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Damn it stinks in here!


Well-known member
so what happen ? Did they pull thru?

The one I took pics of pulled through. The other one I cut with a razor as suggested but still died. I'll get a current pic up.

The 630 is doing great in the tent. ECSD up front with ChemD behind, GG4 off to the left. Pics are from about a month ago.


ChemD @ 60 days pre harvest.




Well-known member
More of the ECSD. She's at 58 days here. Came down about 10 days later. Still amazed at the impact the new light and schedule change has made on this girl. It's like a whole new plant and I've shaved nearly 2 weeks off the flower time. No other plant has had as dramatic of a change. Been smoking on it exclusively and it's some of the best sour I've had in a while.






Well-known member
Everything is 11/13 and I don't plan on ever going back to 12/12. I'm seeing nothing but benefits from the switch. Room set to 68. Everything goes purple in there. Love it!


Well-known member
Thanks Zomboy. It's not all peaches over here though. I learned the hard way that I can't turn my new light up to full power in my closet grow. Burnt the shit out of my TK this round and a couple others. I'll be going back to the cycloptics unit for the summer and will boost light output with my led shop lights. The 630 is going to the other tent to make the most of what it has to offer.


Active member
Everything is 11/13 and I don't plan on ever going back to 12/12. I'm seeing nothing but benefits from the switch. Room set to 68. Everything goes purple in there. Love it!

looking great brother. I am to cheap to spend the money on a light controller so I run 2 timers for 3 lights. I have always set them for 11 to 11.5 hrs on just to be sure neither 1 stays on past 12 hrs.


Well-known member
OMG scrappy, such beautiful plants... they both really look top notch. Are you using a cmh in the tent...
that’s crazy how it shaved two weeks off flower time... you think that’s from the light schedule...

When do you start tucking and weaving those branches through the screen? During veg or at beginning of flowering... I still never ran a screen yet but everytime I see yours it makes me want to more and more...

Looking great man ...!!!...


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I am in (mid 40 days) flower currently... That is interesting, your light schedule. I honestly had considered this when I first flipped. I think I am going to go ahead and change my schedule right now and give mine an extra hour of darkness. It's kinda late in the game for me atm to do so, but maybe it will benefit by a few days.

Gonna try it and we will see...

I have ran that schedule once back in the day, with an all landrace sativa run, several different strains from ace seeds. But where they take forever to flower anyway, I am not sure I could really tell if it done any good.


Well-known member
I don't set up the screens until day 1 of flower. Sometimes I can't even get to it until day 7. All depends on which garden I'm working in as some I have more access to than others. Veg space is way too small for screens.

It works alright for some strains like sour and chem. Others I have a hard time filling the screen up before they stop stretching. If I had more space I definitely wouldn't be doing it this way.


Well-known member
I don't set up the screens until day 1 of flower. Sometimes I can't even get to it until day 7. All depends on which garden I'm working in as some I have more access to than others. Veg space is way too small for screens.

It works alright for some strains like sour and chem. Others I have a hard time filling the screen up before they stop stretching. If I had more space I definitely wouldn't be doing it this way.

Thanks for the fast response...
I could imagine strains with thicker stems like Bubba Kush would be a lot harder to fill up a screen with...
I like strains that when you top them they end up having a bunch of tops...
I’ve been telling myself to run screens like that one of these times... I know it will help with yields... I’d probably do it just like those because I like to be able to move my plants around if I can...

If you don’t mind me asking- if you did have more space what would you be doing differently...?...
your plants always look killer, what kind of soil are you using now...?...
it would be great to have access to all the different genetics you run through...


Well-known member
Only experience I have with bubba was back some 10 yrs ago when I was still a newb. All I remember was that she didn't yield well. Gonna try and fix that this time around. I just got her back and she's on deck. No screen. Sour, chem, glue, tk all are ideal for this type setup.

If I had the space I'd have a 2nd veg room. Put them in their flowering container with the screen under the LED shop lights and just let them chill until it fills up.

