't or wouldn't supply any detailed info. about the chemical breakdown of the contents of Brix... cause they were either too stupid or assholes. **** them and all that gave birth to them!!

the Dutch have lost their balls!! time was people in Amsterdam stood up to be counted,, these days they are just as happy to sit back, take your money and ignore social issues.. I's not in a hurry to go back to Amsterdam,,, they've lost the golden spirit.

please continue to spit at coffeeshops selling bogus skunk.

peace n love
dLeaf :joint:
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