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Dad uses "shock collar" on his kids


Active member
Perhaps justice could swiftly and fairly be served on this child abuser by the courts passing a sentance where-by an electric cattle prod could be inserted (without the aid of a lubricant) into the perpetrators rectal cavity and switched on and off a few times.....

I like that one........he certainly deserves it FO SHO!

I HATE PPL who hurt children. Chips at their little souls and spirits. Tragic.

Space Ghost

those dog shock collars f'ing hurt! don't ask how i know... but to use it on your own young children? that's low... I don't know what a fitting punishment would be, but suffice it to say it wouldn't be fun...


pure dynamite
That must f#cking hurt.. what an idiot! And using it on his own children, that man doesn't deserve a family.


Lammen Gorthaur
what a fuckhead! :wallbash:

....he did it "for fun"

...lets put him in the electric chair for fun

Okay. Admit it, Yukon. You wanted your kids to stay put and help with the family fishing business and they were going to run, so you did the collars. It's okay, you can admit it. You are among friends.

Admitting it is the first step in your recovery... LOL~!


madricinco, i think what this guy did is a little different than what you are describing...

All i'm saying is i think that they might be blowing it out of proportion. It doesn't sound like he had sadistic or abusive intentions, it sounds more like he was playing with them. Again, not excusing what he did. I just think its as extreme as the article and prosecutors are makings it sound. Yes it was a dumb idea, but it does not mean that he doesn't love his children. dont

I agree that violence to a degree is learned, but i'm sure its also instinctual to an extent as well. Seems like all other mamals fight and are violent by nature, most likely they evolved that way for survival. Anyway, sub-point being that humans have been spanking their children for millenia. Its normal. My dad spanked me (maybe harder than he should have on some occaisions) but I'm glad for it. My freinds that weren't spanked as children seem as if they would have benifited from it. All this nonsense about not spanking your kid only came about in the past few decades. Again, i acknowledge that spanking and shocking with a collar are not the same thing. Also, why the fuck is it okay to shock a dog with a collar but not a child? are dogs any less living than a child? Seems like a double standard to me. Don't worry, i dont have kids and don't plan on it, and no i'm not catholic. Hope all that makes sense.