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Daily users: Do you feel guilty or useless?

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Mr. Tony said:
ROFL I know C.P.A.'s who smoke on the daily...

cool stuff, but that is just numbers

think of all the creative stuff that has been made while stoned, of course I am too high to think of any, but you get the idea. Art, music, inventions, ideas


Active member
Take a break from smoking bro..If you're happier pot free then try that for awhile.
I smoke all day long for the most part...and I work a LOT! I agree with folks you may need to change what strains you're smoking.Sounds to me like your ready for a break though bro.


I smoke every day several times a day. I like it, like others have said it keep me "level" and allows me to not hate the fact that I am going to be working the entire day. Being self-conscious occasionally is something I have gotten accustomed to, but I do wish I had better self esteem.


Active member
i felt useless when i was in a wheel chair, but after learning to walk aftereach operation/rehab, i don't feel useless...every day i can get myself upright, i smile...anything that happens after that is icing on the cake.

i do have a guilty conscience, but that's got nothing to do with my herbal usages...

find a friend, companion, or pet...dive into some fictional books/movies/video games...

this is the only period of time i will spend in this body, its probably half over...

you are the only one who can help you...be the change, enjoy the journey. :jump:


Sometimes you have to cut back or take a break. As much as I enjoy the creativity, introspection and sociability herbs offers I admit it does make me more forgetful, unmotivated and beclouded. After I few days off toking I feel considerably sharper mentally. Not all of us are cut out to be daily users, find a dose that right for you. I keep it to weekends and social events.


about your self asteem, try reading about the 12 universal laws. that helped me tremendously with my low self asteem, i think i can honestly say that i have rid myself of most of these problems.... most!

yes i can totally identify with what you are saying, it seems to me that the pressure from the world is closing in on you, been there.

very simplified its a matter of forgiving yourselves, and realizing no one has any power over you unless you let them. thus the power they have over you is yours.

live and let be + you may only receive the energy frequency you are currently vibrating at. uncertainty=more unceirtanty. if you think cannabis helps you, know it and you have validation!

information will help you find your way again. lost is found, as there is down, there is up.



Cannabrex Formulator
Staying high does not make me feel guilty or useless.....it make me able to do constructive things about escaping the donkeyhonkers around me, instead of climbing a tall building with a large weepon and doing it the easy way.

Still think about it from time to time....but it's a thought, not a compulsion.

In short, I stay high for health reasons.................the health of those around me.


switch that to for your own health, live and let be..

and there are ez livings bro


Active member
try different strains. Its like a miilions of combinations of effects can be achieved from 1 plant amazes me every time i toke something new & diff.
check Dr. J's med forum to help i.d. which strains will be best suited for your situation. I also believe in strain tolerance to some degree.

The other condition I find most dramatically effects the apathy you speak of; physical activity level. for me anyway. The more of it i have in my life (fitness) the most resilient i seem to be to bout of depression and stagnation.

re: the guilt, most of that probably comes from social attitudes towards it, or your discontent with where your at right this very moment in life.

good luck


ICMag Donor
Doseage plays a big part ,i found that just having a few tokes was perfect during the week.
Now with a few different strains ,i keep tasting this and sampleing that and before ya know it ..im a bit too out of it to finsh anything.Moderation,Moderation,Moderation


Active member
Start training hard: First by swimming to clean your lungs and get in shape, then do some violent sport, like the kind madam boxe.

Best antidepressant therapy ever.


sunshine in a bag
It all depends. I do notice that I am sharper when sober, and I do enjoy sobriety. I sometimes however do indulge in a very old human pasttime of getting fucked up. It is quite fun, and some of the products of these activities make it seem worth it.

I've been taking a break for a while though. Haven't gotten high since Pineapple Express came out. Don't intend to for a while either, I see no real reason to do so. I'm not that bored yet.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Combine a daily Cannabis consumption with bad food habits, no physical and mental exercise, bad sleep, heavy drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, and it will perhaps add to your slowly deteriorating health.

Combine it with a healthy diet, physical and mental exercise, good sleep, only natural, harmless and mind-expanding drugs such as LSD, DMT, Psilocybin or Khat, and it will add to your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
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one in the chamber
I tend to keep my smoking to late at night when my work is done, although I do occasionally take a toke or two during the day when I have an hour or two to kill. :) Moderation is key: one or two hits from a bat is fine. Smoking a 2 gram blunt is not going to help me get things done. lol


Freedom Fighter
I am a very conservative person...I only smoke when I am awake (Thank science for insomnia!!) but when I smoke, I adhere to a simple "Excessive" routine-- :rasta: :muahaha:
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