The screens work best for plants directly under the light. For everything along the walls not so much. To get the most out of these lights you need to have 1 big plant with screen under the light and then everything on the outside raised up to get them in the sweet spot, then shape the canopy sorta like a bowl. I do this for my personal closet garden but the tents I only get to see twice a week so I screen the whole thing for convenience, with a little loss in yield/quality.

My soil mix is 3 gal each of promix, perlite, ocean forest (or similar), 1 gal castings, 1 gal compost. For amendments I use Dank Frank's NSPB recipe.


ICMag Donor
Looking excellent in here, Scrappy. I about choked when you said you were following one of my recipes. :respect:

It's always so humbling to follow a thread where someone is just in full on crush mode and then I read something like that.

To the almighty revered breeder who told me in a PM this past week that - "1:100 I'd never amount to anything" - Ha. Kick rocks. If even ONE person has improved their experience with cannabis as a result of my efforts, then my life has ALREADY amounted to something great than it's sum.

Cheers, Scrappy. I hope to join you in the screened out CMH numbers game this next round. Your thread is always encouraging. I might even have to try out 11/13 on this new 12wk Cobalt Haze lady that isn't going away any time soon.



Active member
Only experience I have with bubba was back some 10 yrs ago when I was still a newb. All I remember was that she didn't yield well. Gonna try and fix that this time around. I just got her back and she's on deck. No screen. Sour, chem, glue, tk all are ideal for this type setup.

If I had the space I'd have a 2nd veg room. Put them in their flowering container with the screen under the LED shop lights and just let them chill until it fills up.

The screens work best for plants directly under the light. For everything along the walls not so much. To get the most out of these lights you need to have 1 big plant with screen under the light and then everything on the outside raised up to get them in the sweet spot, then shape the canopy sorta like a bowl. I do this for my personal closet garden but the tents I only get to see twice a week so I screen the whole thing for convenience, with a little loss in yield/quality.

My soil mix is 3 gal each of promix, perlite, ocean forest (or similar), 1 gal castings, 1 gal compost. For amendments I use Dank Frank's NSPB recipe.

I grew bubba and Suge years ago they both suck at vegging, slow as hell and end result is not nearly enough bud. Now bubba crosses are def worth growing from my experience.

DF fok aremihC lol I guesses its him.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Only experience I have with bubba was back some 10 yrs ago when I was still a newb. All I remember was that she didn't yield well. Gonna try and fix that this time around. I just got her back and she's on deck. No screen. Sour, chem, glue, tk all are ideal for this type setup.

If I had the space I'd have a 2nd veg room. Put them in their flowering container with the screen under the LED shop lights and just let them chill until it fills up.

The screens work best for plants directly under the light. For everything along the walls not so much. To get the most out of these lights you need to have 1 big plant with screen under the light and then everything on the outside raised up to get them in the sweet spot, then shape the canopy sorta like a bowl. I do this for my personal closet garden but the tents I only get to see twice a week so I screen the whole thing for convenience, with a little loss in yield/quality.

My soil mix is 3 gal each of promix, perlite, ocean forest (or similar), 1 gal castings, 1 gal compost. For amendments I use Dank Frank's NSPB recipe.

I am running a pretty large grow at the moment. About 80% or more of this grow is greenpoint gear. I have 2 pioneer kushes which is pre98 bubba x purple stardawg male. The pioneer is some awesome looking bud, both phenos were VERY slow to veg. Both phenos also are bubba leaners. One in particular is pure bubba... Smells so damn good but it's the smallest plant in the entire room. I bet she will have only an oz in the end where all my others will have 2 to 4 per plant. I'm gonna keep this one as personal headstash because I love that old school indica afghani stone... Been a few years since I have had that in my life. Smells of coffee and earth, a touch of musk but not much actually the odor is very low on this one.

Hope you don't mind me sharing, I'm gonna be harvesting her in the next couple days, shes gonna be a 54 day girl.



Well-known member
Yeah bubba's a good one. She's never leaving my garden.

I don't really care about the yield, but I have some tricks up my sleeve to bump it up a little.