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Damn cops should I worry?


New member
I also know a lot of people from MA. A lot of them have been busted for dealing pot. Most see no jail time especially if it's under 49 pounds. I've also seen a lot of growers in MA busted multiple times with little jail time if you consider a year or less little.


Active member
Come on! That is bullshit you guys, there is no way that can DNA a plant and tie it to you. If your growing SourD, you know how many people are growing that exact same plant? The thought of that is just retarded.


JESUS CHRIST MAN.. lol I know we all get nervous with the FUZZ bro.. but go on youtube.. an watch.. Never Get Busted AGAIN. and it helps u understand how to act and wat to say.. it saved my balls last time I got pulled over..

also.. go onto Amazon. and get a in car camera.. they stick on the windshield.. I got mine for like 20 bucks... they have front and back .. so u can videotape other cars or inside the car..
grab a sticker.. put it on the driverside window.. You are being warned there is a video camera in the vehicle recording Video and Audio.. the camera ALONE.. has stopped a lot of STUPID COPs from breaking the LAW.


New member
DNA? I don't know about that. Think about it real quick. Just cause each crop had the same DNA it does not mean it was all connected to one grower. Clones for sale are pretty common scene.



clones for sale aren't that common.. especially in non-med states. This guy I know.. served a year in state, he read it in his papers too, I have no reason to doubt him. The strain he was growing would not have been common, or found anywhere around outdoors where he was...

DNA testing is used to further link him... One of the other things that got him on their radar, was his brother who snitched out one of 3 spots this guy had... so they followed him to one... and took samples, followed him to another.. took samples.. voila.

Double F

i doubt they will follow up, there was no evidence of sales. if you got pulled over with clones and cash, or weed that was sacked up in different baggies that would be a red flag.

thats why its always good to make sure your state issued ID and any DMV records to not match to your grow property. register your car and ID with your parents house or a PO box, and keep your grow house under the radar and keep any paperwork for the house (lease papers, work orders) etc hidden away in a storage unit. if they raid your house and find paperwork leading to a 2nd house they will definitely raid the 2nd house.

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
I call bullshit on the dna testing of weed being done for that purpose, let alone it being admissable in court.

But I guess I could be wrong.


New member
There is such a thing a marijuana genotyping but from my readings and I am not an expert by any means is that it can differentiate between hemp and cannabis and some strains. But to get to the level of telling what garden it is from bullshit, well unless he busted a nut on all his plants. Plus the fact that DNA sequencing is very expensive and time consuming.


Just a follow up to the whole DNA thing...


The University of New Haven's work is an extension of the law enforcement-related marijuana DNA profiling the school has done over the past five years under a $100,000 grant from the federal Office of National Drug Control Policy's High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program. The school created a marijuana DNA profile database that has helped federal authorities determine where illegal pot growers and dealers got their product.


New member
Ya man I detect your boy lied to you. I've heard a lot of craziness from guys in lock up. DNA is very expensive and rarely used. It's nothing like CSi. Isn't that study more about maybe where it's originating from not who's growing it. The DNA still wouldn't prove indefinitely who's growing it in my eyes. Seems like a lot of reasonable doubt to me. Either way my eyes are open to the possibility of this happening.


That whole bs "look, I don't care if you've got a little pot" thing is a tactic police use to get you to consent to a search.

NEVER consent to a search. They will give you all types of bs from the good cop, "I'm on your side" buddy routine to intimidation and threatening. Remember, if they not searching your car, they can't. If they didn't need consent they wouldn't ask.

Police are NOT on your side. They want to arrest you. Don't make it easy for them.

They can't "help you out" either. Once they accomplish their goal of arresting you, you're on your own.

Sorry for your experience now don't let it happen again.
If they do want to do anything more they probably can because they now have reasonable doubt. They can be the biggest ass or the nicest person in the world it just depends on them.

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