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damn bank.

pack a bowl

i deposited $187 into the bank w/ a envelope into the atm. Cash. I remeber the specific number because... well its 187 on a mutha fucking cop. ha ha ha

I check my account online and it goes through. The next day they withdrawal $100 and it basically said on my thing online that they fixed an error by taking 100$ from me.... so they said I only put 87$ in.

i call yesterday, they put me on hold for about 8 minutes ask for my phone number and say they will call me back. They don't.

so wtf am I to do? b/c some asshole made a mistake I am losing $100 that i know I put into my fucking account. And i have no proof b/c it was cash into an ATM.



Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
No receipts? i mean i ALWAYS get a receipt from ANY atm transaction. I deposit cash into ATM's all the time man and i never had aproblem and i always grabbed a receipt. Yo FUCK that get your money, they are robbing you

pack a bowl

the receipt means nothing, b/c it was an atm transaction. The receipt says what ever i typed... which was $187, but they said that was an error. Theres no fucking proof on my end!


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Oh then your fucked my bad, my bank prints out a paper showing how much cash i put in there, it even breaks it down like how many 10's, 20's etc i put in

pack a bowl

b/c me and AC were smoking doobies and I figured rather than deal with the **** that is always working to deal with the machine...

I wonder if when i go in I should say "Well b/c i hate interacting with that teller who is always a bitter bitch, I opted for the atm" if they ask why I chose the ATM. ha.


ICMag Donor
most atm have cameras...did you put the money in the envelope in front of the atm?...it might be on camera...that sucks, I used to work at a bank and it was usually addition errors ppl did on the deposit ticket...good luck!

another thing is if your dealing with cash is on the back of the deposit slip is a place to mark what bills you are depositing...jot those down, might help next time.


cant stop wont stop
Oh then your fucked my bad, my bank prints out a paper showing how much cash i put in there, it even breaks it down like how many 10's, 20's etc i put in

so your atm scans each bill you put in??? is probably what they should fucking do..

packabowl dude - raise fucking hell!
if you bitch about it enough they're bound to come up with a resolution..
give'm that loyal customer bit and tell'm youre switching banks if they dont pay you.. andd if they really dont FUCK'M.

pack a bowl

great info ms.babba i rarely use the atm to deposit so i didn't know about the bill info on the back of the slip.

oh i plan on raising hell, and switching banks no matter what. I was told by a few friends how this bank fucked up shit on their accounts also... I just wonder why they didn't tell me when they knew i was starting an account at this bank...

Mr. Burgundy

Active member


I had a discrepancy with a bank-WAMU-right before the merger.

I had deposited cash in an "checks only" box that was locked in the branch. I know, dumb move on my part, but it gets better....

At first, they claimed they never got it. Right or wrong move on my part, it was in a locked box. If a locked box in a bank is not safe, wtf?!

"The manager keeps a key, and goes over the contents at the end of the day with a teller.."
Ok, I am aware of this practice. Its called T.M.I. (Two Man Integrity)- from my days in the military. She almost shat her skirt when I told her, "yeah, I know what it is, and that also means every time that box is emptied, you write down the contents, and a manager has to verify..so from the box to the inventory sheet, someone was naughty.."

.. one of the tellers had scammed it, got busted, and was fired. If I didn't follow up on it, my money would have been gone. I got the complete amount posted in my account-but I cannot say how shady it was when I got the call SAYING, "YEAH, ONE OF OUR TELLERS THAT COUNTED THE BOX GOT FIRED..OUR BAD..*click*"



ICMag Donor
What a dumbass...you can do anything as an employee of a bank without someone there with you! did she really think she was going to get away with that??..and for what?..a few bucks? god some ppl have no brains at all!! lol


Doesn't your bank print receipts with the image of the deposit? I assume it was a paycheck or sumthin?

I do a lot of depositing into the ATM and the "print receipt with image" option is golden.

Chase ftw (although I don't like JP Morgan the dude grrr)

Zack....why the hell would you deposit dough through the ATM man ?

If you've done it before, it's way quicker than the teller.

Usually on pay day there is a line out into the road at the bank (exaggeration for emphasis).

I like the feeling of doing it myself.

It updates your account immediately after deposit, no matter what time of day.

And like I said, it has the "print receipt with image" option so it will give you a receipt with a scanned image of the check you deposited. There is no way anyone can argue with the actual picture of what you deposited.

And you can take out money RIGHT after you deposit it, like getting cash back, since it updates your account instantly.

And most importantly of all, like pack a bowl already said, you don't have to mess with the bitch/dick of a teller or wait for said bitch/dick of a teller. Priceless.

ps: if this thread is about depositing cash, sorry.. I'm sure everything I said was useless. haha

pack a bowl

ha so they call me telling me the 100$ has been credited to my account.... then i said bye and it was over b/c i had to get back to work, lol what a joke. I wonder why the fuck it happened in the first place but i didn't even want to deal with a phone call when they called.


Active member
i used to deposit my paychecks like that...before i had direct deposit, and never had a problem.

one night tho i was depositing my check at about midnight, and the night deposit door was jammed like half open...i opened it and there was one of those big zippered canvas money bags that businesses use to deposit the days transactions in there....the door never closed so it didnt roll thru the metal finger things.

i opened it up and there was a shitload of cash and a bunch of checks in it....the deposit slip in the bag said almost 2,000 cash and like 450 in checks, deposited by a mall cd store.

....yeah i thought about it, but i was like man this might be a setup or somethin, and plus the cameras...so i didnt take anything and put it thru like a good boy...hopefully aquiring some good karma in the process.


nice to hear your problem was solved.

mother in law worked in a bank and she has experienced problems with the people that collect the deposit checks. if its cash there is a temptation....

i only deposit checks via ATM. with cash i go inside to deposit or spend the stuff.


At my last job, one of the really good guys (supervisor) did a night deposit of a few thousand.

Couple of weeks later, he gets an in person meeting - "where is the money you should have deposited?". He remembers the date, and tells them exactly where and when he put the $.

Corporate sez no money was deposited, and bank has no record.

He was given written notice - they accused him of taking money.

Many months down the road, he happens to ask a head office friend whatever happened about the missing $. Buddy tells him the bank found it, no problem.

No problem??? They never came back to him to tell him - they never said shit to him about sorry, or anything.

And - that warning was still on his record, he had to APPLY to have it removed. It took a while...

Fucking bean counters - if he hadn't pursued it, he never would have known.


Lammen Gorthaur
It was probably you. Otherwise the deposit trail would have come up $100 over and that would have been easily found.

It could be different I guess if someone just decided to lift the $100 out of the envelope, but the odds on that are kind of long...


stone fool
I think that if you put your cash into an entity that will not speak to you, you should not expect to get it all back. Marraige taught me this.

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